It's Started

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
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Yeah CDLN, once he gets that ban hammer in his jaws he doesn't like to let go.

Hang on a sec...

Here Stoivo... here boy... give Nicky the nice toy. Drop it now... OK, good boy!

[picks ban hammer up and throws it]

Go git boy! :LOL: He'll be back.
Is it Thanksgiving, already? This thread is the America I know and love. TBH, we're all crazy. The media lies. Politicians lie. Your search engine lies. Yet, everyone is fighting among themselves for people and entities that could give a funk about their peasant ass. Makes sense.
Man boobs are acceptable here, given the demographic. :LOL:

I mean, any phrase with the word "boobs" in it will win admiration and respect. :dunno:
I'm cool with disagreements and arguing....but only to a boyzz....
Your sentence structure and use of the English language tells me your either a foreign bot or a low test scoring 6th grader sneaking posts on the computer while your heroin addled mommy shines her dealers knob for just one more bump.
So maybe shut the fuck up because nobody here is going to take you seriously.
Please …….you fucking retarded coward
Say this to my face in the real world
You fucking piece of dogshit
Please …….you fucking retarded coward
Say this to my face in the real world
You fucking piece of dogshit

Wow… We can agree / disagree / debate and even get angry with each other, while STILL sharing basic ‘human respect’, but this is just purely disgusting.
I am 100% all in for free speech, But this should not be tolerated.
Wow… We can agree / disagree / debate and even get angry with each other, while still showing basic human respect, but this is just purely disgusting.
I am 100% all in for free speech, But this should not be tolerated.
Why are lefty cucks always the most triggered? Especially the ones from the NY/NJ area? They must be really unhappy living in that shithole.
Unprovoked this cunt pops shit about my deceased mother
I promise you he won’t do it face to face
Then you foul cunts talk shit?
Fuck you
Why are lefty cucks always the most triggered? Especially the ones from the NY/NJ area? They must be really unhappy living in that shithole.
Out yourself
Happy to meet you in the real world faggot
Fuck off lefty cuck.

Findthetone1 is a foul little coward
And i know he would not have the balls to say that shit face to face
Bring it you little cunt
Dickssso you’re almost as low as findthetone1
Put you money where your mouth is tranny fucking pedo skkkum
Never ever have i said ANYTHING about anyones family here
You want to go to the sewer ?
I promise you’ll drown in shit you fucking skkkumbag
You are pedo skkkum too so you put you money where your mouth is! Cuck!
