Pantera = badass. Period. Get all their cds Bob, I love em all.
Cowboys = pure classic 80s thrash
Vulgar = headbanging heavy grooves
FBD = ultimate sludge heaviness!
TGSTK = rip your face off brutal
RTS = looser, but still good
And to Thump, I don't believe Pantera was "trying" to be the brewtals, they epitomized everything that IS "brewtals." They were one of the true pioneers of brewtals!
Cowboys = pure classic 80s thrash
Vulgar = headbanging heavy grooves
FBD = ultimate sludge heaviness!
TGSTK = rip your face off brutal
RTS = looser, but still good
And to Thump, I don't believe Pantera was "trying" to be the brewtals, they epitomized everything that IS "brewtals." They were one of the true pioneers of brewtals!