Hey you toxic turds…

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If Rigtalk has to much testosterone or estrogen for you I hear there’s a new spot on facebook for you…lol…I guess you guys are correct with treating the “content creators “ with a somewhat cold shoulder…and a healthy dose of skepticism. oh well…it’s all good…might look at freely allowing the spam content on here in a different light…..


If Rigtalk has to much testosterone or estrogen for you I hear there’s a new spot on facebook for you…lol…I guess you guys are correct with treating the “content creators “ with a somewhat cold shoulder…and a healthy dose of skepticism. oh well…it’s all good…might look at freely allowing the spam content on here in a different light…..

This is great guitar forum with a lot of retarded political derps that need to go. Go pedal your maga idiocy elsewhere
Where do I even begin? What's with his AI bot voice? I guess with enough time spent filming frivolous videos one becomes the content. If these guys are so concerned about toxic environments why don't they just go ahead and delete their accounts at said places? And if anything is a good indicator of something not being cool, its one of these fucktards making a 10 min + video desperately trying to sell you on how cool something is. I've seen less unabashed indoctrination attempts at fucking Scientology meet'n'greet conventions!

And lastly, 5 min into the following video should tell you why this Joker needs an online safe space. He's probably got the matching P.J.s

The funniest part to me is that they mixed up two very different Jokers with the image and the catch phrase. ?‍♂️
LWA Joe A is just enforcing Joe S's rules.

It's Sansalones group, so his rules.

I don't have anything personal against Jon Symonds or Kyle Bull, but I dont think they understand what the HMAP group is actually FOR

The rules aren't "Anything that starts a conversation about gear is fine"

You can post all the videos you want in HMAP that

1. aren't sponsored
2. the gear isn't provided by the manufacturer
3. You aren't making money off of

This seems really simple, but it's not just you guys that have had issues with it, there have been a million other small YouTubers and Companies that have run afoul of it too.

When you guys start your own hugbox, that's fine, but I don't think you understand that the reason HMAP is so popular is literally because you can trust that it's people's actual opinions about gear.
None of us are confused about the rules. That's your perception. We just think Joe A is a piece of shit and think Joe S is a turd for letting him get away with the way he goes about things I.E. - banning builders he views as competitors, being selective about what channels he's ok with posting and which ones he's not ok. It's literally random rule enforcement when it fits his whims, not actual rules.

Again, nobody is saying dissenting opinions aren't allowed in the new group. As soon as some of you guys hear "safe space" you automatically go and classify it as some sort of Fascist uprising trying to silence free speech. That's not it at all and I already made that very clear.

But, that's all the time I care to spend on this here. @JackBootedThug if you want to shoot me a message over any of this, feel free.
I don’t care if YouTubers want to shill here or anywhere. I make the decision to watch or not. Didn’t watch the lead in video to this thread because whiny woe is me videos aren’t my thing. Plus…I personally enjoy the toxicity. lol

My issue is if you do shill your YouTube channel here, at least participate in the community otherwise. The guy in the first video only posts his YouTube videos and I never see any other interaction. If you’re gonna use RT as an advertising platform at least have the decency to interact beyond said advertising.
This video had literally NOTHING to do with Rig-Talk, and I don't even know why you think it would?

You know I like and respect you man, we've always been cool and I have no personal issues with you. However, you posting this and talking some shit without even knowing what this was about in the first place is the exact opposite of "testosterone" It's literal whiney internet child shit. You're better than this, MMAAANNNN. You know you could have messaged me directly to clear anything that might have been wrong up as well.

To any who are curious, we started the group specifically because of threads like this. Having a place to talk about guitar gear without getting personally attacked left and right for differing opinions, budget, the way your hair looks, how your farts smell, etc. Is that really that offensive to you guys? Are we such fucking assholes for trying to provide that forum? This is literally comical to me.

