A couple of points about the Fulltone Clyde Deluxe wah:
It has a three-position switch for three distinct voicings. The "Jimi" setting is just as you'd expect - a pretty wide sweep, fairly symmetrical between lows and highs. (This is the voicing of the standard Fulltone Clyde wah.) The "Wacked" setting extends the sweep and can take your head off on the high side if you're not careful.
It's a good setting if you are using the wah in conjunction with an LFO effect pedal. The "Shaft" setting has a narrower sweep than the other two and it is biased towards the high end.
There is also a 10-position input level pad that allows you to either compensate for very hot pickups, or to overdrive the pedal if you like.
There's also some adjustment possible inside the unit, but I can't recall if it's a sweep center point adjustment or overall range adjustment.
Anyhow, it's a very versatile unit.