Horrible Exchange with Fatbagg

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... but I wanted to say I think this is a good example of why this forum is still great and the comradety that there is here (if that's even a word).
The word's a tricky one 'cause you expect it to be spelled like "comrade" in some way, but thanks to the French, it's:


Indeed, the peeps here are great, solid dudes who stand up for what's right. Gotta love and appreciate that. :cheers2:
They’re up to $2500 or thereof now especially the older pre-2004 models. Mine was 2700 after tax and shipping - absolutely zero negation room. And I don’t say that lightly - that’s the most I have ever spent on an amplifier and I’m not comfortable spending any more hence why I backed out of Fatbagg’s 100B ad - obviously for the better.

I feel for the OP - 101B’s of vintage era are in high demand and rare as hens teeth at anything reasonable. I’m still in the honeymoon stage, but it’s by far the most responsive/articulate/musical amp I have.
They are awesome amps.
Dude had the time and money to get some of the rarest amps and then posts a "Looking for a Larry" ad and then it all went to shit ?

Seriously though, there is literally no excuse for what he did. Douchebag indeed.

The best part was how, “it was for a friend!!!”
Yet there are some who will defend Cameron to the end probably cause they never got ripped off by him. Reminds me of some other people who defended someone until the end and did some really stupid shit until he didn't issue any of them a pardon and now they finally realize they got duped... But that's an entirely different matter I guess???\:D/

The guys who defend Cameron, that always blows me away. Imagine trying to defend someone within a large group of people, of which many have been ripped off by the guy!!!! Whoa!!! Shameless! Trying to stay on Mark’s good side for future mods? Some guys send him an amp and get them right back! And then they post about it!
So OP are you squared up now with Fatbagg, or is there still some cash outstanding?
He used to post some excellent demos here and on TGP and also on the Soldano Facebook Users Group.
A real shame things went the way they did!
Woa flakey ! Can't understand that kind of behavior for low sums of money. Jeeeeeez. Ridiculous.

What a Fat-bag he was.
Yet there are some who will defend Cameron to the end probably cause they never got ripped off by him. Reminds me of some other people who defended someone until the end and did some really stupid shit until he didn't issue any of them a pardon and now they finally realize they got duped... But that's an entirely different matter I guess???\:D/
My personal experience with Mark was never an issue. I got my CCV back in March 2010 (ordered it in December 2009) and my Aldrich mod back in 2011. This was before the new Cameron amps venture and before the multiple people paying, but not receiving amps. The only person that I feel badly for is Bruno (turtlefingers)... he was the only person I told in 2010 that I paid Mark and 3 months later got my CCV (with the help of JCJ by the way). That said, I must have told a dozen people later on to not send any money until amps start showing up to buyers ( i know ampliFIRE was one of them). Around 2012ish I sent him a reissue JCM800 to make into an Ocean Mod which was partially to help him out to make some money. He sent me the plug in device around this time as well. It took more than a year to get back and I sold the amp right after and broke out completely even. At this time there was a new "Cameron Amps' which took on Marks debit to fully make any owed amps fulfilled. Any other Cameron amps I owned were bought used.

All of that said, I like talking to Mark and he's helped me tremendously learn about amps. He helped me with modding my own amps including my JCA20. It's been 3+ months since I've spoken to him, but because I'm friends with him, doesn't mean I condone what went on. Do I defend his actions of taking amps, not returning them or not fulfilling orders where he took money? Of course not, its wrong and I've told him that many times. When I saw that post in the main forum, I had sent a text to Mark before anyone even posted a response alerting him that someone wants their amp back.

Just my .02 :thumbsup:
Like I said, still uploading and with cute titles.

Until he makes it right to the OP, let’s make it known he’s very much in the wrong.

Besides the like button, this forum needs the following additions to enhance voluntary tracking of user’s agreements or disagreements with other postings. 3 stages of progressively stronger disapproval:
dislike, c’mon dude you’re full of shit, FU

Fun Trivia, guess which recent post made me think of this?
The best way to get the word out is to name him in your signature to warn people on any forum you belong to. Otherwise, he will run unchecked elsewhere and continue his bullshit.
The best way to get the word out is to name him in your signature to warn people on any forum you belong to. Otherwise, he will run unchecked elsewhere and continue his bullshit.

he is definitely displaying the character of a full blown lunatic and shyster. I find what he did extremely distasteful. Robbing Peter to pay Paul and play an amp in the meantime. Unbelievable!