This whole thing could’ve easily been avoided if the Biden administration/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate Security concerns regarding Ukraine becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US NATO forces right smack on Russia’s boarder.
Joe Biden drove Russia to this.
… On purpose.
At any time, Biden could have said, “oh yes, Russia, you have the right to your own border security and we DID PROMISE years ago that NATO would NOT expand to include Ukraine”
… but no, Biden just kept pushing, pushing and pushing.
He’s a dementia ridden corrupt POS Fossil who has never had to face repercussions for anything he has done in his life, All the lies, all the fraud, all the kickbacks, The treason, all of it…
Putin has had enough of this retard, Biden,
But, hasn’t everyone?!?
Putin is warning not to meddle in this but of course, Joe Biden wants to meddle …
He ‘wants’ the United States involved… he ‘wants’ Putin to react. It’s pretty obvious.
At this point, as all of the globalists disappear underground into their bunkers, I am convinced that Joe Biden, Obama, Clinton and the rest of the garbage corrupt elite globalist Luиatics actually want the United States to be attacked.
Skyrocket oil/gas, aluminum, copper, cobalt, lithium, food prices, gold, silver …
But, of course, “Inflation all due to Russia attacking Ukraine”
Biden needs this war to cover up all of his insane failed economic policies and all the homelessness, open boarders, increased violence and lawlessness, violent crime all over the country in the major cities skyrocketing…
…what I said a week ago, ABC News is now spitting out BS about “Supply chain disruptions due to Russia attacking Ukraine”
…As if Joe Biden’s money printing and failed economic policies had nothing to do with this whatsoever…
He needs a cover story and that story is now “Russia”.
Russia is the scapegoat for everything.
I said over a week ago, there are three targets that will be hit by US deep state cyber attacks, but ‘blamed’ on Russia…
One, the banking infrastructure, two, Telecommunications infrastructure, and three, The power grid infrastructure.
Well, yesterday, the US homeland security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas Nutjob Said “there are going to be crippling cyber attacks on the United States, waged by Russia”
He said, get this, “We have to be prepared for attacks on our banks, Communications, Power plants and water treatment facilities”
… of course, all waged by Russia.
I find it quite fascinating that we, the regular people, can now call out on what and how our agenda driven propagandist Mainstream media are going to paint the next narrative…
They really do think we are this stupid?!
… The problem is, many are.