Must be tough not knowing anything about world history. Then again, how would you know?
There’s that word again - “foreigners”. Only really used by ignorant Americans to describe anyone from outside their borders.
Again, sounds like you’re about as up on world history as you are about the outside world itself.
Get a passport. Read a book.
As for your ex, if you drove him to being gay, it’s not a good look for you now, is it?
Got it. As long as it’s American, you’re happy.
While you’re hating on the French, read up on who helped you guys in your fight against the British.
Hint - they sent you that giant fucking statue of a woman sitting out there in the water in New York Harbor.
Isn’t it exhausting being so scared all the time?
How many Christian Nationalist forums are you signed up to?
Those lands have always been contested by Islamic, Orthodox and Catholic governments.
Before that they were Indigenous “pagan”.
You know what those are?
The faiths the lunatic early Catholic Church did their best to genocide out of existence during the “Dark Ages” because they were a threat to the control of the expanding Catholic Empire.
Do you put a Christmas tree up in December?
Where the fuck are Christmas trees mentioned in the Bible? Holly wreaths?
Congratulations, you’re a practicing pagan Satanist now.
I’m not normalising shit my guy.
Ancient Greece happened waaay before you or I came along, or Jesus for that matter.
The Dionysian Mysteries and the Greek Pantheon go back as far as 3100 BC, to Bronze Age Minoan Crete.
That’s 4000 years ago, predating Abraham by 1000 years at least.
They can do what they want, they’ve been around long enough.
Reading is hard, Billy Madison, but I believe in you.
If you need help getting your high school diploma, let me know.