I think I want a Synergy Rig

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Old "NOS"? Technology Randall RM100 lynchbox. Run it with a jaded faith V30, salvation Ampeg bass module and the best module ever - friedman correct spec brahma. Sounds as good as a jmp and sounds better than the synergy Plexi's ass. ( i have that one too, its good though) this stuff is great if you want the options but if you love the actual amp...just own it if you can.
It’s darker then the rest for sure. It’s fun to solo on because it’s never shrill or pearcing, but don’t care for it much for chords and riffs. It does give variety to the other modules.
I was tempted to get the Vai mod but I heard this Same thing from several others….. great for soloing but not for rhythm chords. I felt that way about the ecstasy mod too.

I seem to use the BE-DLX mod the most. It easily covers all my 70’s -80’s rock metal tones and more ! ??

And merry Christmas everyone !
I have a combined Synergy and MTS setup. RM100 with several Jaded Faith mods including dual channel module, foglifter, NFB, input gain, loop, and MM transformers/choke. I also use a couple of SYN2 units and a RM4 with my PS100 as a power amp.

The mods to the RM100 make all the difference. It really is what that amp should have been to begin with. Unless you find one already fully modded like I did or can do it yourself, it's better to go with Synergy as the base. Which base unit is up to you. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages; mostly with specific features.
For instance the Syn30 has a dedicated clean channel; which is a plus, but only one module slot and 30 watts.
The Syn 50 gives you a full 50 watts and 2 module slots, but no dedicated clean channel. It sort of defeats the purpose of 2 slots when you're almost required to fill a slot with a clean module if you need a basic clean sound.
Syn1 & Syn2 have all the features you would need and the Syn2 can be expanded with multiple units, but there's the extra cost of having to buy a separate power amp. I would suggest going with the PS2, PS100, or something else equally as neutral sounding. My preference is to let the module do the heavy lifting on tone and the power amp provide volume.
Of course there's always the option of getting a Syn30 or 50 and expanding the module slots with a Syn1 or 2.

As far as modules go, all of them sound good. So it's more a matter or preference of what you want/need. You also need to keep in mind that the modules aren't going to be a 1:1 copy of the real amp. They sound a good 95-98% the same, but won't ever be 100% exact. My personal favorites are the IICP and Pitbull. The IICP is excellent. I have a Mark III also. Side by side it's hard to tell which is which if you're not looking. Tone-wise they were really close. The biggest difference is the Mark III was more aggressive where the IICP was a bit more smooth.

The other part of modules is all of the older MTS ones will work with Synergy. Rob at Jaded Faith still mods them and will do one-off modules. I think Salvation still does mods, but they're kind of hard to get ahold of. Having the old MTS stuff modded is the best way to get a bunch of tones not offered by Synergy.

But say far, far, far away from the 1st gen MTS modules with Synergy. These are the one with the full chrome faceplate; no black stripe on them. There's a known, but no really advertised compatibility issue. I've talked to Rob/Jaded Faith and Bruce Egnater about this They don't seat well in the slot, will arc across the pins, and fry your stuff. I had one kill both of my Syn2's where I had to send them to Synergy for repair. Outside of that, all other MTS modules are good.

I have a couple of small gripes about Synergy:
There's no Syn100. They really need to come out with a 100 watt 3 module slot amp. If they had that I wouldn't have bothered with the RM100 in the first place.
It takes them a while to release new modules. I get that there's a good chunk of R&D involved and recent events slowed things down,, but its hard to hold on to the excitement for several years waiting for something new. Though I will say the IICP and 6505 were worth the wait.
There's no original modules. It's great they can replicate the tones of famous amps, but at the same time do we really need a dozen JCM from them. I really wish they would take some time and create a couple of fully original modules.

That's just small gripes though and doesn't take away from what they have going already. Overall it's a great system and better than the (unmodded) MTS. There's the initial cost of buying a main unit to get going, but after that you can build up some great, iconic tones at comparatively small costs. If you liked the MTS stuff overall I think you'll like Synergy. Their amps are much better quality that stock Randall ones.
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I considered the Randall MTS many years ago but never went down that path. I recall some of the later modules had two channels?

I recently sold my Engl E530 preamp, and had my E850/100 for sale but decided to keep it. A Syn-2 rack sounds like a great preamp option for a rack rig with my E850.

for anyone with the current, unmodded Syn modules: how do they sound, do they sound similar to each other, what power amp are you using?
I had a SYN2, down graded to a SYN1. With the SYN2 I was constantly swapping modules and comparing them which lead to less playing.

