Hetfield is "insecure" and needs hugs

  • Thread starter Thread starter RaceU4her
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Please include Testament. They are the only band that got better and better with tima and age. They are so underated. They should be Metallica!!!!
True, I have enjoyed the newer stuff from Testament.
Axl Rose would never pull this bullshit
Yeah, but he honorably pulled a “all hat no cattle”
after Vince Neil of ‘The Motley Crue
challenged the “Where’s Axl” to a fist fight
in any city of Where’s Axel’s choice.
And WTF happened RaceU, hmm?
Rock-n-Roll crickets?
So the question STILL remains RaceU,

These were too funny and thought they needed to be consolidated into one list.

Enter Sad Man
Cryer’s Eve
Handkerchief of Sorrow
Weeping Death
The Sniffle Within
Sad but Sadder
Tantrum Lord
Whine of the Beholder
For Whom the Tear Flows
Baggage, Inc.
Blackened Blues
Enter Vaginal Sand
The Soyest Straw
Welper Messiah
Bro Remorse
The Call of BooHoolu
Tampon Lord
The Sob that Failed
So WaaaahT
Am your Bitch
Searching...Sulk and Annoy!!!

And just to add a little fuel to the fire here's a couple of my own.

The Four Hugsmen
The Hug That Never Comes
Cry, Cry My Darling
Fight Cryer with Cryer
Disposable Tissues
Whinier Than Thou
The House Tears Built
To Live is To Cry
Welcome Hugs (Sobitarium)

Karma's a biaatch and if you're lucky God lets you watch...

No double standards to see here, move along
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Never ever done a concert? Hopefully that was a typo? I’m pretty sure most the guys on here have “done” a concert or two, or many more. I still have neck and back problems from the shit I did. Guess what…. I quit.
I don’t think the Rolling Stones comparison had anything to do with the type of music being played and the physical nature of headbanging and thrashing on stage.
Keith Richards has outdrank and outdrugged most everyone on this earth and still goes on about his business.
James needs to work it out or hang it up. There is no in between.

Nobody here is -obviously- even in the same universe to dare and compare themselves with the level of touring and physicality Metallica have gone through in 40 years of career. You quit for far far less of what Metallica have gone through.

It doesn’t matter what Keith Richards has drank, his concerts are a walk in the park, drunk or not.

And James still continues to front the most succesful band of the last 40 years. He is fine, he doesn't need your advice.
Nobody here is -obviously- even in the same universe to dare and compare themselves with the level of touring and physicality Metallica have gone through in 40 years of career. You quit for far far less of what Metallica have gone through.

It doesn’t matter what Keith Richards has drank, his concerts are a walk in the park, drunk or not.

And James still continues to front the most succesful band of the last 40 years. He is fine, he doesn't need your advice.
I wasn’t giving anyone advice. Simply an opinion on an online forum.
I’m sure James needed your support tho. Have a great weekend. ?
Metallica had been my favorite band since the 80s (KISS too). I don't think it is pre-planned what he did on the stage. You are seeing what happens when someone lost a mother to cancer at a young age, lost a best friend in an accident, and shoved all of that down inside and buried it in drinks and a huge persona.

Everyone has good points on both sides. It is good he is able to talk about this stuff but agree a random crowd might not be the best venue.
Please include Testament. They are the only band that got better and better with tima and age. They are so underated. They should be Metallica!!!!
maybe if they could write a good song... testament is johnny come lately thrash for sissy frisco kids who are pissed off that their latte is weak, or their sunroof is jammed. there are plenty of good reasons why metallica is huge and testament is a joke who can't headline a show, and whos ex bassist still airs out their dirty laundry worse than Jason Newstead does.
Projection much?

Johnny come lately thrash since 1983?! I didn't know "sissy frisco kids" were into the Bay Area metal scene. Seems to me the "sissy frisco kids" are more likely to listen to the lady goo gone and hannah montana types and the sell outs who play with them, Real fuckin heavy music right?!

What in the actual Fuck?

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Testament is a cool band, but they are not at the same level of Metallica or Megadeth.
not even close.

one thing i think we can all agree on:

metallica threads always bring out the worst in people :LOL:
Deal with it every day. Doesn't make me wanna play with lady goo gone and hannah fuckin montana.

Sorry Not Fuckin sorry
For real, I just turned fifty’,
I am paying the price for being the wildman.
Also from working my ass off 7 days a week to run a business in the Florida heat to get ahead of the game early on, reared it’s ugly head also.
I cannot do SOME of the things I could do like when I was 17 and ollie kick flipping over 10 stair handrails, I can still ollie 10 stairs tho’.
It’s a cascading experience, radically accepting
I cannot do some of the things I used to do at
25 in a 50 year old man’s body.
Ultimately, the glory is not worth the pay.
He’s just on a bigger scale, the main dude in Metallica and his butt hurt that night.
He should have played Hero Of The Day
and picked himself up❤️❤️❤️
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Metallica puts out several albums no one gives a fuck. Less than a minute of self reflection on stage is enough drama and emotion to fuel a several page thread. It says more about this forum than James.
I love Testament and they are amazing but can't compare then with Metallica. Megadeth or Anthrax can't go compared to them and I love them too.

Take it from a lifelong Metallica fan that was 18 years old when AJFA came out. If they had continued playing heavier songs and hadn't done a Black Album, the shows would still be mostly dudes, and they would be playing medium sized gigs or less. There is no doubt about that.

Testament is a great band though. But there is no way you are going to get a "Nothing Else Matters" out of them. They are still that heavy sound.
Seriously though, watch this video, evaluate James’s emotional distortions in this song
and the troubles he wrestled with
on stage the other night that went viral on YouTube.

You guys should have heard me yelling like a vintage hetfield playing disposable heroes through my iic+ when I first got it at stadium volume, holy shit was I kicking ass