IIc+ pricing...worth 10k?

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And now you're kicking yourself for not having one bc of your "close enough" mentality.
its ok... i've made my money from those. last one i sold for 1100 more than i paid. another one was a 100pt wood and wicker combo that i got for 499 buy it now in the mid 2000's, and sold for 2k-ish a few years later. the 60 watt cream combo i got for 800, i sold for 1800, so thats like 3500 in profit right there. Obviously it would be nice to still have one, but my mark IVa keeps me erect just fine :) plus these old IV's are creeping up to the 2k mark and climbing, so its not all bad. only gear i ever regretted selling were cool les pauls.
I'll just have to be happy with; "Yeah, I used to have one of those." They are great amps but I just came to the realization that I have an ear for Marshalls. Similar thing with the SLO...great amp just not the sound in my head. I'm not worthy of a $10k amp.

I'm still a little surprised that these things don't get cloned more. Not that the clones would sound the same...they probably wouldn't but that's never stopped people from trying. They're not complicated amps. It must be the GEQ since they're not nearly as good without one (IMO/IME, I know some guy(s) like their non-Gs).
An upgraded C+ 60 watt with reverb (no eq) just sold on Reverb. It was listed for 6.500 usd
I think the market pricing we're seeing will stick around for a while, if not go up:
1.) Limited numbers
2.) Legendary tone & feel (and they do way more than that 'tallica thing)
3.) Many have gone back to Mesa the past few years for service / mods, so those will have longevity and hold value, especially after Mike B retires

They may not float everyone's boat, but, there's an ass for every saddle.

Asking prices are just that... the SR that just sold on Reverb was asking $6.5K, but looks like it sold for $4.5K. That's a little over 2x what I think it should be, but, my opinion is based on past times. It's a new world and I think we'll be in it for a while, IMHO
My DRG IIC+ is with Mike B atm for service and switchable ++ mod. Talk about being nervous during shipment from Denmark to California ??

REALLY looking forward getting it back and being all it can! ?? And comparing it to my IVa.
He just did the switchable ++ mod and service to my HRG. I have that amp next to my IVB right now...they both rock but that mod is just cool as hell. You'll love it.
I'm still a little surprised that these things don't get cloned more. Not that the clones would sound the same...they probably wouldn't but that's never stopped people from trying. They're not complicated amps. It must be the GEQ since they're not nearly as good without one (IMO/IME, I know some guy(s) like their non-Gs).

Seen this some times ago.

I've seen the trend of the IIC+ growing over the past couple years - I mean, they'd always had a fierce niche market - always - but the upward trend in the "need to have" has definitely spiked as of late.

Me? I've had the pleasure of trying a couple in the past, and no, they didn't really do it for me. To each their own. But this peak trend pricing I'm seeing now reminds me of when the Bogner Rev.2 fell squarely into the top-of-mind awareness of all forumites and practising musos around the continent (and overseas) and resulted in prices getting absolutely fucking mental. Was only a few years ago - but between bands at that time referencing them, their being "back in vogue" as the "holy grail of heavy", and the fact there's only so many made gave them their "unobtanium" factor - which basically doubles their price.

Just ask yourself - how much of the price tag is hype, and how much is function. And to all those who thought they'd built themselves a treasure trove of Rev.2's by amassing as many as they could - sure - they did alright in resale, but not what the "value at peak trend" indicated. The shine wore off, people moved on, other amps were used. And those who play they guitars and amps seriously and with diligence barely if at all noticed there was some mega trend going on. They were too busy playing what they had.

/2 cents
And now you're kicking yourself for not having one bc of your "close enough" mentality.
Believe it or not, I had a Mark III++ that was as good as my 2C++ amps. I sold that amp and its something I've regretted. The amp was a work horse. I played it for hours on end and it never got hot. Even the transformers stayed cool...which meant the amp had a consistent sound the entire time. I had it loaded with 415's and C8's. It was quiet too.

The tonal changes are why I love my little JCA20. I can leave the amp on for 5 hours and the power transformer never get more than a little warm. The amp sounds consistent.
I had one too Dave, it was a blue stripe with a export transformer and Mike worked it up to a level that no MKIII has ever been I'm sure. 5X it went back and forth until he had it where it was just unreal but still after all that the feel/touch and bounce that a IIC+ is known for was missing.

I keep hearing about the 105 in mark III amps having the it factor but that is all bs. I think u would have liked my blue stripe w/export. That amp was consistent in how u describe your JCA20.
but still better than some reel IIC+ You can hear. Maybe youtube lost some of this ' 10k $' magic :)
The most expensive item I ever paid for that was 10k was the rock on the mrs finger. I won’t ever spend that much on a single item ever again ?
That's like me saying any one of my modded Marshalls can do your Larry tone all day.
I mean, they're a Marshall circuit right?

Same difference. No Mark IIB, III, IV, V, JP2C has the clarity, harmonic content and bouncy feel of the real deal C+. Just like any number of my past modded Marshalls will NOT sound just like your Larry. As cool as the Camerons, Friedman, Monomyth, etc etc have been they just won't match what your Larry can do.

Sometimes you gotta pony up the cash to experience the real deal.
Yep and then the wait . It will be worth it . I can’t wait lol but got to