If we get this $5000 stimulus/tax payback/whatever and you HAD to spend it on gear...

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When begging and paying the government is no longer necessary and prices drop to something more realistic I’ll get some suppressors. Or build some.

In the meantime I’m putting together some BCMs and next one will be a Noveske or Larue.

And nothing I do, ever, is dependent on a handout from the government or anyone else.
Ha ! What a maroon. How the fuck do you think they’re going to pay for the tax cuts ??? That’s EXACTLY what Trump did the last time he was president. He exploded the debt idiot.
Well, the working theory is that if he trims the government spending (which is outrageous IMO...promoting crap all over the globe that has nothing to with the US), cuts out agencies doing dumb spending, claws back the money the last admin spent recklessly, that taxes will be cut by not needing as much money to run the government from taxpayers. I suggest you give NewsMax a try for your news. The legacy media has proven they can be bought, suppress real news, etc at the expense of taxpayers.
EDIT: apparently that big bail out for US taxpayer during COVID escalated the debt as well. You need to look logically at this, and stop voting with your feelings. I used to be Dem 33 years ago, then after going into business for myself I saw how I was taxed on non-sensical crap...especially when I still lived in So Cal.
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Well, the working theory is that if he trims the government spending (which is outrageous IMO...promoting crap all over the globe that has nothing to with the US), cuts out agencies doing dumb spending, claws back the money the last admin spent recklessly, that taxes will be cut by not needing as much money to run the government from taxpayers. I suggest you give NewsMax a try for your news. The legacy media has proven they can be bought, suppress real news, etc at the expense of taxpayers.
THey're just dumb..(LIBS)
Nothing you say will change that'
It's like a retard that keeps running out in traffic. They never learn..
Well, the working theory is that if he trims the government spending (which is outrageous IMO...promoting crap all over the globe that has nothing to with the US), cuts out agencies doing dumb spending, claws back the money the last admin spent recklessly, that taxes will be cut by not needing as much money to run the government from taxpayers. I suggest you give NewsMax a try for your news. The legacy media has proven they can be bought, suppress real news, etc at the expense of taxpayers.
EDIT: apparently that big bail out for US taxpayer during COVID escalated the debt as well. You need to look logically at this, and stop voting with your feelings. I used to be Dem 33 years ago, then after going into business for myself I saw how I was taxed on non-sensical crap...especially when I still lived in So Cal.
Newsmax is right wing propaganda.

Every Republican administration explodes the debt with trickle down economic theories that don’t work, giving away billions in tax cuts for BIG corporations and donors and then blames govt programs that actually help millions of people and then they want cuts to those programs. Who can afford to pay ? The rich and corporations or the poor and middle class ? When they take YOUR social security then maybe you’ll see. It’s YOUR money, it’s not an entitlement, but you wait. They’re coming for it. It’s too much just sitting there. They’re coming for your IRA and 401K money too. Wait and see.
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THey're just dumb..(LIBS)
Nothing you say will change that'
It's like a retard that keeps running out in traffic. They never learn..
The truly dumb ones are the right wingers who doubt all they see with their own eyes, scientists, economists, etc and think there’s a conspiracy against them and vote against their own interests for a bloated orange turd that couldn’t give less of a shit about them.
The truly dumb ones are the right wingers who doubt all they see with their own eyes, scientists, economists, etc and think there’s a conspiracy against them and vote against their own interests for a bloated orange turd that couldn’t give less of a shit about them.
Name a democrat president this century that didn’t totally ass fuck the economy.
I agree. That wasn’t this century though. And he was the only one in your lifetime.
Idk how you could say Obama fucked the economy, he never had free reign todo anything because the right controlled both houses for his last 6 years I believe, he had to resort to executive orders, and idk the figures for Biden, although he did untuck us from the pandemic so I’m sure that CRAZY spending was in there, and YES probably most of that was fraudulent shit, but that’s not entirely his fault. I know tons of people that got PPP “loans” or free money they shouldn’t have gotten that haven’t paid it back.
Idk how you could say Obama fucked the economy, he never had free reign todo anything because the right controlled both houses for his last 6 years I believe, he had to resort to executive orders, and idk the figures for Biden, although he did untuck us from the pandemic so I’m sure that CRAZY spending was in there, and YES probably most of that was fraudulent shit, but that’s not entirely his fault. I know tons of people that got PPP “loans” or free money they shouldn’t have gotten that haven’t paid it back.
Dude, it doesn't matter what anyone's politics are. This was a fun thread just to see what people on here are dreaming of and would buy if they had a pile of money magically show up on their doorstep. It doesn't need to be derailed with Debbie Downers and people wanting to argue politics.
Idk how you could say Obama fucked the economy, he never had free reign todo anything because the right controlled both houses for his last 6 years I believe, he had to resort to executive orders, and idk the figures for Biden, although he did untuck us from the pandemic so I’m sure that CRAZY spending was in there, and YES probably most of that was fraudulent shit, but that’s not entirely his fault. I know tons of people that got PPP “loans” or free money they shouldn’t have gotten that haven’t paid it back.
Always blame the conservative from the previous administration. That's the rule.

