Well-known member
Yeah, that’s the part I don’t get- if you are in someone’s group and they say they don’t allow something, people don’t get to make different rules just because they are trying to make a living.LWA Joe A is just enforcing Joe S's rules.
It's Sansalones group, so his rules.
I don't have anything personal against Jon Symonds or Kyle Bull, but I dont think they understand what the HMAP group is actually FOR
The rules aren't "Anything that starts a conversation about gear is fine"
You can post all the videos you want in HMAP that
1. aren't sponsored
2. the gear isn't provided by the manufacturer
3. You aren't making money off of
This seems really simple, but it's not just you guys that have had issues with it, there have been a million other small YouTubers and Companies that have run afoul of it too.
When you guys start your own hugbox, that's fine, but I don't think you understand that the reason HMAP is so popular is literally because you can trust that it's people's actual opinions about gear.
There’s also been a trend of products being promoted in ways that are clearly biased- people talk a lot on YouTube about how the Lichtlaerm King in Yellow is the best boost- the thing is , the thing that differs that pedal from other ts clones is the loop it has that allows people to blend in other drives- but all the YouTubers almost never even use that feature. Daniel from Lichtlaerm is one of my favorite people out there period, but that doesn’t give YouTubers the excuse to post biased content. It certainly doesn’t give them the right to post in groups where biased content is not allowed. If the group doesn’t allow it they don’t allow it.
Theres also the obvious flaw of these videos that ultimately the same mic on the same cab is gonna sound mostly the same with high gain amps- the videos aren’t even really able to show the different beyond distortion character.
From an opinions perspective from here on out:
A. Most of these YouTubers started promoting relatively mediocre amps and calling them the best thing ever- I specifically send Draven (a friend of mine who has a YouTube) my amps when I buy them , and he doesn’t even try to sell people on stuff- and again, subjective, but it’s ironic that people talk about stuff like Engl fireballs as the greatest thing ever, and people who actually play good amps aren’t fans of those amps- not trying to be an elitist- more just that it’s unfair to sell mid tier amps as the best thing ever just to clickbait.
B. I personally think that when money gets involved, it brings out the worst in people. We don’t need people sucking up to smaller builders to enjoy amps- YouTubers don’t bring anything to the table when their main goal is money- Draven is an example of what’s ok - he just shows how an amp sounds and that’s it. Out of my top ten amps I’ve owned all time, not a single one has been shown on the channel of a YouTuber who doesn’t buy their own stuff. That doesn’t mean that my taste is correct, but it is an indication that people who haven’t been able to play the best amps shouldn’t be the ones trying to sell people on stuff the hardest. YouTubers need us, but we don’t need them. The amp brands do. And it’s reasonable to say that people don’t want their hobby ruined by people who try to sell them stuff- especially when most of the stuff that’s being sold sucks.
No ill will to YouTubers- I can ignore your content if I want, but bottom line- if the person who runs a group doesn’t want you to promote paid content, you can’t fucking do it. Its fucking simple.