Actually, You got that backwards,
The majority of the UKRAINE people right now hate the corrupt UKRAINE government. The ones who protest are beaten or imprisoned.
So, let’s just say for instance, that Mexico has 15 biolabs being financed and run by Russia, what should the US response be?
Let’s just say that the Mexican government is absolutely filled with corruption and laundering literally billions of dollars for Russia, what should the US response be?
Let’s just say that there are large existence of Russian military in Mexico right on the US border, what should the US response be?
Let’s just say that there are unspeakable crimes against humanity going on in Mexico caused indirectly by Russia, what should the US response be?
it’s heartbreaking to see what’s going on, but if the shoe were on the other foot, the leftist media in the United States would be spewing the exact opposite narrative that they are feeding us right now.
The left would be screaming “Nuke Mexico”!
You know it’s the truth.
(Heck, just a few months back, the left thought I should be dead for not being vaccinated! Vaccinated from a fake man-made hoax of a virus that has now been proven to be manufactured in 2016, and a clot shot that has now been proven to alter the DNA of humans…)?
This whole thing could’ve easily been avoided if the Biden administration/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate Security concerns regarding Ukraine becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US NATO forces right smack on Russia’s boarder.
Joe Biden drove Russia to this.
… On purpose.
At any time, Biden could have said, “oh yes, Russia, you have the right to your own border security and WE DID PROMISE years ago that NATO would NOT expand to include Ukraine”
… but no, Biden just kept pushing, pushing and pushing.
He’s a dementia ridden corrupt POS Fossil who has never had to face repercussions for anything he has done in his life, All the lies, all the fraud, all the kickbacks, The treason, all of it…
Putin has had enough of this retard, Biden,
But, hasn’t everyone?!?
Putin warned not to meddle in this but of course, Joe Biden wanted to meddle …
He ‘wanted’ the United States involved… he ‘wanted’ Putin to react. It’s pretty obvious.
At this point, as all of the globalists disappear underground into their bunkers, I am convinced that Joe Biden, Obama, Clinton and the rest of the garbage corrupt elite globalist Luиatics actually want the United States to be attacked.