^^^^ review an amp,any amp for that matter in e 440 with a normal stock strat,paul,maybe a super strat then,etc, let's hear the clean ch on the amp,then the dirt,max it out,but also wanna hear the in between semi crunch sounds,play lead guitar too..before we go boost into front, with annihilate pickups in drop A minus.
Well i have 9 guitars if i had my choice id live in E flat cuz it sounds cool and bends are easier with medium strings.
However and ive been in bands with keyboards and they all wanna play A440/E standard at least around here.
Then you got the vocals that wanna sing in certain keys and/or change keys for certain songs and all that BS.
Not to mention the pull on the neck is harder at standard pitch than lower so that means truss rod adjustments.
I did have certin guitars for both but it gets to be a PITA.
So finally i just stay in E standard for the singleness of purpose and bypass the bullshit.
As for drop C and that shit guitar is MIDRANGE. The lower you go you're playing bass guitar.
The tighter strings are strung the more harmonic content they have IMO. Rich with harmonic overtones.
Can a 5150 rattle the windows ? Yeah but get in a mix you're just lost.
I had a friend 25 years ago got a new 5150, couldn't wait to hear him play a show.
I sat on the board as i knew the band. Rhythm parts were okay but for the lead breaks couldn't hear him at all in a medium size club thru the PA.
Bedroom players can move heaven & earth at home but do an outside gig w/ 4/12 & subs fugget-a-bout-it.
If you can get in a tribute band and all play in a lower key and get a following that sometimes works if the club or sound police don't shut you down.