How Democrats Will Steal / Postpone / Cancel the Midterm Elections?

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If a person can't see it by now, and admit it, or if they do see it, but won't admit it, it does nothing but drive home the fact that they are over emotional controlled sheep that have failed on a stratospheric level as a voter, and as an American that actually believes in the country.
Before the SC decision, the republicans had a drop in the bucket win on issues of inflation. Now it's much more of an even playing field.
The republicans only hope is if inflation continues to rise.
Plenty of people like me who used to be STAUNCHLY pro choice. Now, after the whole Vax bullshit, me and my body, men can get pregnant. NOW, I don't really give a flying fuck. All of your bullshit about women's bodies, their right to chose is utter nonsense these days.
So original insults is the bar? Yet fuckwit sounds pretty close to half-wit

You cant even abide by your own rules or even adhere to your beliefs. Case in point I'm supposed to take election tips from 5 year old's, yet you guys swear it doesn't matter because it's fixed/rigged :ROFLMAO:
Is that your grinder profile picture? George Floyd fan page avatar?
Trump had the most votes of any incumbent President in US history but after Election Day which turned into election month and because of mass mail in ballots you got what you got. Without mass mail in ballots and adhering to past election rules the Democlowns never had a chance.

I'm sure with the crazy inflation, democrat run cities like Detroit will still have 100% voter turn out for the walking corpse. Obviously they built Detroit back better. ?
Haha, I don't give a shit about pro choice, or prolife myself. Let them fight. Only thing I personally would care about is having to pay for more unwanted children. We already know the parents are not responsible, you think they are going to be the ones paying for these kids? :ROFLMAO:
That, I agree with.
Haha, I don't give a shit about pro choice, or prolife myself. Let them fight. Only thing I personally would care about is having to pay for more unwanted children. We already know the parents are not responsible, you think they are going to be the ones paying for these kids? :ROFLMAO:
Typical evil thought process of a leftist. “These kids are unwanted and an inconvenience, so let’s just kill them.” That’s evil.
I love how it's all "rigged" when the dems win, but the only actual factual, proveable fraud was all done by republicans. And you still lost. There's obviously no MENSA members in Cult 45. Lol!
Yes, it's easy to win when you change the rules of the gayme.
Sure would. Would be better than killing babies. You’re an evil piece of shit.

So start one up, and give us the info. Put your money where your mouth is, or are you just a lying POS? I'd be willing to bet you are. :ROFLMAO:
So start one up, and give us the info. Put your money where your mouth is, or are you just a lying POS? I'd be willing to bet you are. :ROFLMAO:
I take care of the children that I make, and I don’t call for the killing of children that are “unwanted.” I give money as much as I can to the causes that I can. You’re the one calling for killing children rather than allowing them to live. Unborn children are the most vulnerable of us, but you’re a fucking cowardly pice of evil shit who doesn’t think those human beings have a right to live. Take any notion you think you have of where and when I spend my money and shove it up your ass at the next monkey pox party or drag show you attend.
You fucking retard, I said I don't give a shite either way. That's a pretty neutral stance. Only thing I added Is I don't care to pay for other mistakes, I guess it's the way I said it that triggered you. Go to your safe space then. :ROFLMAO:

My exact quote:
"Haha, I don't give a shit about pro choice, or prolife myself. Let them fight. Only thing I personally would care about is having to pay for more unwanted children. We already know the parents are not responsible, you think they are going to be the ones paying for these kids? "

No where in that statement is me calling for the killing of children, you senile fucking clown ?

BTW you derive your morals from god, right?
It must really be deflating for you to wake up every morning, look in the mirror and say "here it is, another day for me, the world's biggest douchebag, and most hated person the RT"..........
Quite the contrary, I get much enjoyment antagonizing, and triggering you MAGA Qtards :ROFLMAO: You guys are truly low hanging fruit.

BTW I know you guys agree with me on many things, but your MAGA cult brainwashing forces you to lash out since I speak bad about your leader.
I know it gives you the warm fuzzies to think that to help you justify your failures as a voter, a human and an American, but the truth is, most of us are just good people that want the best for the country and we really are tired of the dumbfucks like you. If we're the low hanging fruit my friend, that would make people like you the the dirt under the tree that the rotted fruit falls on and and the shit gets mixed with. TATA
You fucking retard, I said I don't give a shite either way. That's a pretty neutral stance. Only thing I added Is I don't care to pay for other mistakes, I guess it's the way I said it that triggered you. Go to your safe space then. :ROFLMAO:

My exact quote:
"Haha, I don't give a shit about pro choice, or prolife myself. Let them fight. Only thing I personally would care about is having to pay for more unwanted children. We already know the parents are not responsible, you think they are going to be the ones paying for these kids? "

No where in that statement is me calling for the killing of children, you senile fucking clown ?

