Is this part of conforming to the YT algorhithm, Bad.Seed?

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Any whiff or hint of assembly line, vapid "youtube content" or shilling is going to raise the hackles of people who originally watched his videos because they felt it was more honest.
I have to say though, thousands of YT views are probably more incentive that 10-20 RT'rs complaining. ?‍♂️
Strippers flock to dollar bills. They are still strippers...

Whorish behavior is whorish.

Kyle, if you want to be a whore, own that shit and strut 'round. Dont tell us you know who you are..we do too, bud.

When i was in mexico, there was a donkey painted like a zebra. Kyle, it wasnt a zebra.
@DanTravis62 that's what I've been suggesting too; he rose to fame as an 'everyday man', seemingly no hidden agenda, etc. and that's what I liked about the channel.

And when we point out a sudden shift in content, by pure accident coinciding with 'my good friends at Gibson', where their pickup was made the star of this aforemented video with clickbaity title, kinda seems fishy, suddenly we're all conspiracy-theory-minded-boomers?! :jerkit:

@Bad.Seed do I need to remind you how 'well' it went for good ol' Larry when he came in name-calling everybody here, when people had valid criticisms about his business practices? :whistle: :checkthisout:

As I'm not from the US and I don't need/want the undercurrent of political leanings by using words as 'soy', I will say this though: Maybe it's time to man up now and just answer the question I've asked in post #1 and what most of the folks in this thread agree with?

I also won't hold my breath, because there's probably some pseudo based/edgy retort coming, 'rent free times x' and what have you... :cheers:
I have given this a lot of thought, and I have decided I am a little embarrassed about how how I acted earlier. I think @DanTravis62 should be, too. You see, we both are guys that have worked in rough fields where Men are Men and there is a lot of trash talking, and a fair amount of backing it up. Dan is much smarter than me, but even I am smart enough to be a little dangerous.

The long and short of it is that we are good at talking shit. I talk a lot of shit at work, and some people don't really like it.

My point is, that while we are good at it, Kyle isn't. And I thought he might bring his A game, but thing is, Kyle is probably good at other things. I can talk shit, and I work with my hands, but I am really bad at being in touch with my emotions (my wife tells me all the time). Kyle is probably really good at all those emotions. He is REALLY good at making those beta faces. We have all seen that. I bet he has an umbrella for every outfit and sits down to pee.

My point is. Merry fucking Christmas, Rig-Talk, and to all a good night!
My vacation’s over, Merry Christmas everyone.

I’m wondering what the Mesa video title is going to be.

“If you’re using extreme settings on this amp, you’re doing it wrong”, “To dial in this boomer amp, don’t think like a boomer”, “The Mark IIC+ Reissue sounds just like the OG”…

See, I can’t get them to sound edgy enough. But I bet you can.

Is there some formula for the amount of time one should spend coming up with a clickbaity title and then deciding on a thumbnail to go with the video?

Do the “O” face for this one, Kyel. Do the O face.

It’ll be seen as genuine haha
My vacation’s over, Merry Christmas everyone.

I’m wondering what the Mesa video title is going to be.

“If you’re using extreme settings on this amp, you’re doing it wrong”, “To dial in this boomer amp, don’t think like a boomer”, “The Mark IIC+ Reissue sounds just like the OG”…

See, I can’t get them to sound edgy enough. But I bet you can.

Is there some formula for the amount of time one should spend coming up with a clickbaity title and then deciding on a thumbnail to go with the video?

Do the “O” face for this one, Kyel. Do the O face.

It’ll be seen as genuine haha
I know you werent gone long, but i was counting the seconds. Welcome fucking back
I know you werent gone long, but i was counting the seconds. Welcome fucking back

Thanks. Missed this place too.

But most of all, I missed Kyel and was hoping I could convince him to make the O face on his next clickbaity thumbnail.

Anyone see this video by Kyel? He really trashes the amp. I mean, really trashes it.

