It's Started

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No offence Scott, but just like almost 2 years ago when we were getting all kinds of fact check lies, and still are, I don’t believe it at all.
I did not believe the lies back then which are now blown wide open for everyone to see and I don’t believe these lies now.
All the so called ‘conspiracy theories’ have come to be absolutely 100% true and this one will also, (in my opinion).
They’re intentionally trying to wreck the economy to force us off oil, rather than waiting for the technology to get there organically.


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you guys are bright
By unleashing the world's second most powerful army in an urban environment you think there will be no collateral damage?
Your perspective is so fucking skewed it's pathetic.
Here trumptards......
let me lay it out for you:
From 1945 -1991 Russia BAD - ARCH ENEMY OF LIBERAL DEMOCRACY - Worldwide

Putin and his criminal/ex KGB pals then looted the remains of Russia and became the biggest dogs on the block and took back control of the country.
Your fave corrupt soon to be indicted ex president 2 time impeached shit stain loser who would never utter a bad word about Putin and claimed yesterday that this was a "Genius Move"is clearly Komprimised and under Putin's thumb.
This is a war of choice not necessity.
The negotiations could have kept going.

If you side with Russia and not the USA/NATO aka the free world you are a traitor and a fucking retarded commie pinko piece of shit.
Your brains have been so destroyed by the mass media that all of you are too fucking stupid to read history.

If you love corvettes ,hamburgers,baseball,guitars,rock and roll and van halen then just maybe you were once a free American and hopefully some of that DNA still actually exists deep inside of you before the orange shit stain took control of your mind and emotions.

Love it or leave you fucking cowards, suck that putin cock and take trumps dick up your ass DP all day long.
I'm now left wondering how many of you have even been to Europe or even own a passport
A liberal Democrat calling ANYONE a coward. That's ? Fuckin soyboy faggots. Probably believes Juicy Smollet too!
Anyone here remember the 1970's?

Sorry....I don't have a clue what the ages of people here are. I'm 64. I still remember (albeit very slightly dim) the OPEC oil embargo and the lines and rationing/every other day fillup allowance. I still remember thinking what a not so great President Jimmy Carter was.

I didn't hate Carter. I actually kinda liked the guy. I was familiar with his Military time as an officer in the USN. I remember him as an open minded intelligent man, just not an effective President. I remember the attempted hostage rescue Military debacle in the desert. Operation Eagle Claw.

I won't bore you with my memories of subsequent administrations to the current.

The striking thing I find these days is all the pervasive ugliness and evil that seems to be the common thread today. As far as finding the truth in what you see, read,'re on you're own. You really are. There's usually a little truth in all of it, but not all truth in any of it.

Most of the products of modern journalism have been pre-corrupted. Idealistic bullshit....propaganda.

I'm grateful for all I have. I thank my lucky stars for everyday I'm allowed.

Sorry for coming across as doom and gloom, but I cannot remember times like these. I can't remember a time where the confluence of so many crappy things pushing this country into uncharted waters.

WTF is happening? So many things askew, I think it's impossible to know enough to be comfortable. Used to be I knew at least we had the power of the vote. Now, I seriously have my doubts about that after this last election.

I appreciate the passion people here express their views with. I don't have to agree with all of it, but I'm glad to see people have a space here to get it off their chest. These are damned challenging times. Lots of pent up angst. Kudos to the owners & admins here for providing a safe harbor to let out a little.

And......what do you guys think? I really want to know. I learn from everyone.
why do you keep posting pics of your gf cuck-cosso?
i wouldn't hit that with a hammer even though it is your lover