How many of you believe the Earth is flat? Go.......

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So back on topic.

I did a little research today now that I am back. And I mean a little research. I think I understand better now the Flat Earther's theory or belief rather. Please correct me if I am wrong. The belief is that if you take the Bible at its word 100%, then there is no way the Earth, or any planet, moon, sun, etc could be a sphere. Additionally, if you are anti-science, or not trusting of science, news, teachings, evidence, etc as you said before then that gets you more firmly in the flat earth believer camp. Is that correct?
So back on topic.

I did a little research today now that I am back. And I mean a little research. I think I understand better now the Flat Earther's theory or belief rather. Please correct me if I am wrong. The belief is that if you take the Bible at its word 100%, then there is no way the Earth, or any planet, moon, sun, etc could be a sphere. Additionally, if you are anti-science, or not trusting of science, news, teachings, evidence, etc as you said before then that gets you more firmly in the flat earth believer camp. Is that correct?

I think the majority is the anti science/distrust demographic. Add to that a healthy dose of just not grasping the concepts, so they substitute their own logic, i.e. I canā€™t see the curve, so itā€™s not curved.
Iā€™m not saying everyone that ā€œbelievesā€ the earth is round is capable of grasping all the concepts, but they are willing to listen to people that have dedicated their lives to understanding and grasping the concepts.
@denialist did I get it wrong?
Yeah I wasnā€™t sure if you were joking. Itā€™s way more involved, conceptually and scientifically sophisticated than that. And Iā€™m not sure the Bible makes it clear one way or the other, at least both sides seem to argue it supports their position. Flat earthers would say the science supports their views and the other science is crackpot and vice versa.