So far my favorites are the Uberschall and IICP. I just got a Dirty Shirley yesterday, still dialing it in, but so far it sounds great and is fun to boost with pedals.
I got a Syn 2 and the Uberschall, IICP, 6505, Powerball, and Ultra Lead modules last month when it was all on sale. I am loving it so far. I think most important is that it has a nice dynamic punchy feel to it. It don't have that smeared together feel a lot of the digital units have.
who had the sale?
I had a IIcp and did not like it but I'm not sure why . I may need to try that one out again.
The Synergy stuff is what the MTS stuff should have been. MTS was good, but not quite there. The Randall RT2/50 was the star of the MTS line, and in my opinion, still the poweramp to have for the modular stuff. I still have a dual-channel M4 and RT2/50, and I'd have to be in pretty dire straits to sell them. The power amp is massive though. If I wanted to gig with it, I'd probably get the 1u Fryette power amp.

I wish they'd be more open to licensing other builders. Let others design and build their own modules, and just pay Synergy a licensing fee or something. Right now all design and build gets funneled through Synergy, and I think that's a bottlenect that's kept them from reaching a broader critical mass.
going to run mine with my Fryette PS2 so I think i'm looking at the Syn-2 and rack mount it with the Fryette. Leaning towards the Metroplex and either SLO or Ecstasy. Lots of choices!
going to run mine with my Fryette PS2 so I think i'm looking at the Syn-2 and rack mount it with the Fryette. Leaning towards the Metroplex and either SLO or Ecstasy. Lots of choices!
I’ve had the SYN stuff and came away not super excited about it. My advice for you since you already have the PS2 is to get a Friedman IR-X and run that into the PS2. Far more economical and at least to me better sounding and more versatile option.
I’m on Round 2 with Synergy. I had a SYN-2 when it first came out. Tried a few modules that were released with it: T/DLX, Metroplex, DS, and had an older modded-MTS module as well. Loved the idea, but didn’t come away super impressed. So I sold all that, moved onto other dedicated preamps, and eventually away from the preamp/poweramp setup entirely. That’s when I discovered that the real issue was a meh power amp - the Mesa 50/50.

Fast forward to now, and I’m back with a SYN-2 again with a Fryette Deliverance and ENGL Powerball module. Had very good success with a Fryette 2/50/2 poweramp and also in the loop of my Mesa ElectraDyne rackmount head, which I’m using as a single-channel amp.

But the moral of the story for me is: power amp does actually matter. Give it a good one.
Sound like a bunch of rack guys from the old days lol...these moduals may be good but there's no way they're better than the best all tube preamps.
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I have a combined Synergy and MTS setup. RM100 with several Jaded Faith mods including dual channel module, foglifter, NFB, input gain, loop, and MM transformers/choke. I also use a couple of SYN2 units and a RM4 with my PS100 as a power amp.

The mods to the RM100 make all the difference. It really is what that amp should have been to begin with. Unless you find one already fully modded like I did or can do it yourself, it's better to go with Synergy as the base. Which base unit is up to you. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages; mostly with specific features.
For instance the Syn30 has a dedicated clean channel; which is a plus, but only one module slot and 30 watts.
The Syn 50 gives you a full 50 watts and 2 module slots, but no dedicated clean channel. It sort of defeats the purpose of 2 slots when you're almost required to fill a slot with a clean module if you need a basic clean sound.
Syn1 & Syn2 have all the features you would need and the Syn2 can be expanded with multiple units, but there's the extra cost of having to buy a separate power amp. I would suggest going with the PS2, PS100, or something else equally as neutral sounding. My preference is to let the module do the heavy lifting on tone and the power amp provide volume.
Of course there's always the option of getting a Syn30 or 50 and expanding the module slots with a Syn1 or 2.

As far as modules go, all of them sound good. So it's more a matter or preference of what you want/need. You also need to keep in mind that the modules aren't going to be a 1:1 copy of the real amp. They sound a good 95-98% the same, but won't ever be 100% exact. My personal favorites are the IICP and Pitbull. The IICP is excellent. I have a Mark III also. Side by side it's hard to tell which is which if you're not looking. Tone-wise they were really close. The biggest difference is the Mark III was more aggressive where the IICP was a bit more smooth.

The other part of modules is all of the older MTS ones will work with Synergy. Rob at Jaded Faith still mods them and will do one-off modules. I think Salvation still does mods, but they're kind of hard to get ahold of. Having the old MTS stuff modded is the best way to get a bunch of tones not offered by Synergy.

