Israel announces plan to strike Iran is ready within the next three weeks.........

Bro, pretty sure I've told you this before (And substantiated it), but that is just a propaganda narrative. And if you believe as I do that terrorism and genocide are bad on principle then you should condemn the Israelis first and foremost. If it's only bad when brown people do it, carry on I guess.
All Supremacist ideologies condone, allow and encourage genocides/democides on psychopathic scales beyond the comprehension of most human beings who cannot fathom such evils.

History is replete with countless examples and the human race continues repeating the psychopathies of the 1% ruling classes since the beginning of time......we can only hope one day the human race can wake up to the ruse.
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Bro, pretty sure I've told you this before (And substantiated it), but that is just a propaganda narrative. And if you believe as I do that terrorism and genocide are bad on principle then you should condemn the Israelis first and foremost. If it's only bad when brown people are alleged to do it, carry on I guess.
You haven't substantiated anything brother. You are simply justifying terrorism and then crying foul when the obviously bigger and more powerful victim responds with exponentially more force. The difference is Palestinians purposely target civilians. From positions within their own civilian population so they can get the UN and world liberals to stop Israel.

When Hamas and Hezbollah are not holding palestine hostage, they will have peace.
Here are some quotes from David Ben Gurion that are footnoted from publications. I left the link if you would like to read more of Ben Gurions quotes on the matter.

What did David Ben-Gurion say?

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”
David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.”
— David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

“We must do everything to insure they (the Palestinians) never do return.”
David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar’s Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157.

Ben Gurion also warned in 1948: Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes: “The old will die and the young will forget.”
You haven't substantiated anything brother. You are simply justifying terrorism and then crying foul when the obviously bigger and more powerful victim responds with exponentially more force. The difference is Palestinians purposely target civilians. From positions within their own civilian population so they can get the UN and world liberals to stop Israel.

When Hamas and Hezbollah are not holding palestine hostage, they will have peace.
I and others (See above for example) have provided tons of links, videos, quotes and so on. Rather it is you that have not substantiated anything, simply repeating the same thing you can find in any conventional western media outlet. And I am not justifying terrorism by either party. You seem to think that Israel isn't a terrorist state because you think you know their intent -- even while they are blatantly killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure! It's eventually going to be acknowledged though, just like it was with the Nazis, even though people turned the other way at first.
I and others (See above for example) have provided tons of links, videos, quotes and so on. Rather it is you that have not substantiated anything, simply repeating the same thing you can find in any conventional western media outlet. And I am not justifying terrorism by either party. You seem to think that Israel isn't a terrorist state because you think you know their intent -- even while they are blatantly killing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure! It's eventually going to be acknowledged though, just like it was with the Nazis, even though people turned the other way at first.
Sure sure.
Everyone has their biases. But you are usually pretty open minded and objective so I don't understand it.
One of the things that pisses me off the most is the way these fucking coward mother fuckers can attack Israel and every fucking time the UN and ( ordinarily ) the left almost immediately blame Israel and begin spouting bullshit about proportionate response. It's bullshit. If I began lobbing crude, mostly ineffective but relatively destructive projectiles into your home from my home you would burn my house to the ground. Or that's what you SHOULD do at least.

We can sit and argue about the creation of Israel and US interference in Iran, but none of that is actually relevant. The fact is that Israel DOES exist and like every other country on the planet they aren't planning on giving it back. The fact that muslim apologists routinely call for Israel to give it back while they themselves are living on stolen land is clearly antisemitic. And again, I'll point out that no one in the middle east is willing to take in Palestinians. Hmm. Wonder why ?

And Iran? What kind of people defend Iran ? They are the nation in the world most in need of being completely glassed. Y'all are gonna fuck around and they will end up a nuclear power. You're gonna see some shit then. Try to add up how many Americans, Israelis, British and western citizens these mother fuckers have killed. They are currently trying to assassinate American politicians. The fact that we haven't already deposed the ayatollahs and made clear that the next batch of shitheads that take over better stay in line is mind blowing and embarrassing.

You can pretend it's the 60s and everything is all peace and love, but it's not. The US has certainly done some backhanded shit and it being a free-ish country people are certainly free to complain about it, but I don't see any of the people complaining moving to a different country. ALL governments do and have done backhanded shit. The US is still by a large margin the most benevolent when it comes to foreign aid, taking in refugees and attempting to create peaceful living conditions for people who none of us actually give a fuck about. I would love for us to just mind our own business and let the rest of these dickheads in the world kill each other, but you and I both know that is never going to happen. So if we are going to protect our interests worldwide I think it would be ridiculously short sighted and stupid not to support Israel as an ally.

