How Could the French F Up So Badly?

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Extremism of any religion is fucked.
You’re an extremist right wing Christian Nationalist in America.
You haven’t yet realised that you’re no different to an extremist right wing Islamic Nationalist in Afghanistan, have you?

Just swap Yahweh for Allah, the Bible for the Koran. It’s all the same religion prior to the Abrahamic split, anyway. You may as well be Allahu Jesu-ing away there, no difference.
Big difference dude. You are obviously extremely intelligent. That statement is stupid. You are better than that. Christian nationalists are not kidnapping, decapitating and blowing people up. Fuck.
Man, you’re a special case.

I grew up with guns in the house. My dad used them in his job culling feral and invasive species for the NZ government, and I respected them as tools of the trade.

Your laws written literally centuries ago have allowed the criminal proliferation of gun murders to escalate as you want all your constitutional rights with none of the social responsibility, like a petulant goddam teenager. Outright pigheaded refusal to adapt and change in spite of the evidence of the damage it’s causing.

Those 3 facets you cite are a function of endemic poverty, race inequality and marginalisation of employment access and government funded programs, exacerbated by selfish adherence to individual rights and chickenshit senators too scared to grow a set of balls and address the big issue.

I don’t support open borders. I support structured and regulated immigration and compassion.

I don’t know where you get “no cash bail” from. You break the law, you get your ass kicked, plain and simple.

Disarming law abiding citizens? Nope. Tighter gun controls, yes.

Remember, this whole discussion is about how Evangelical Christians in America got their tits in a tangle because a bunch of French gay people playing dress ups over a French painting of Greek gods at the freaking Olympics, is somehow the peak of moral decline. I mean, that’s clearly the worst thing ever, right?

Oh and we gotta throw the Islamic boogeyman in there too, when only 4% to 10% of the French population are Muslim and less than 1% of them are statistically radicalised, and EVEN LESS than that number commit extremist acts of violence, yet YOUR country gets the gold medal for murders by knives and guns above the rest of the world, apart from the shitshow which is Brazil.

But, yeah, the French gays. The blue paint. The Last Supper. The outrage. That’s worse, yeah?
The hypocrisy is nauseating.
Nearly everything in this post oozes “ I don’t know Jack shit about the US”.

You guys over there are clearly exposed to only leftist US media or media about the US from leftist Europe.

Cats outta the bag dude. No gun control laws are going to stop criminals and gang bangers from having guns. They are criminals, by definition they ignore the law. Creating “ gun laws” that only affect law abiding citizens does zero to curb crime. What it does do is allow politicians to pretend they give a fuck even though they routinely let criminals out of jail, with no bail, even on gun crimes. I don’t know where you get this “ break the law you get your ass kicked” fairytale from but it sure as fuck isn’t reality. And the bonus for them is it’s a few more steps towards completely disarming us, like you guys. That is completely antithetical to the US constitution.
Christ, the ignorance is amazing.

You’ve got 330 odd million people in America.

750 million in Europe.

More people die of knife violence in YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY than in Europe where they’ve got twice as many people!

View attachment 327828

Ok, you wanna talk guns? Let’s talk guns then.


View attachment 327843

Europe in comparison:

View attachment 327837

You’ve got what, SEVEN times the gun deaths of Europe? With half of Europe’s population?

And you’re telling me “hands and feet” kill more people than guns?

Are you mental?

Mate, you don’t know fucking shit.
I fucking love guns bwah!!!??

That’s the few beside me right now. That doesn’t include the two in my nightstand or however many cased up in here also. MUrica….
You are trying to draw a correlation between a few isolated incidents versus something that happens daily in these Muslim countries. On a huge scale. There’s no comparison.
No gun control laws are going to stop criminals and gang bangers from having guns. They are criminals, by definition they ignore the law. Creating “ gun laws” that only affect law abiding citizens does zero to curb crime.

This I actually agree with in principle.
It’s shit that the individual right must be sacrificed somewhat for the good of the collective.
I guess this is why we have speed limits.
Maybe I can handle a car pretty well around a corner at 60 clicks an hour, but some people can’t hence everyone legally must slow down.
I’m happy to do so if it prevents someone getting hurt, hence why I live here in Australia and choose to forego things I’d like in the USA like Philly Cheesesteaks and baseball.

I don’t know where you get this “ break the law you get your ass kicked” fairytale from but it sure as fuck isn’t reality.

Regarding illegal gun ownership here in Oz?
Up to 5 years in prison if it’s unregistered.
Up to 14 years in prison if it’s a prohibited firearm.

And the bonus for them is it’s a few more steps towards completely disarming us, like you guys. That is completely antithetical to the US constitution.

Hmm, we handed our guns up willingly after Port Arthur.
Never had a shooting like it since.
Seems like it was the right thing to do.
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The violence still sadly exists man, there’s as much of clear link between Muslims and extremist Islamic assholes as there is between Christians and extremist White Supremacist assholes.
Following this logic...more than 40% of transgender adults attempt suicide. Is it safe to assume that identifying as transgender is a clear link to mental illness?
I actually thought the statistics on these “alternative “ lifestyles were a lot higher.
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You are trying to draw a correlation between a few isolated incidents versus something that happens daily in these Muslim countries. On a huge scale. There’s no comparison.