Obviously, there are plenty of cool cats here and definitely plenty of people in this thread who get it. To those of you who do, thanks for not getting your panties twisted over things that literally have nothing to do with you. I guess that's too much to handle for some of the other "men" here

I like this forum. I always have. There are always gonna be bad eggs, and of course the weekly "FUCK YOUTUBERS" thread. I can handle all that shit. But god damn, some of you guys make it hard to love you some times.

As far as what inspired us to make this group - many here have already said it. Joe A of Lone Wolf Audio spent additional time huffing his own farts over the weekend, got all full of piss and vinegar and decided to......be his normal self on the internet. He essentially made a post saying "no spamming Youtube links" Jon Symon replied to the post and just questioned why the full ban, as he felt sharing the links generated conversation, which if done right, they absolutely do. Some people are def guilty of spamming links and disappearing. I've always tried to make it a point to not do that, for that exact reason, plus I'm actually interested in what people have to say.

Needless to say, it ended up being a shitstorm in the comments, as usual when it comes to Joe. None of us are offended or outraged that they are enforcing a rule to share links to videos in the group. We absolutely don't need those groups in order to generate engagement. Does it help? Honestly, it really depends, but generally, it doesn't move the needle. Guys like Jon are usually excited about the gear they're talking about and are looking for genuine conversation around said gear. I am the same way,

We just decided that most of the FB guitar groups are filled with too many dudes like Joe A that would rather piss their pants and flail around in it like a child than actually participate in a worthwhile conversation. That is literally it. None of us are crusading against that group, we could give a fuck what they do from here on out. We're distancing ourselves from all of that shit and moving forward with what is already an incredible group filled with a bunch of industry professionals, us youtube shills, and the average gear enthusiast.

To anyone who wants to join, you're more than welcome. We're happy to have anyone that can add knowledge or insight to any discussion. To those of you whose day this obviously ruined by the existence of this group, put your big boy pants on, go out into the world and try to be somebody. Our aim is not at all to silence people with dissenting opinions or that feel differently than us. It's about trying to keep discussions civil, helpful, and on course to the topics at hand so people can actually have their questions answered instead of being called a f*ggot whose mom deserves to die for asking which amps they should be looking at for a good thrash metal tone.
Re-read my posts brother. I stated numerous times that I ASSUMED it but was not 100% sure. I actually spoke highly of you and some of the other youtube guys as well. This was actually texted to me by forum peeps offsite who thought it was a slam of Rigtalk. Which has happened before Kyle. That's why I started this thread. Maybe I should have got ahold of you first but nobody is really attacking anyone brother, especially you. And your not the one posting the vid-John is. So not sure why you think I should have gotten in contact with you? Anyway it's all good, but I think if you sit back and rewatch the presentation from a standpoint of someone who is completely impartial...it sounds like a slam on this site or forums in general. Now if I have personally offended you-I apologize right now for everybody to see, and I am being sincere. Also I have never disrespected you intentionally and I ask the same in return. If you want to discuss this offline let me know.
None of us are confused about the rules. That's your perception. We just think Joe A is a piece of shit and think Joe S is a turd for letting him get away with the way he goes about things I.E. - banning builders he views as competitors, being selective about what channels he's ok with posting and which ones he's not ok. It's literally random rule enforcement when it fits his whims, not actual rules.

Again, nobody is saying dissenting opinions aren't allowed in the new group. As soon as some of you guys hear "safe space" you automatically go and classify it as some sort of Fascist uprising trying to silence free speech. That's not it at all and I already made that very clear.

But, that's all the time I care to spend on this here. @JackBootedThug if you want to shoot me a message over any of this, feel free.

Joe definitely can be a dick, but there are a ton of his competitors who do fine on HMAP.

Dirty Tree, Pepers, etc are all DIRECT competitors of Joe's who do stuff on HMAP all the time. I have a dirty tree HMAP promotional Shirt that I'm literally wearing right now.

