It's Started

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Just one question...

Why does all of the United States elites, congressmen, senators, military leaders, washington bureaucrats and corporatocracy all of a sudden care about Ukraine's sovereignty, borders and supposed will and consent of the Ukrainian people when they don't follow the United States constitution, won't enforce existing Federal Law concerning our own borders and sovereignty and repeatedly violate and subjugate the will of the American people.

If you are honest and awake you know the answer to this question....

Thank you very much for complying with Paul's request, guys. :thumbsup:

Kudos to you for not kicking up a fuss. Much appreciated! :cheers2:
I didn't speak too-soon did I? Just leave it be please.

Plenty of important stuff going on in the world to get one's teeth into.
Just one question...

Why does all of the United States elites, congressmen, senators, military leaders, washington bureaucrats and corporatocracy all of a sudden care about Ukraine's sovereignty, borders and supposed will and consent of the Ukrainian people when they don't follow the United States constitution, won't enforce existing Federal Law concerning our own borders and sovereignty and repeatedly violate and subjugate the will of the American people.

If you are honest and awake you know the answer to this question....

Yep, HD, that’s one of the BEST overviews I’ve seen yet of what’s ‘truly’ going on.
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I just got a permanent ban on twitter for this. No warning. I guess you can’t criticize the establishment.
The response of UN & US is like a husband walking in on his wife being raped a man 2x her size and does nothing but give her some nerf darts, followed by verbally shaming the rapist and taking a few dollars from his wallet leaving him with enough gas $$ to go to the next victim.
My friend got the twitter perma ban for sharing a video proving the absolute corruption of the Ukraine Pres and Govt & how it all ties in to the Biden Admin / Hunter Biden / the 15 Ukraine Biolabs controlled and operated by US etc . Everything was true…
But, of course, Truth is the enemy of the State?
I’m NOT saying that there’s a definite ‘good guy’ in all of this, but Whenever only one side of the story is allowed, there’s huge corruption.
The Media making out that this Corrupt POS Zelenskyy is some kind of hero is disgusting.

Mass brainwashing, mass formation psychosis…
Actually, You got that backwards,

The majority of the UKRAINE people right now hate the corrupt UKRAINE government. The ones who protest are beaten or imprisoned.

So, let’s just say for instance, that Mexico has 15 biolabs being financed and run by Russia, what should the US response be?

Let’s just say that the Mexican government is absolutely filled with corruption and laundering literally billions of dollars for Russia, what should the US response be?

Let’s just say that there are large existence of Russian military in Mexico right on the US border, what should the US response be?

Let’s just say that there are unspeakable crimes against humanity going on in Mexico caused indirectly by Russia, what should the US response be?

it’s heartbreaking to see what’s going on, but if the shoe were on the other foot, the leftist media in the United States would be spewing the exact opposite narrative that they are feeding us right now.

The left would be screaming “Nuke Mexico”!

You know it’s the truth.

(Heck, just a few months back, the left thought I should be dead for not being vaccinated! Vaccinated from a fake man-made hoax of a virus that has now been proven to be manufactured in 2016, and a clot shot that has now been proven to alter the DNA of humans…)?

This whole thing could’ve easily been avoided if the Biden administration/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate Security concerns regarding Ukraine becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US NATO forces right smack on Russia’s boarder.

Joe Biden drove Russia to this.
… On purpose.

At any time, Biden could have said, “oh yes, Russia, you have the right to your own border security and WE DID PROMISE years ago that NATO would NOT expand to include Ukraine”
… but no, Biden just kept pushing, pushing and pushing.
He’s a dementia ridden corrupt POS Fossil who has never had to face repercussions for anything he has done in his life, All the lies, all the fraud, all the kickbacks, The treason, all of it…
Putin has had enough of this retard, Biden,
But, hasn’t everyone?!?

Putin warned not to meddle in this but of course, Joe Biden wanted to meddle …
He ‘wanted’ the United States involved… he ‘wanted’ Putin to react. It’s pretty obvious.

At this point, as all of the globalists disappear underground into their bunkers, I am convinced that Joe Biden, Obama, Clinton and the rest of the garbage corrupt elite globalist Luиatics actually want the United States to be attacked.
That was a long way to say you don't give a shit. Who the fuck cares about Biden or Trump or any other American politician. This has nothing to do with US politics. Civilians are being attacked by internationally banned military ordinance. A nuclear power plant was shelled. Putin literally threatened USA and EU with nuclear strikes.

Stop rationalizing behavior in a fucked up situation. Putin is playing bully and intentionally escalating everything. Not Clinton, not Trump, not Bush, not Obama, not Biden. This is all on Putin giving orders.
That was a long way to say you don't give a shit. Who the fuck cares about Biden or Trump or any other American politician. This has nothing to do with US politics. Civilians are being attacked by internationally banned military ordinance. A nuclear power plant was shelled. Putin literally threatened USA and EU with nuclear strikes.

