I'm leaving TGP soon....

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Man, I agree with you. Things can and should be expressed in an elegant way. The only problem I have with TGP is that there's the narrative enforcing group that can insult, say harsh things, be assholes in general and then there's the other group that have to walk the fine line. Hope you understand that.
How many times did I see posts insulting white people, boomers, controversial artists in the most idiotic ways. Try to say the exact same things but replace the subject with someone else or some other group and see how long it takes to get banned.
This is true… however, one side is the majority there and they have more people with itchy reporting fingers ready to pounce on anyone that doesn't fall in line with the left narrative, especially the ones that can’t post an alternative view in a more subtle way. The only reason the white people insults and such are are there is because nobody reports them. The mods don’t read every post so it’s up to members to report any post that violate rules… Again it boils down to the majority and that place has an asshat majority

Don't know ... maybe D-Bone is just retarded if he ( or is it they? :) ) doesn't understand what you meant. Maybe he just has a mental disability.
I think he might be part Asian himself. I have no reason to believe that besides that he’s really in to Japanese cinema and that in my head he looks like Billy Corgan
Re: OP’s initial post

TGP is useful for buying gear, etc. It would benefit them to delete the Pub (or whatever that forum is called). Otherwise, I’d just stay away from that section.
You know you’re getting attacked by (one) fake ‘puppets’.
See how (he’s) ‘they’re all’ zeroing in on you??

You said some stuff that was WAY TOO CLOSE to the heart recently and this is your payback.
Yeah… I wish I’d never found the Pub or OTC hahaha but it is what it is.
I found TGP searching for info on building a reactive load, many years ago.

Stumbled upon the thread James Freeman started on building the Randall Aiken design. Built a reactive load and posted my results.

At some point, I found the off-topic forum there and got sucked into the madness. It was fun, at first.. until I started getting mobbed by trolls, sock-puppets, political hacks, and angry homosexual dudes.

I found TGP searching for info on building a reactive load, many years ago.

Stumbled upon the thread James Freeman started on building the Randall Aiken design. Built a reactive load and posted my results.

At some point, I found the off-topic forum there and got sucked into the madness. It was fun, at first.. until I started getting mobbed by trolls, sock-puppets, political hacks, and angry homosexual dudes.

Yeah I found it researching pedals… Then found the funny pics in the pub, I agree, it was fun at first but those angry fuckers don’t like people like us with a sense of humor. The last year or so with The Farce thread was ridiculous dealing with them, so after it went down I found better stuff to do and more productive ways to spend my time.

Re: OP’s initial post

TGP is useful for buying gear, etc. It would benefit them to delete the Pub (or whatever that forum is called). Otherwise, I’d just stay away from that section.
Sadly I agree. But even the other sections frustrated me. Everything was so lopsided there. If you didn't play a Suhr, Helix, some crazy boutique amp, boutique pedals, wear khaki shorts, Hawaiian shirts, wear white new balance sneakers, wear a fedora, be under the age of 72, and play tan pants dentist blues you were definitely not one of the cool kids.
This place is just sooooo much better in so many ways.
TGP is a place for uptight righteous ninnies and old ladies.
TGP is for Telecaster-playing dentists and homosexual lawyers.

That's what I meant to say.

Do most of the male members there wear crotchless panties? They sure seem like they do..
Most of them act like programmed cucks.
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That's what I meant to say.

Do most of the male members there wear crotchless panties? They sure seem like they do..
Most of them act like programmed cucks.
The only real problem with all these gear forums is when people who don't actually play guitar get on and start posting/trolling.

Yep. There are way too many of them to stomp them all out..
Well that and all the old bitchy bitter cucks on tgp.
If only there was a place all the racist, homophobes could let loose and just be themselves. You know?!? A place where a guy can talk about other guys and homosexuality, and things going in peoples butts. Just dudes being dudes thinking about other dudes being in dudes. Man, that place would be awesome.
