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GA Grand Jury: 2024 Selection Election
By: DevvyFebruary 20, 2023
In my long life I have never – never – seen such lying, cheating and deceit by “elected” officials who’ve allowed, endorsed and encouraged the stealing of our elections over the past three decades. I became aware of massive vote fraud way back in 1992. Few Americans were interested.
Hussein Obama who used different aliases usurped the office of president. Hussein was and is constitutionally ineligible to be president. The junkyard dogs in the “mainstream” media, print, electronic and stupid tube (TV) lied through their teeth to protect that Marxist right along with Republicans. Gutless Republicans who were afraid of being called a racist for challenging his ineligibility based on the constitutional requirement of being a ‘natural born’ citizen. Hussein is NOT.
In my lifetime, never had I seen what went on between the Ministry of Propaganda (media) and members of the U.S. Congress to keep an obvious usurper in the Oval Office. The scope of the fraud and conspiracy was breathtaking and beyond sickening.
Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama aka Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah aka Barry Obama, appeared on the ballot in two elections even though he was ineligible. No one had the “right” to vote for him regardless of what some well-groomed male or female blabber mouth says on the nightly news, the daily gathering of imbeciles who host The View or any of the anti-truth newspapers out there who censored the truth about Hussein’s eligibility.
Since the Big Steal, that would be declaring career criminal and serial liar, Joe Biden, winner of the 2020 election, the lying useful fools employed as reporters, journalists or talking heads on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, MSM, dozens and dozens of popular web sites for the brain dead every day spit out the same propaganda:
Unfounded election fraud, false claims about election fraud, unproven election fraud and everyone’s favorite, overturn the election. EVERY morning on MSN.com blasting headlines always about Trump and the desire to see him hanged or at the very least, indicted and sent to prison based on zero evidence.
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