Stop rationalizing behavior in a fucked up situation. Putin is playing bully and intentionally escalating everything. Not Clinton, not Trump, not Bush, not Obama, not Biden. This is all on Putin giving orders.
You clearly don’t see the the bigger picture
I don’t know what to believe anymore. Nazi’s, no Nazis? I mean who’s doing the classification? Most liberals believe America has a Nazi problem. I simply can’t trust labels. My wife is Asian, kids are half, my best friend is Mexican, 2nd best friend Jewish, and my favorite boss ever is black, yet I’ve been called racist, white supremacist and a Nazi for simply question narratives. Everything is a label. Look at the new Texas bill that the liberals are saying is depriving trans children of “Affirming Care”. The bill is to make it illegal for surgical gender reassignment of minors, since they cannot even legally have sex, this shouldn’t be able to make decisions for matters regarding reproductive organs.

The amount of mental and verbal gymnastics that the establishment uses along with censorship through only using private companies for messaging makes it impossible to know what’s true anymore.
The burning question remains...

Will there be a lucky winner in the new POS Putin reality game show, Who wants to be a millionaire?
Subsidized by that silly Russian Oligarch Alex Konanykhin?

When Putin's head is turned into an ash tray, I will crack a smile. tik tok
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I don’t know what to believe anymore. Nazi’s, no Nazis? I mean who’s doing the classification? Most liberals believe America has a Nazi problem. I simply can’t trust labels. My wife is Asian, kids are half, my best friend is Mexican, 2nd best friend Jewish, and my favorite boss ever is black, yet I’ve been called racist, white supremacist and a Nazi for simply question narratives. Everything is a label. Look at the new Texas bill that the liberals are saying is depriving trans children of “Affirming Care”. The bill is to make it illegal for surgical gender reassignment of minors, since they cannot even legally have sex, this shouldn’t be able to make decisions for matters regarding reproductive organs.

The amount of mental and verbal gymnastics that the establishment uses along with censorship through only using private companies for messaging makes it impossible to know what’s true anymore.
I am always wary when people start throwing around "nazi" so easily...especially people those who claim they hate western media so much. That is directly out of their playbook. Gotta be real careful with that shit.
That was a long way to say you don't give a shit. Who the fuck cares about Biden or Trump or any other American politician. This has nothing to do with US politics. Civilians are being attacked by internationally banned military ordinance. A nuclear power plant was shelled. Putin literally threatened USA and EU with nuclear strikes.

Stop rationalizing behavior in a fucked up situation. Putin is playing bully and intentionally escalating everything. Not Clinton, not Trump, not Bush, not Obama, not Biden. This is all on Putin giving orders.
I don’t give a shit? You’re wrong, very wrong… Don’t put words in my mouth.
It’s heartbreaking to see what’s happening, but we have to remember we are seeing one side and only one side and we’re not even seeing the whole truth from that side. Propaganda is a very dangerous tool.
When we were only allowed to see one side of anything, we should be very suspicious.
Just the fact that you actually believe that they shelled a nuclear power plant shows where you’re coming from, You have lost all credibility with that statement.
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Please revisit the CUBAN MISSLE CRISIS of 1962.........In response to the presence of American Jupiter ballistic missiles in Italy and Turkey, and the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961, Soviet First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev agreed to Cuba's request to place nuclear missiles on the island to deter a future invasion.

It was only when Kennedy told Khrushchev the US would remove the nuclear missiles from NATO country Turkey and allowed Khrushchev to save face to remove nuclear missiles from Cuba in a mutually beneficial agreement thus avoiding conflict and nuclear mutually assured destruction. This situation arming Ukraine for conflict with Russia is an almost identical situation any way you analyze it.

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I don’t give a shit? You’re wrong, very wrong… Don’t put words in my mouth.
It’s heartbreaking to see what’s happening, but we have to remember we are seeing one side and only one side and we’re not even seeing the whole truth from that side. Propaganda is a very dangerous tool.
When we were only allowed to see one side of anything, we should be very suspicious.
Just the fact that you actually believe that they shelled a nuclear power plant shows where you’re coming from, You have lost all credibility with that statement.
My family is from over there. I've watched my wife message and call people trying to help evacuate family and close friends. She has been in chatrooms trying to help her friends find supplies like diapers. Or trying to find people to check on her friend's elderly parents and give them a ride to a safer city. I have a pretty good idea what is going on over there without needing the media. Ukrainian people do not want to be saved by Russia. Belarusian and Russian people do not want to fight a war. This is an old corrupt POS trying to leave his mark on the world.
My family is from over there. I've watched my wife message and call people trying to help evacuate family and close friends. She has been in chatrooms trying to help her friends find supplies like diapers. Or trying to find people to check on her friend's elderly parents and give them a ride to a safer city. I have a pretty good idea what is going on over there without needing the media. Ukrainian people do not want to be saved by Russia. Belarusian and Russian people do not want to fight a war. This is an old corrupt POS trying to leave his mark on the world.
Well, we do agree on that, the citizens of either country do not want any part of this, so sad, and that is the heartbreaking consequence of an operation like this.

So you're wrong … Russia never ‘shelled’ a nuclear power plant.

Interesting you mention the old corrupt POS…
What about the young corrupt POS running the Ukraine?
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Harddriver , These vids are a great example of what’s ‘really’ happening …
It’s disgusting that the main stream media does not allow people to think for themselves and see both sides of the situation, but we can see that censorship is leading us down the sewer, known as ‘mass formation psychosis’.
…it’s already happening as Is very evident.
She’s gonna have to up her game if she’s going to reach layman’s terms..

Kamala Harris on the Ukraine: "So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong and it goes against everything that we stand for"