Say what you want about Jews, but they aren't as a matter of course trying to kill everyone who don't worship their god and take over the fucking world.
One of the things that pisses me off the most is the way these fucking coward mother fuckers can attack Israel and every fucking time the UN and ( ordinarily ) the left almost immediately blame Israel and begin spouting bullshit about proportionate response. It's bullshit. If I began lobbing crude, mostly ineffective but relatively destructive projectiles into your home from my home you would burn my house to the ground. Or that's what you SHOULD do at least.

We can sit and argue about the creation of Israel and US interference in Iran, but none of that is actually relevant. The fact is that Israel DOES exist and like every other country on the planet they aren't planning on giving it back. The fact that muslim apologists routinely call for Israel to give it back while they themselves are living on stolen land is clearly antisemitic. And again, I'll point out that no one in the middle east is willing to take in Palestinians. Hmm. Wonder why ?

And Iran? What kind of people defend Iran ? They are the nation in the world most in need of being completely glassed. Y'all are gonna fuck around and they will end up a nuclear power. You're gonna see some shit then. Try to add up how many Americans, Israelis, British and western citizens these mother fuckers have killed. They are currently trying to assassinate American politicians. The fact that we haven't already deposed the ayatollahs and made clear that the next batch of shitheads that take over better stay in line is mind blowing and embarrassing.

You can pretend it's the 60s and everything is all peace and love, but it's not. The US has certainly done some backhanded shit and it being a free-ish country people are certainly free to complain about it, but I don't see any of the people complaining moving to a different country. ALL governments do and have done backhanded shit. The US is still by a large margin the most benevolent when it comes to foreign aid, taking in refugees and attempting to create peaceful living conditions for people who none of us actually give a fuck about. I would love for us to just mind our own business and let the rest of these dickheads in the world kill each other, but you and I both know that is never going to happen. So if we are going to protect our interests worldwide I think it would be ridiculously short sighted and stupid not to support Israel as an ally.

Say what you want about Jews, but they aren't as a matter of course trying to kill everyone who don't worship their god and take over the fucking world.
Again, I really think you would do well to get your news from other sources. You have prejudiced and distorted views about Islam, Israel and Palestine. One of your difficulties is that you don't understand that Palestine has a legal right to armed resistance under UN and other international law because Israel is an occupying force. That of course doesn't meant they are justified in targeting civilians.

I get the sense though that you think Palestinians should just "get over it" or something, implicitly acknowledging that they have some legitimate basis for their grievances. If that's the case, why do you care that Israel is supposedly being currently "Wronged"? In other words, why does a wrong towards Palestinians not matter, but a wrong towards Israelis does?

The moral considerations are simple to anyone who cares to look from an unbiased and objective perspective. Even if we assume October 7th was an unjustified and heinous terrorist act, Israel's response is not only disproportionate, but they are acting genocidally in what appears to be a obvious case of ethnic cleansing. There is a complaint lodged at the ICC that will likely ultimately prove successful. If you think that genocide is a acceptable response to a national threat, then you can't complain about alleged Palestinian terrorism. Which you shouldn't complain about anyways given Israel's historical and current use of terrorism.

Ultimately you come across as uninformed, propagandized and hypocritical about the matter.
This is a long interview, but it really goes in depth on a number of falsehoods people argue, like the idea that Palestine will never accept a deal. Netanyahu for example is on the record of saying that if you want to avert a two state solution, then you have to support Hamas, which Israel in fact did. The idea is that Israel would always have an excuse because Hamas are terrorists, and how can you negotiate with terrorists? Floyd you are cynical enough to recognize when people are bullshitting you. Why are you so trusting of Israel?

Again, I really think you would do well to get your news from other sources. You have prejudiced and distorted views about Islam, Israel and Palestine. One of your difficulties is that you don't understand that Palestine has a legal right to armed resistance under UN and other international law because Israel is an occupying force. That of course doesn't meant they are justified in targeting civilians.

I get the sense though that you think Palestinians should just "get over it" or something, implicitly acknowledging that they have some legitimate basis for their grievances. If that's the case, why do you care that Israel is supposedly being currently "Wronged"? In other words, why does a wrong towards Palestinians not matter, but a wrong towards Israelis does?

The moral considerations are simple to anyone who cares to look from an unbiased and objective perspective. Even if we assume October 7th was an unjustified and heinous terrorist act, Israel's response is not only disproportionate, but they are acting genocidally in what appears to be a obvious case of ethnic cleansing. There is a complaint lodged at the ICC that will likely ultimately prove successful. If you think that genocide is a acceptable response to a national threat, then you can't complain about alleged Palestinian terrorism. Which you shouldn't complain about anyways given Israel's historical and current use of terrorism.

