I'm leaving TGP soon....

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I believe your teeth look like that, anyway.
That's not entirely true, isn't it? I clearly remember the majority there insulting those who were against lockdowns, forced vaccines etc. !!!
So yeah you don't have to tell anyone that there but at the same time if you want to tell them the opposite you're not allowed to.

I don't really think so. It comes down to how you present your "strongly worded opinions". I was literally in the delivery room, with my wife starting to push when I received the message about the lockdowns and I was to be furloughed for the foreseeable future. It took almost 2 months for my unemployment to go through, so I spent a lot of time on TGP (and other places) pretty pissed off about the lockdowns because there I was jobless with a newborn.
I understood the lockdowns, but I was certainly pissed off and vocal about them and can't say I remember getting much shit from TGP members or staff. This is painting with a broad brush, but many of the people against the lockdowns/vaccines ect had very little tact about how they went about bitching about them. Still to this day, hearing "face diapers" or "jab" makes me instantly assume I'm dealing with an imbecile. It's no secret that TGP is all about "walking that fine line" when it comes to discussing anything remotely controversial, so it should not be a secret that the people that aren't getting knocked for it are more often than not, just better at it.
A-Bone isn’t a gaslighter. I think people assume he’s intentions are different than they truly are.
I think “gaslight” is a cringy term to begin with, but I can sort of see why some people think he does it. However I do not think he does it with the intent to get people worked up in hopes that they self destruct though.

Shit he’s done it to me too, but I also have the ability to step back and realize what I said was pretty unnecessary to begin with lol.

I remember there was a thread about celebrity crushes and I posted that “Chloe Bennet was just the right amount of Asian” for me.
Abone replied with “what the hell does that mean?”
I replied and that was the end of it.

Oddly enough, about 5 years later someone reported that post and I ended up getting a week suspension for it. I think that is TGPs biggest problem. Banning someone for a 5 year old post? Get the fuck outta here. Just delete it if someone complains.
Ball's in your court, Clit.

Still waiting on that clip of you playing guitar..

You’ll be waiting for a very long time too. And I am good with that. Living rent free. But you have nothing useful to do but hang out on gear sites so no skin off your teeth.
Man, I agree with you. Things can and should be expressed in an elegant way. The only problem I have with TGP is that there's the narrative enforcing group that can insult, say harsh things, be assholes in general and then there's the other group that have to walk the fine line. Hope you understand that.
How many times did I see posts insulting white people, boomers, controversial artists in the most idiotic ways. Try to say the exact same things but replace the subject with someone else or some other group and see how long it takes to get banned.
I guess like you said, it's perspective. As someone under 40 I feel like millennials got shit on constantly there with no recourse. Another time that I got suspended was because I posted that "erections have ended a lot of marriages" which in context was clearly about infidelity. When I got the ban they told me that "erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter" so obviously I touched a nerve with someone much older than I. My final ban which made me give up on the place was for calling Jimmy Page a pedophile. They told me "it doesn't matter if it is true, it is still slander"

I think it mostly comes down to members reporting each other. I posted some pretty outlandish shit over the years and never received a single point until a handful of guys got a hardon for me started reporting me all the time. Combine that with lazy moderation and it's a perfect recipe for members to feel the site is lopsided.
This coming from a sock puppet troll fake account.


You know you’re getting attacked by (one) fake ‘puppets’.
See how (he’s) ‘they’re all’ zeroing in on you??

You said some stuff that was WAY TOO CLOSE to the heart recently and this is your payback.

This place is a joke.

Bro it's clear to everyone here that trolling intelligent forums is waaaaay above your paygrade. You are an overpaid shill about to be fired. Stick to trolling via pigeon posts, bro. And by bro I mean never my bro, you absolute noob.
Bro. Good. You consider this place an intelligent forum? Whoa, bro…