But say far, far, far away from the 1st gen MTS modules with Synergy. These are the one with the full chrome faceplate; no black stripe on them. There's a known, but no really advertised compatibility issue. I've talked to Rob/Jaded Faith and Bruce Egnater about this They don't seat well in the slot, will arc across the pins, and fry your stuff. I had one kill both of my Syn2's where I had to send them to Synergy for repair. Outside of that, all other MTS modules are good.

I have a couple of small gripes about Synergy:
There's no Syn100. They really need to come out with a 100 watt 3 module slot amp. If they had that I wouldn't have bothered with the RM100 in the first place.
It takes them a while to release new modules. I get that there's a good chunk of R&D involved and recent events slowed things down,, but its hard to hold on to the excitement for several years waiting for something new. Though I will say the IICP and 6505 were worth the wait.
There's no original modules. It's great they can replicate the tones of famous amps, but at the same time do we really need a dozen JCM from them. I really wish they would take some time and create a couple of fully original modules.

That's just small gripes though and doesn't take away from what they have going already. Overall it's a great system and better than the (unmodded) MTS. There's the initial cost of buying a main unit to get going, but after that you can build up some great, iconic tones at comparatively small costs. If you liked the MTS stuff overall I think you'll like Synergy. Their amps are much better quality that stock Randall ones.

Have you compared your RM100 vs. a stock one? My RM100s all have modded Presence/Density controls and/or adjustable NFB controls but no transformer upgrades. I was wondering, how much of a difference it would make. As far as I recall, Robs stance on this is, if you have the Foglifter, the transformer upgrade becomes obsolete or even "too much".
going to run mine with my Fryette PS2 so I think i'm looking at the Syn-2 and rack mount it with the Fryette. Leaning towards the Metroplex and either SLO or Ecstasy. Lots of choices!
Metroplex was my least favorite module. It had way more gain on tap than I was expecting, though ’s possible something was up with it because it was used. The Plexi module was better imo.
for anyone with the current, unmodded Syn modules: how do they sound, do they sound similar to each other, what power amp are you using?
They sound very good, but yes they can sound samey after a while when using the same power amp. This is the biggest downside for me, the homogenising effect of it all. I've banged on about this before so I'll leave it there.

Metroplex was my least favorite module. It had way more gain on tap than I was expecting, though ’s possible something was up with it because it was used. The Plexi module was better imo.
I thought the same. It was weirdly hot and compressed, with no plexi spank. I think the designers often bake-in more preamp gain in the modules that are based on NMV amps, to mitigate the effect of the missing (pushed) power section. I do know that the old Randall plexi was more like a 2203 preamp in topology.

But the moral of the story for me is: power amp does actually matter. Give it a good one.
A trick I learned was to use a clean preamp pedal in the 'to amp' loop. This gives you another channel added to you Synergy. Find an ultra clean preamp pedal to use.

Or just run straight into the power amp for clean. I need squeaky clean sounds live, also, and find that works great
Have you compared your RM100 vs. a stock one? My RM100s all have modded Presence/Density controls and/or adjustable NFB controls but no transformer upgrades. I was wondering, how much of a difference it would make. As far as I recall, Robs stance on this is, if you have the Foglifter, the transformer upgrade becomes obsolete or even "too much".

I haven't compared it to a full stock one. I do however have a RM100 that has only the basic foglifter mod. I can tell the difference in sound and feel. From my understanding the foglifter is a decent step up from stock. Adding the foglifter+ takes it up a notch and Mercury transformers takes it up more. To me the foglifter+ and MM transformers both make the amp feel not as congested and can open up more, both in feel and tone.

I talked to Rob about the transformer upgrade a good bit when my foglifter only one went down for a bit. That was before I the fully upgraded one. Back when they were newer and before Synergy it would have been worth it if you were fully investing into the MTS system. Now it's not really worth the money. The transformers alone are pushing $900 on their own. Plus the cost of someone doing the install if you can't do it yourself. At that price point you may as well go for a Synergy amp with newer technology and no need for upgrades. If you already have a stock RM100 and just want a better tone, the basic foglifter is still worth getting. It's not overly expensive and something most people can do themselves. Now, if you happen to come across a fully modded RM100 with MM transformers for a good price it's worth grabbing. You'll have something that's at least on par with the Synergy a stuff. But it wouldn't be worth the investment to get a stock one then do the upgrades.
Or just run straight into the power amp for clean. I need squeaky clean sounds live, also, and find that works great
Yeah, you can just jump it with a cable and do this. I would prefer to use a preamp pedal though so I have control over EQ and possibly compression.