BTW you derive your morals from god, right?
If you support abortion, you support the killing of children. You support the vilest evil and don’t realize it. It’s sad. And pathetic. And cowardly.
Orange Jesus
You see, this is where you really showcase you ignorance and flat stupidty as a human. We're all talking about the disgrace in the White House that people like you support but continue to deflect because you have nothing of worth to actually defend the tater tot with
Being neutral is not supporting anything, dumb ass
Sounds pretty apathetic. Apathy breeds complacency. Complacency inspires failure....which you are
So wait, I voted? I thought it was rigged, and I didn't need to vote
Way to take things out of context Mr. Lemon. Typical MSNBC tit sucker.
You see, this is where you really showcase you ignorance and flat stupidty as a human. We're all talking about the disgrace in the White House that people like you support but continue to deflect because you have nothing of worth to actually defend the tater tot with

What else can they do? They can’t face the reality of the disgusting shit show circus going on there so all they do is try to deflect. They have no logical explanation to communicate at any IQ level so that’s their cop out, pathetic as it is, that’s all they’ve got…
But the most comical thing in this thread is that somehow I am triggered
… ha ha ha ha 81 Million! ?????
Ok, anal leach. Explain where Joe injured you? :ROFLMAO: Try to use your own thoughts, and words. Not the ones your far right fringe media told you to use.

Is it the same old tired hits?
1. JoEr Bidern Stold de ElCtern?
2. He maDe da Gas Mer Spinsiver?
3. He Gunna Take er stuff?
4. He Ferked up the eConermy?

1. No, you're just a fucking looser, like your cult leader.
2. No, that was a result of Russia, it was global, not just in the US so please dont go to the brainwashed he took our energy independence away :ROFLMAO:
3. I still have my shit, and so do you. You cunts said Obama was going to take our guns, our biscuits, sweets, and our trucks away.
4. No, that was Covid, and it started under Orange Jesus. You must have forgotten about all the money Trump printed, all the job losses, the stock market crash under Trump.

Anything else?
You really ARE a clueless cunt, aren't ewe?
If you can't walk outside and take a look at the dumpster fire this country has become since puddin' pop took over, you need to resume your daily regiment of toilet swirlies.
It's not fixed. If it was, you would have never had Trump in there in the first place.

On October 24th, 2020, Joe Biden stated: “We have put together, and you guys did for president Obama’s administration before this, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Whether he meant to say it or not, he confessed to what most conservatives already know: the undeniable reality of Democratic election theft.

In the 2018 Midterms, the Democrats in Orange County,California, by use of ballot harvesting, were able to unseat four previously solid Republican Congressional seats. They kept “finding” ballots until their candidate had enough to win. Will they repeat the “Orange County method” in the 2020 election in those 353 counties with more registered voters than population?

To pull off “The Steal” on November 3rd and the days following, the country will witness voter results being delayed in key cities, such as Philadelphia, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Milwaukee, Madison, Detroit, Miami, and Las Vegas. The “fixers” will not want to announce their totals until they know the results from counties that are heavily pro-Trump. They want to know how many votes they need to “find” to overcome the deficit and thereby alter the outcome. In 2016, they made the mistake of announcing the heavily fraudulent Philadelphia vote early and being shocked when some former Democratic rural counties came in late for Trump.

“The Steal” has been carefully planned, as Biden confessed, with thousands of ballots ready to be “discovered” as they are needed.

There Are NO Blue States​

By Lex Greene|October 27th, 2021
By Lex Greene
Most Americans think we are headed into some form of “civil war” between BLUE and RED states, as the nation is divided, angry, and motivated to fight, more than at any point in our history. But the simple truth is, there are no BLUE states in the USA. There are only a handful of BLUE cities, all of them run and controlled by democratic socialists, and all of them on the verge of total collapse from gross mismanagement.
If we did have a “civil war” today, that war would be 84% (RED) counties in this country verses 16% (BLUE), at best. Including the most massive election fraud in the history of mankind, Biden still only won 477 counties in 2020, 396 counties LESS than Obama won (873) in 2008.