Ultimately you come across as uninformed, propagandized and hypocritical about the matter.
Tell ya what, I won't complain about Palestinians firing rockets into Israeli civilian populations, from Palestinian civilian populations, if you don't complain about Israel responding with exponentially greater force.

Prior to October 7 Israel wasn't an occupying force. Hamas was in control of Gaza and The West Bank.

Hezbollah effectively took over Lebanon and on October 8 started firing rockets into Israel and haven't stopped. Was Israel an occupying force in Lebanon ? You have Iranian backed terrorists who have taken over Yemen, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories and all of them have right in their charter the extinction of Israel. They all routinely attack Israel and you're complaining about the Israeli response ? In my view it has been restrained.

Have you ever wondered why all the Arab nations not under Iranian control have either normalized relations with Israel or at a minimum are not attacking them ?

As far as Israel's response to October 7 and the idea that it is ethnic cleansing. For starters how is it that the UN and the leftist media accepts figures and stats given to them by Hamas, a widely recognized terrorist group while simultaneously casting doubt on Israeli stats ? UN groups have provably been infiltrated by Hamas and the UN itself has filed more official edicts against Israel than every other nation in the world combined.

Israel makes attempts to warn citizens before they take action in any area. It has been proven over and over that Hamas operates from within civilian buildings, even hospitals and UN schools, using it's own citizens as human shields. How do you justify that ? Civilian deaths are on the hands of Hamas and the people who put and keep them in power.

Western society defending Palestine, Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran is exactly the same as "Queers for Palestine". That is to say you are defending people who would prefer that YOU are dead. What part of Shiite Muslims want to take over the world do you not understand ? All this fucking around and pretending like the evil Jews are genocidally oppressing them is in effect making it possible for these groups to continue to kill "infidels" world wide. I guarantee you that we could dismantle Israel, remove all Israelis to the United States and return the entirety of it to the Muslims and the result would not be that Muslims decide we are not so bad after all and quit trying to kill us, blow up our airplanes and terrorize western civilization. It would embolden them. They would believe Allah was giving them the power to finally rid the world of non believers.

Did you know that Cat Stevens publicly said he thought Salmon Rushdie deserved to die for writing Satanic Verses ? So much for moderate Islam eh ? Even the ones who aren't actively trying to kill infidels certainly believe we deserve to die. Do you think that all these Muslims who are "Immigrating" to western countries are merely trying to find a better life for themselves ? They leave countries that kill their own citizens for not resisting enough when they are raped, for daring to question the government, for not observing religious tenets and they come to western countries and try to implement all those same rules. They universally demand to at a minimum implement their own laws within their communities. Honor killings and shit like that.

Fuck all that shit dude. I can be onboard with live and let live as far as tolerating countries with Muslim governments, providing they do not force their citizens to remain in them, but the second they begin projecting outward they need to be hammered into submission and left to rebuild their own shit.
How do you come to believe that not all Palestinians can be equated with Hamas, supporting what happened on Oct. 7 and supporting continually attacking Israel and yet you believe that all Israeli citizens are supporting ethnic cleansing in Palestine ? And before you say you don't think all Israeli citizens support ethnic cleansing in Palestine, remember, YOU called it ethnic cleansing and remember that Israeli citizens, even the ones who hate Netenyahu, overwhelmingly are supporting him right now.
Nice try, Floyds..

But you're not gonna "wall of text" me into submission for a mere $22.50 Delta package.

Say what you want about Jews, but they aren't as a matter of course trying to kill everyone who don't worship their god and take over the fucking world.
So you have two supremacist Ideologies in direct conflict over how Israel was formed.

So Netanyahu literally is using old testament writings to justify creating a GREATER ISRAEL at the UN and somehow Talmudic law or the Noahide laws which they feel the gentiles need to be governed by if you do not convert to Judaism is not pertinent to the conversation. There are more layers and nuances to this entire situation, it isn't strictly about Arabic terrorism. Terrorism of which the founding of Israel is replete with terrorism from the Jewish side, who bombed the King David Hotel and the British emabssy in Rome in 1946 and numberous other acts at the close of World War II.

Both sides have blood on their hands and the first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion acknowledges they stole the land from the Arabs and for some reason people don't think isn't going to breed a resistance movement living in an open air concentration camp of which the Israeli's are the occupiers. Yes.... the United States did exactly the same thing to the American Indians and they were moved to their reservations(CAMPS) that didn't make it any less of a genocide.

Israel seems to want another World War brought to fruition about it's manifest destiny and seems determined to drage the USA into their religious turf war which if it kicks off isn't going to be good for anyone. John F Kennedy denied giving the Israeli's weapons grade Uranium becasue he felt the Israelis' were crazy enough to use it against the Arabs and the Israeli's do have nuclear weapons.
Yep. You're living on stolen land. Land stolen from my people ironically. How about giving it back ?