Ah, now this makes sense, yes.
Ok, so you guys are linking Islam to Shariah Law.

Shariah Law is like the Old Testament law of Christianity. There’s some hardcore brutality in there. Jesus, imagine if we still stoned hookers and cut dudes arms off who nicked a pack of cigarettes from the local 7/11.
I’m totally opposed to Shariah Law, that shit can fuck right off, awful stuff.

I guess the Old Testament law was replaced in Christianity by Jesus’ intercession, death and the switch to the New Testament.

That hasn’t happened in Islam and probably never will, so as it’s modernised it’s become less stringent and fundamentalist.

Ok, I’m with you guys now. Normal moderate everyday Muslims, yes.
Shariah nutbars, GTFO.
Ah, now this makes sense, yes.
Ok, so you guys are linking Islam to Shariah Law.

Shariah Law is like the Old Testament law of Christianity. There’s some hardcore brutality in there. Jesus, imagine if we still stoned hookers and cut dudes arms off who nicked a pack of cigarettes from the local 7/11.
I’m totally opposed to Shariah Law, that shit can fuck right off, awful stuff.

I guess the Old Testament law was replaced in Christianity by Jesus’ intercession, death and the switch to the New Testament.

That hasn’t happened in Islam and probably never will, so as it’s modernised it’s become less stringent and fundamentalist.

Ok, I’m with you guys now. Normal moderate everyday Muslims, yes.
Shariah nutbars, GTFO.
There’s no Old Testament law of Christianity homie. Different religion. You’re discussing Judaism compared to Islam. Christianity is after the advent of Jesus of Nazareth the Christ king. The Orthodox Church for a couple centuries before the creation of the books of the New Testament. If I’m wrong feel free to correct me. I’m no scholar or even a good Christian.
Edit- I didn’t read your whole post before commenting. Duh. I think we’re on the same page. The only problem is what you consider a moderate Muslim and how many there are. The math is crazy if even 25% of practicing Muslims are “extreme “. I have Muslim acquaintances. From extreme convicted terrorists to NOI as well as 5%’s. I prefer them over blue haired shitlibs any day of the week.
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Must be tough not knowing anything about world history. Then again, how would you know? ?

There’s that word again - “foreigners”. Only really used by ignorant Americans to describe anyone from outside their borders.
Again, sounds like you’re about as up on world history as you are about the outside world itself.
Get a passport. Read a book.
As for your ex, if you drove him to being gay, it’s not a good look for you now, is it? ?

Got it. As long as it’s American, you’re happy.
While you’re hating on the French, read up on who helped you guys in your fight against the British.
Hint - they sent you that giant fucking statue of a woman sitting out there in the water in New York Harbor.

Isn’t it exhausting being so scared all the time?
How many Christian Nationalist forums are you signed up to?
Those lands have always been contested by Islamic, Orthodox and Catholic governments.
Before that they were Indigenous “pagan”.
You know what those are?
The faiths the lunatic early Catholic Church did their best to genocide out of existence during the “Dark Ages” because they were a threat to the control of the expanding Catholic Empire.

Do you put a Christmas tree up in December?
Where the fuck are Christmas trees mentioned in the Bible? Holly wreaths?
Congratulations, you’re a practicing pagan Satanist now.

I’m not normalising shit my guy.
Ancient Greece happened waaay before you or I came along, or Jesus for that matter.
The Dionysian Mysteries and the Greek Pantheon go back as far as 3100 BC, to Bronze Age Minoan Crete.
That’s 4000 years ago, predating Abraham by 1000 years at least.
They can do what they want, they’ve been around long enough.

Reading is hard, Billy Madison, but I believe in you.
If you need help getting your high school diploma, let me know.
When I’m really disgusted with French views on most things, I too go back to their help with the American revolution, putting aside that it was also very beneficial to France (holding on to their North American lands) and that it took Benjamin Franklin’s lobbying for 4-5 years to get them to commit. But it’s all good.
The politicians in Britain should be hung. That’s some cultural enrichment right there. Waiting for the gun violence in the USA comparisons in 3,2,1…..
There was a time when an important aspect of immigration to America was “assimilation “…not anymore. Come here and continue to hate the US on our own soil.
There was a time when an important aspect of immigration to America was “assimilation “…not anymore. Come here and continue to hate the US on our own soil.
Exactly. I’m so sick of the trash these libtards preach. It’s about unity not diversity. Idiots. Are you an American citizen or not? All these fucking months out of the year to recognize different biological traits? Pride month is the best though. That’s some quality stuff right there. People will realize how they have been tricked in the end. Sad.
Following this logic...more than 40% of transgender adults attempt suicide. Is it safe to assume that identifying as transgender is a clear link to mental illness?

That’s a crazy high statistic.
Is this in the USA?
This either suggests they either have pre-existing mental health issues before OR don't get the support they need after.