It's just literally the only place on the internet where no one "plays ball" shilling rock/metal gear products with the "Influencer" game

If you don't like it, fine ? but I'm just telling you that's why people LIKE the group in the first place
But, that's all the time I care to spend on this here. @JackBootedThug if you want to shoot me a message over any of this, feel free.
lol-I said the same thing to you when I replied to your post....
I will troll everyone forever, and I will never stop. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have...The Facts of Life...
I see what you did there...you can't fool me....
He's doing the normal RT political thing where he starts some political shit, and then cries foul when (whatever the opposite political side is) gives him shit right back
seemed like he was sniping me and I thought we have always been cool...oh well....
This video had literally NOTHING to do with Rig-Talk, and I don't even know why you think it would?

You know I like and respect you man, we've always been cool and I have no personal issues with you. However, you posting this and talking some shit without even knowing what this was about in the first place is the exact opposite of "testosterone" It's literal whiney internet child shit. You're better than this, MMAAANNNN. You know you could have messaged me directly to clear anything that might have been wrong up as well.

To any who are curious, we started the group specifically because of threads like this. Having a place to talk about guitar gear without getting personally attacked left and right for differing opinions, budget, the way your hair looks, how your farts smell, etc. Is that really that offensive to you guys? Are we such fucking assholes for trying to provide that forum? This is literally comical to me.

Obviously, there are plenty of cool cats here and definitely plenty of people in this thread who get it. To those of you who do, thanks for not getting your panties twisted over things that literally have nothing to do with you. I guess that's too much to handle for some of the other "men" here

I like this forum. I always have. There are always gonna be bad eggs, and of course the weekly "FUCK YOUTUBERS" thread. I can handle all that shit. But god damn, some of you guys make it hard to love you some times.

As far as what inspired us to make this group - many here have already said it. Joe A of Lone Wolf Audio spent additional time huffing his own farts over the weekend, got all full of piss and vinegar and decided to......be his normal self on the internet. He essentially made a post saying "no spamming Youtube links" Jon Symon replied to the post and just questioned why the full ban, as he felt sharing the links generated conversation, which if done right, they absolutely do. Some people are def guilty of spamming links and disappearing. I've always tried to make it a point to not do that, for that exact reason, plus I'm actually interested in what people have to say.

Needless to say, it ended up being a shitstorm in the comments, as usual when it comes to Joe. None of us are offended or outraged that they are enforcing a rule to share links to videos in the group. We absolutely don't need those groups in order to generate engagement. Does it help? Honestly, it really depends, but generally, it doesn't move the needle. Guys like Jon are usually excited about the gear they're talking about and are looking for genuine conversation around said gear. I am the same way,

We just decided that most of the FB guitar groups are filled with too many dudes like Joe A that would rather piss their pants and flail around in it like a child than actually participate in a worthwhile conversation. That is literally it. None of us are crusading against that group, we could give a fuck what they do from here on out. We're distancing ourselves from all of that shit and moving forward with what is already an incredible group filled with a bunch of industry professionals, us youtube shills, and the average gear enthusiast.

To anyone who wants to join, you're more than welcome. We're happy to have anyone that can add knowledge or insight to any discussion. To those of you whose day this obviously ruined by the existence of this group, put your big boy pants on, go out into the world and try to be somebody. Our aim is not at all to silence people with dissenting opinions or that feel differently than us. It's about trying to keep discussions civil, helpful, and on course to the topics at hand so people can actually have their questions answered instead of being called a f*ggot whose mom deserves to die for asking which amps they should be looking at for a good thrash metal tone.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
The douched toxic where what???

Free love haha, sorry, NO haha!
I hope he and husband are happy in their new "Safe Gear Space"


Me and Kyle have not spoken about it yet but it’s obviously not Rigtalk related…which drucifer mentioned earlier….so my bad guitarjohn…apologies sent…you crazy Dutch twat…you guys need to overlook me because I got my DNA results back and I’m 3% Australian. So I’m naturally a little sensitive about stuff….mates….
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