Wow, this thread was a trip. So sorry you had to go through all of that, Mr Bush. I sold my Bogner Prototype to fatbagg in September on TGP. Glad I took the money instead of any of the trades he'd offered. After I shipped it out, I mentioned to him that shipping was a lot more expensive than I thought it'd be and he said he'd send me some extra money to cover it several times, but never did. I didn't ask for anything more, was just commenting that shipping had gone up a lot since the last time I sold an amp, so I didn't hold my breath on it.
Hadn't seen him talk about my Bogner a while, even though he'd described it as a "holy grail" amp for him back then. I'd assumed he still has it because I haven't seen it for sale since, but with all the gear he's been going through lately, I could be wrong. Kinda sad I sold it to him just based off the premise that he's been pulling this on several people. I thought he was a pretty cool dude when we'd talked in the past but will definitely avoid in the future. Thankfully, I've never been burned on the PayPal gift thing in the past but I no longer ask for or offer to use it for anyone, because it just doesn't feel safe to me.
Has fatbagg said anything else to you, Mr Bush about the money he still owes you? I assume if he would've just refunded your gift payment, your fees would've been reversed. How shitty.
I searched around on TGP. Looks like he last posted Sunday, but I didn't find any threads calling him out over there. Someone earlier mentioned comments on TGP were getting deleted?