Here's the thing brother, you can make any excuse you want, but with the exception of Clinton, every time a democrat is president the economy sucks and when there's a republican it doesn't. You can spin it however you want, but that's how it goes. And it's why a convicted felon who can't shut his stupid mouth took every swing state, flipped minorities and won the popular vote for the first time in a quarter century. Obama had 8 years and he blamed all 8 of them on Bush 2. Then he claimed credit for the economy under Trump 1. No one is fucking stupid enough to buy that.

If the democrats don't start back down the path to what they were before Clinton, you mother fuckers aren't gonna win another national election.
And Obama had a democrat controlled congress for the first 2 years and didn't do shit. And the dems held the senate after the 2011 midterms and reps held the house. There was definitely not 6 years of republicans controlling congress. If there was the piece of shit known as Obamacare wouldn't exist. It passed without a single republican vote.
And Obama had a democrat controlled congress for the first 2 years and didn't do shit. And the dems held the senate after the 2011 midterms and reps held the house. There was definitely not 6 years of republicans controlling congress. If there was the piece of shit known as Obamacare wouldn't exist. It passed without a single republican vote.
You're right about Obamacare. All of my clients got hosed on that. 1) It's like another home mortgage! 2) I used to have discretionary income...not anymore. I'm just struggling to make ends meet now. This started with that tripe.

@paulyc You know, I have lots of liberal friends/clients/family members, too. NewsMax has accurately reported too many things now, usually in advance of the lame stream media. Ukraine prosecutor fired or Biden won't release the money. Hunter's laptop, RussiaGate, come on man...how many times can all this be disproven (and then used for evidence) before you realize they're gaslighting you?
Well, the working theory is that if he trims the government spending (which is outrageous IMO...promoting crap all over the globe that has nothing to with the US), cuts out agencies doing dumb spending, claws back the money the last admin spent recklessly, that taxes will be cut by not needing as much money to run the government from taxpayers. I suggest you give NewsMax a try for your news. The legacy media has proven they can be bought, suppress real news, etc at the expense of taxpayers.
EDIT: apparently that big bail out for US taxpayer during COVID escalated the debt as well. You need to look logically at this, and stop voting with your feelings. I used to be Dem 33 years ago, then after going into business for myself I saw how I was taxed on non-sensical crap...especially when I still lived in So Cal.
Republicans intend on cutting $880 billion from Medicaid and adding $4 trillion to the deficit for more tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. Apparently Newsmax failed to mention that,
Republicans intend on cutting $880 billion from Medicaid and adding $4 trillion to the deficit for more tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. Apparently Newsmax failed to mention that,
Can't say as I've seen that. Got a link to that story?