Man, you’re a special case.
I grew up with guns in the house. My dad used them in his job culling feral and invasive species for the NZ government, and I respected them as tools of the trade.
Your laws written literally centuries ago have allowed the criminal proliferation of gun murders to escalate as you want all your constitutional rights with none of the social responsibility, like a petulant goddam teenager. Outright pigheaded refusal to adapt and change in spite of the evidence of the damage it’s causing.
Those 3 facets you cite are a function of endemic poverty, race inequality and marginalisation of employment access and government funded programs, exacerbated by selfish adherence to individual rights and chickenshit senators too scared to grow a set of balls and address the big issue.
I don’t support open borders. I support structured and regulated immigration and compassion.
I don’t know where you get “no cash bail” from. You break the law, you get your ass kicked, plain and simple.
Disarming law abiding citizens? Nope. Tighter gun controls, yes.
Remember, this whole discussion is about how Evangelical Christians in America got their tits in a tangle because a bunch of French gay people playing dress ups over a French painting of Greek gods at the freaking Olympics, is somehow the peak of moral decline. I mean, that’s clearly the worst thing ever, right?
Oh and we gotta throw the Islamic boogeyman in there too, when only 4% to 10% of the French population are Muslim and less than 1% of them are statistically radicalised, and EVEN LESS than that number commit extremist acts of violence, yet YOUR country gets the gold medal for murders by knives and guns above the rest of the world, apart from the shitshow which is Brazil.
But, yeah, the French gays. The blue paint. The Last Supper. The outrage. That’s worse, yeah?
The hypocrisy is nauseating.