By comparison, Trump won 2,497 counties in 2020, or 84% of the country, by county. Biden allegedly had the support of only 16% of the country, but mysteriously, claims to have received 12-million more votes than Obama, and 6-million more votes than Trump, who received 11-million more votes for his re-election, than his 2016 victory over Hillary Clinton.

The fact is…that Biden victory is mathematically impossible, and there are no BLUE states in the USA. There are only BLUE socialist cities, and only a handful of them even matter, the worst cities in our country, by any method of measure. Do they really think BLUE city folks are going to move out into this RED country and take it over?

Washington D.C. (democrat controlled)
New York City (democrat controlled)
Chicago (democrat controlled)
Baltimore (democrat controlled)
Philadelphia (democrat controlled)
Los Angeles (democrat controlled)
San Francisco (democrat controlled)
Portland (democrat controlled)
Seattle (democrat controlled)
Boston (democrat controlled)
There are others, all of them a disaster zone and all of them “democrat controlled.”
Of course, these are also some of the most densely populated cities in our country.

What we are experiencing as a nation is what a friend at labeled “urban nullification,”wherein the views and interests of 84% of America is being controlled by the 16% major urban city populations, due to densely populated areas of the country, all of which have severe problems.
10 MOST DANGEROUS CITIES 2021 (per capita)
  1. Louis, Missouri
  2. Detroit, Michigan
  3. Baltimore, Maryland
  4. Memphis, Tennessee
  5. Little Rock, Arkansas
  6. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  7. Rockford, Illinois
  8. Cleveland, Ohio
  9. Stockton, California
  10. Albuquerque, New Mexico
Again, these are all heavily democratic socialist cities and most, if not all, have the toughest anti-gun laws in the nation. Still, these cities largely occupied by America-hating Marxists are being entirely destroyed by gross mismanagement under democrat politicians. The safest place to commit a violent crime of any kind, is a “gun-free zone.”
This 2020 County Election Map proves the point…

The BLUE specs on this otherwise all RED national map are the problem areas of our country. This is where most of the anti-American democratic-socialists live and vote, millions of them, illegally. These are the left-wing extremist zones that are responsible for driving our entire country into total ruin. These are the urban areas currently cancelling (nullifying) 84% of the nation.
Thanks to nine months of Obama’s puppet regime and their mismanagement on the national level, Biden and Harris have done more to convert Citizens into diehard Trump fans than another four years of Trump ever could have. More importantly, Biden and Harris are converting young public classroom educated socialists into future conservatives, thanks to their heavy-handed tyrannical insanity.
A “civil war” wouldn’t be much of a war, especially since all that RED territory is littered with Bible-reading gun-toting hunters and veterans, just about fed up with the tyrannical nature of those “tolerant liberals” busy trying to “cancel” everyone who isn’t just like them.

A second civil war? No…

But a collective uprising of all pro-American Citizens tired of being dictated to by mental midgets and public servants? YES! These BLUE cities are responsible for 90% of the election fraud in our country. Do we need a war to stop them from stealing elections in the future? Or do we just need to disqualify their districts due to their massive voting irregularities and election law violations?
Do we need to go to war to prove that no one has any right or authority to jab anyone with anything against their will? Or do we simply need to stand up together in mass and say “NO, not here!”

A war between the states? Why would we? There isn’t a single BLUE state anywhere in the country. They are all RED, except a handful of problem cities. How long could it take for RED BLOODED AMERICA to isolate these BLUE cities and let them collapse from the weight of their own decisions? Maybe that’s where we need walls…

If those BLUE specs on the map think they can cancel the rest of us, I issue this caution… Think hard, real hard, before you take that step. 84% of this country will not play with you. We’ve had it with Biden, Harris, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and all of you responsible for them. Chatter all you want but watch your step… FREEDOM is no game!

The conservative Right may hope and pray for peace, but the insane Left has declared war on 84% of America, like it or not. Personally, I like our odds… Evil makes war against Good, no matter how good people feel about it. Evil can only prevail, where good people do nothing to stop it!
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. ”These are famous words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran Pastor who was killed by the Nazis for resisting the regime.