But if you look at the comments, a lot of them are saying that the amp sounds great.

I wonder what that says about Kyel’s tonal choices and whether his opinions are objective enough ?

Thanks. Missed this place too.

But most of all, I missed Kyel and was hoping I could convince him to make the O face on his next clickbaity thumbnail.

Anyone see this video by Kyel? He really trashes the amp. I mean, really trashes it.

But if you look at the comments, a lot of them are saying that the amp sounds great.

I wonder what that says about Kyel’s tonal choices and whether his opinions are objective enough ?

That actually sounds great to me
I did not mean you specifically. At the same time the 15 page collective hate boner that followed the post is shocking and depressing to me
I’ve got a boner but there’s no hate in it. This Step-Mother is just way too charming for me to feel antagonistic about her furniture ensnared predicament.
I think the guys here have a very solid point to just own up to how you have to use click bait titles and goofy thumbnails to get the desired results from the YT algorithm. If anything I'd see guys respecting you more for it because we'd feel like friends part of your world that you trust in sharing the truth with. It could even make us feel more special than those on YT watching your vids, like we get some inside info. That's at least what I would do if I had a good YT channel

You can also in your videos add some humor where you make fun of the fact that you have to do these silly things on YT to play the game, but how you do it for us to get the content out there more. No shame in that at all. If anything more respect warranted for that approach. I am a subscriber to your channel and enjoy your videos fwiw, just offering my 2 cents

Not gonna mention the name, but this one guitarist I knew who did become pretty successful with a big following told me and my friend at this clinic at Sam Ash some of the bs he had to do to build his following including spending over $500 a week in promotions. Did this make us like him any less? Not at all. We liked him more for his honesty and openness in sharing. It was actually a refreshing surprise being honest like that
Not gonna mention the name, but this one guitarist I knew who did become pretty successful with a big following told me and my friend at this clinic at Sam Ash some of the bs he had to do to build his following including spending over $500 a week in promotions. Did this make us like him any less? Not at all. We liked him more for his honesty and openness in sharing. It was actually a refreshing surprise being honest like that

$500 clams a week, or $2k a month. Wow.

How much do you think Taylor Swift's dad pumped into her career when she was starting out? Must have been tens of thousands a month.

If you guys think that spending money to get followers and likes on your social media page is the way forward, wrong.

Guys like Ola and Kyel need to take things a step forward with "the screaming girls theory".

What this means is that at your next concert, slip a few hundreds to a number of girls in the audience to scream loudly for you throughout the show.

Do this at a few shows.

Before you know it, mass hysteria will start to build as more and more girls begin to scream sympathetically in unison at your concerts.

Eventually, you hit the big time.

"You know those guys, man?"

"Yeah, girls are screaming at all their concerts."

"Wild, we have got to check it out."

"Yeah, maybe we could even score."

Maybe you could score too, Kyel. Score big.

Maybe even make an O face, hmm?
I think the guys here have a very solid point to just own up to how you have to use click bait titles and goofy thumbnails to get the desired results from the YT algorithm. If anything I'd see guys respecting you more for it because we'd feel like friends part of your world that you trust in sharing the truth with. It could even make us feel more special than those on YT watching your vids, like we get some inside info. That's at least what I would do if I had a good YT channel

And for someone who seemingly 'doesn't care', he sure seems to be going above and beyond to NOT just outright say/confirm this. Guess he does care if he can't just flat out admit this. ?‍♂️
Who's rent free now, son? :geek:

Merry Christmas to all of you and the Youtube ho-ho-hoes! ?
The best he can say is rent free, call you a boomer, and act like a petulant child. I know I'm personally younger than Kyle and I don't think I qualify as a "boomer." If I'm a boomer in his eyes, what's that say about him?

Kyle should go make another video where he says he was getting death threats. That's the modus operandi of the common generation when they've been shown they are the dregs of society. They come back with I was receiving death threats!!!

Next video for the next click because he's the next shill. Kyle Bull "Shill" shit.