Does anybody really think a guy who couldn't draw more than 8 total people at any of his rally events during the entire year legitimately won an election against a President who sells out stadiums and has people camping out in freezing weather for up to a week in advance to get into his events ?
Even when Biden and Obama campaigned together NOBODY SHOWED . Hundred's of thousands tune it to Trump every single time he speaks and every single stop he made they had 50,000 -60,000 people with just as many still waiting outside who couldn't get inside due to capacity limits . The Knitting channel gets way more views than a Biden speech.
Multiple world record setting boat rallies were the norm all over the country , record setting car rallies even in California and NY were popping up on a virtually daily basis it was completely insane . Sky divers with parachutes with big wording "Keep America Great" and planes pulling banners that said "TRUMP WON" even in the UK and Ireland this was happening . It was completely nuts !!!
Most said before the election that if Biden was even remotely competitive you know massive election fraud is happening that's how ridiculous it is to think a barely functioning rejuvenated corpse who did absolutely squat in his 47 YEARS in government except enrich his own family was actually competitive let alone could ever win an election against a President who draws millions everywhere he goes .
The media think the American people are complete morons , they actually want you to believe a guy who's been rapidly decomposing while still alive over the last half decade not only got the most votes in America's 245 year history but is also the most popular President of all time . I mean ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!! C'MON !!! The only question that needs to be asked is how ridiculously stupid and gullible are you ?