I am sorry you have been locked out of executive bathroom that serves the Fender execs that pedal such fine things such as bar stools, coasters, and neon lights many men place in their mancaves. They have important historic replicas to create for the Zoo that have period correct woods such as mahogany, pine, and redwood........................Fender knows their customer base. I saw a man several weeks ago during my weekly dive jam at Cyprus Grill wearing really cool fender chucks and a strat that I believe was caught in a wood chipper, or the gentleman really played that guitar hard for 248 years. I guess his body was real old growth by now? He did not call me a Baird Man for the slime green Charvel I carried in but enjoyed the 77 super lead I had until he saw the ppmiv I had installed. He uttered some religious phrase and continued to wipe down his 1767 strat.
Why anyone that has read this forum not go to you for their custom shop Charvel puzzles me, I would wax your overrated Beetle for a year for the honor of you taking my order for a CS Charvel. Oh yeah you now knee at the alter of the Bavarian Manure Wagon. Well I can wax that as well for your expert point of view.
Hope all is well with your family and that piss stained wall next to your fine store,