Is it the thumbnail that makes them more prominent on youtube or is it the thumbnail that gets people to click? I watch videos on YT with millions of views and none of them have the dipshit face/monster energy font, extra Kyle BullShillShit in the thumb nails.I think the guys here have a very solid point to just own up to how you have to use click bait titles and goofy thumbnails to get the desired results from the YT algorithm. If anything I'd see guys respecting you more for it because we'd feel like friends part of your world that you trust in sharing the truth with. It could even make us feel more special than those on YT watching your vids, like we get some inside info. That's at least what I would do if I had a good YT channel
You can also in your videos add some humor where you make fun of the fact that you have to do these silly things on YT to play the game, but how you do it for us to get the content out there more. No shame in that at all. If anything more respect warranted for that approach. I am a subscriber to your channel and enjoy your videos fwiw, just offering my 2 cents
Not gonna mention the name, but this one guitarist I knew who did become pretty successful with a big following told me and my friend at this clinic at Sam Ash some of the bs he had to do to build his following including spending over $500 a week in promotions. Did this make us like him any less? Not at all. We liked him more for his honesty and openness in sharing. It was actually a refreshing surprise being honest like that