How Democrats Will Steal / Postpone / Cancel the Midterm Elections?

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When you fail to identify the actual reason Democrats are winning, well they will just keep on winning.

Would have been an easy win for Republicans in the mid-terms. However the SC totally F'ed that for them.

Nobody needs to steal/rig elections when the Republican party (Trump mostly) is doing a fantastic job of self sabotage.

61% of Americans support abortion. This is 38% of republicans, and 80% of democrats.
Sorry but facts don't give a shit about your emotions ?
If your primary reason to vote for, or continue to vote for the trainwreck of a political party that is fast tracking the destruction of the US is based on abortion, your priorites are so fucked up that you should probably be institutionalized.
De DeMecRatz StoLD DE ElecTiOn ?

That, and Brad Raffensperger wouldn't give trump his 11,780 more votes, so the MAGA nuts were out telling people not to vote because of this ?
Oh...... You believe there weren't fraudulent activities during that election?
None of the size that would have effected the outcome.
Oh? So, a geriatric man with clear indicators of beginning Alzheimers, that barely pulled attendance at rallies and can barely string two coherent sentences together recieved more votes than the Democrat second coming of Christ?
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Clearly. If you consider the Democrat second coming of Christ was not up against Orange Jesus.

A ham sandwich would have won against Trump.
Wow. I figured you chumps would be praying for evidence of fraud by now. I guess you enjoy looking like the world's largest collective group of ignorant fools ever! Good for you man! Keep that emotional voting going!
Oh? So, a geriatric man with clear indicators of beginning Alzheimers, that barely pulled attendance at rallies and can barely string two coherent sentences together recieved more votes than the Democract second coming of Christ?

Yep, only a foolish retard would believe Biden’s 81,000,000 votes.
Same thing happened here in Canada, The POS lunatic Trudeau had to stop his campaigning because he was getting booed, screamed at and stuff thrown at him all across the country and then boom, miraculously, he’s Prime Minister. ?
I tell ya, it’s fixed.
Yep, only a foolish retard would believe Biden’s 81,000,000 votes.
Same thing happened here in Canada, The POS lunatic Trudeau had to stop his campaigning because he was getting booedyelled at and stuff thrown at him all across the country and then boom, miraculously, he’s Prime Minister. ?
I tell ya, it’s fixed.
Anyone that was actually in line the day common sense was issued can see it.
The left knows damn well they cheated , they tried to get him on 2 impeachments and couldnt. SOOOOOOOOOOOO here comes covid third try and it worked at the cost of lives and worldwide fucked upness/ya like that. Then Jan 6th Now they are afraid he is going to run again and herecoooooommmmmmmmes johnny Mar-a-lago. and all these others like the hood NY AG filing lawsuit etc. Hate to tell you libs but they aint got nothing on the mother fucker nothing never have. BUT BUT i can see a possible JFK scenario but in accident form, Cause Trump aint gonna stop and he has every right to become president again. Dont really know if it would be the best thing to happen but just look at the 2 biden vs trump NO Comparison whatsoever. Biden is a puppet fucking loser for the far left when he was probably the most Jim Crow mutha fucker in congress ever. What happened there? MONEY I could go on but im not.:cool:
5 year old huh? So that's where you get your advice from, explains why you're a gullible half-wit ?
Damn, not an original insult in you. I really feel for the people that have to a face to face with a fuckwit like you. Must be a lot like going to the dentist.
So original insults is the bar? Yet fuckwit sounds pretty close to half-wit

You cant even abide by your own rules or even adhere to your beliefs. Case in point I'm supposed to take election tips from 5 year old's, yet you guys swear it doesn't matter because it's fixed/rigged :ROFLMAO:
I love how it's all "rigged" when the dems win, but the only actual factual, proveable fraud was all done by republicans. And you still lost. There's obviously no MENSA members in Cult 45. Lol!