It's Started

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They were hoping she would tow the party line, I guess it’s the ‘world narrative’ now… But she didn’t.

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I hear ya loud-and-clear bro'. :LOL:

Yes, I treat everyone equally. Thank you for noticing! "Strangers" don't know that 'though so I'm happy to allay their suspicions by not publicly favouring one side or the other.

Perhaps if I wasn't trolled and accused of being biased early on I wouldn't have been so hard on myself, but hey, if anyone wants to fling that shit at me he can observe my record and see that I treat every post and individual on face value and its merits.

Just being poofessional, which should be what monkeys doodoo. :confused: :LOL:
Nero was wise to tap you for mod. You are fair and on balance in my estimation.
I dont believe either side. The truth is always somewhere in the middle. Sh says it’s been going on since 2014 and has proof. When sh gets back to France. With today’s technology that’s really suspect.
If the lady is from Donbas, then yeah, theres no secret. Russian backed separatist took over the city and its been for 8 years. It’s a pretty well documented conflict, not as simple as unprovoked ethnic cleansing as what’s reported
buddy who's ex sf said they always knew when they were fighting chechans over in the stan. he said they were the ones who could put a bullet in your grape from a 1000 yards out. plus highly organized and motivated.
what is this? LoL.

This is capture from live footage of fighting in Ukraine. US flag and Anonymous patch. So confused!!!

“live footage of fighting in Ukraine”

I really want to believe what we are seeing is real, but at this point, I don’t believe anything they are showing us. Nothing.

Remember, these are the same corrupt demons who pummelled us with the ‘safe and effective’ absolute bullshit lies, pushing the DNA altering shots for the last 2 years.
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