IIc+ pricing...worth 10k?

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I sold this amp to buy the Gjika 10n. No regret here.

That's my dream amp. Bob and I see eye to eye on KT77's in class A at full tilt, and Mullard f91/f92's everywhere a 12AX7 is called for. Did you get some of those to replace the stock JJ's?
That's my dream amp. Bob and I see eye to eye on KT77's in class A at full tilt, and Mullard f91/f92's everywhere a 12AX7 is called for. Did you get some of those to replace the stock JJ's?
I haven’t tried different tubes yet honestly. That’s something I normally do first thing when I receive a new amp, but this thing sounds pretty good as is! I curious now that you’ve mentioned it. I wish I had some old Gold Lion/ Genelex 77’s to throw in there. Those are just monster power tubes.
That's like me saying any one of my modded Marshalls can do your Larry tone all day.
I mean, they're a Marshall circuit right?

Same difference. No Mark IIB, III, IV, V, JP2C has the clarity, harmonic content and bouncy feel of the real deal C+. Just like any number of my past modded Marshalls will NOT sound just like your Larry. As cool as the Camerons, Friedman, Monomyth, etc etc have been they just won't match what your Larry can do.

Sometimes you gotta pony up the cash to experience the real deal.
Hey fair enough man. I'm just not schooled in that tone, and don't care enough about it.

You're 100% right, I'm just being a shit head
I haven’t tried different tubes yet honestly. That’s something I normally do first thing when I receive a new amp, but this thing sounds pretty good as is! I curious now that you’ve mentioned it. I wish I had some old Gold Lion/ Genelex 77’s to throw in there. Those are just monster power tubes.

GEC KT77's are what Bob uses personally and to voice each amp. The JJ is a copy made from a pair Bob Pletka at Eurotubes sacrificed to create the JJ variant. Mr. Gjika uses those Mullard f91/f92's in both slots and the Gainmaster, so if you want the fullness of the 10n you'll have to pony up a couple of hundred and get some NOS/ANOS specimens. There's only three of them, but you will wonder how you ever lived without them once installed and beheld: they are the Vox Dei. Accept no substitute!
GEC KT77's are what Bob uses personally and to voice each amp. The JJ is a copy made from a pair Bob Pletka at Eurotubes sacrificed to create the JJ variant. Mr. Gjika uses those Mullard f91/f92's in both slots and the Gainmaster, so if you want the fullness of the 10n you'll have to pony up a couple of hundred and get some NOS/ANOS specimens. There's only three of them, but you will wonder how you ever lived without them once installed and beheld: they are the Vox Dei. Accept no substitute!
I’ll see if I can find some for sure. Thanks for the advice/suggestions. Really appreciate it!
Pricing is MORE than $10k. I'm consistently getting offers on my amps, especially my KG+/++ Coliseum.
I’ve had 2 pm’s offering $10k for my IIC++ that I paid $6k for 5 weeks ago from Z Wizard of Ozz….nuts
Well that pretty much answers my question lol.

So let's speculate a little bit here for the hell of it. Let's say over the next 5-10 years, the Gibson/Mesa partnership flourishes. A Mark VI is released and it's everything we could dream of. Plus they release another Rectifier revision that crushes and maybe even a brand new model that also rules.

Dya think this kind of momentum could shift interests to newer/better and bring prices down? Or have we actually reached a point where this gear is a solid investment?
Prices aren’t going down, there’s too few iic+’s and too much lore. I mean this thread itself is going to jack prices up even more when a few more guys go for $10k lol
How many of these were made?
2500 ish C+
1200 ish C can be upgr to +

Break it down by model (SRG, HRG, DRG, KRG (90? total iirc?), and no options chassis.. Estimate 600 per model? 90 Colis.
*estimated of course

You get the drift. 1/2500 amps.
IMHO it's the King of fucking metal amps, but.. I own one. AFTER owning several M3/M4/JP. None of THOSE amps come close in all the ways the c+ is special.

It's the "real thing".
Like how... getting laid = nothing compares. There's THAT "factor" about these amps. NOTHING compares to the touch sensitivity, response and TONE. AND... NO other amp NOT named Mesa Mark is going to even let you "heavy pet" that tone.
2500 ish C+
1200 ish C can be upgr to +

Break it down by model (SRG, HRG, DRG, KRG (90? total iirc?), and no options chassis.. Estimate 600 per model? 90 Colis.
*estimated of course

You get the drift. 1/2500 amps.
IMHO it's the King of fucking metal amps, but.. I own one. AFTER owning several M3/M4/JP. None of THOSE amps come close in all the ways the c+ is special.

It's the "real thing".
Like how... getting laid = nothing compares. There's THAT "factor" about these amps. NOTHING compares to the touch sensitivity, response and TONE. AND... NO other amp NOT named Mesa Mark is going to even let you "heavy pet" that tone.

I'd also bet: 1/2500 = $25k eventually.
By then tubes to run em will be $1k a quad too tho. So...
i am looking for a mesa satellite to use with my Myasnikov iic+, if anyone ever sees one please let me know
I'd also bet: 1/2500 = $25k eventually.
By then tubes to run em will be $1k a quad too tho. So...
Just sell me one man lol . How about a mint Vh4 + $2000 lol fr

Not just yet…

So does this mean my C++ Studio Preamp is now 'worth' 5k? I figured it's half an amp.

But seriously does anyone have insight on these units? I have to admit I'm not really a Mesa guy and bought this thing on a whim a while back. It has documentation of going to Mike B at Mesa for the mod and service, over $900 all up. I don't have an original amp to compare it too but for my tastes is does the job extremely well, tight and defined and lots of fun to play through.

Do we know if this was a common mod for these studio pres? You guys seen many out in the wild?
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I've had 6 or 7 c+'s over the years of various formats. it is easily one of the best and most flexible amps ever made, and i'm glad i got a chance to spend so much time with them, but 10 grand!?
every single time i sold a c+ it was for the money, and to switch back to a IVa or a III because they're close enough to justify me getting a huge chuck of money to spend on something else.
My DRG IIC+ is with Mike B atm for service and switchable ++ mod. Talk about being nervous during shipment from Denmark to California ??

REALLY looking forward getting it back and being all it can! ?? And comparing it to my IVa.