Jake E Lee shot

Wasn't in the cards to see Randy play live. Saw Maestro Joe and Zakk with Ozzy, but when I saw Jake with Badlands...

Jake was channeling from another dimension that day.

God damn!
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This is all a bit crazy. Lately I've been jammin' the 1st Badlands Record.. I just watched the Tone Talk episode with Jake.. Him and Dave were getting their drink on and talking freely! Then he gets shot.. WTF??

I haven't been to Vegas since 1985 but I just think of it as a bunch of Tweekers like the Movie Spun.. LOL

Damn, that's sad news. Being shot multiple times and surviving? Idiot that did it must have been a lousy shot.
Not sure what's more disgusting, the fact that this is actually happening or the fact that members are making jokes about it and making light of the situation.....

Either way, the shooter must be a "Pig" 😆
I just read this headline, a few minutes ago, but have no idea if it is legit.

" ***JAKE E LEE UPDATE*** He was hit 3 times. He was hit in the chest , arm and foot. Bullets missed all major organs except lung. But he is doing well and expected to make a full recovery. This info direct from his manager. "
I cannot recall another incident where a stranger was shot three times randomly. Three times seems personal. Maybe it was a gang initiation thing, but my life experience makes me think more to this story will come out, where the shooter was known to Jake somehow.
Yeah man.. We need more details.. Unless he was right in front of the intended victim, 3 hits seems deliberate..
Sad news. Glad to hear he'll make a full recovery. Hope the pooch is ok too. Hope they catch the cocksucker that did it.
Just when you think what’s going on in the world can’t get any stranger. Glad to hear he’s doing ok.
Any crime is a hate crime....nothing to do with politics....
Good point.. I sort of said that tongue in cheek but generally speaking in the states when a white person shoots a black person, it MUST be racism. Never the other way though. More a media spin I suppose.
Well...he does live in the Ultimate Sin city...

In all seriousness, good vibes and mojo sent his way. Controversial take but he is my favorite Ozzy guitarist. I am not saying he's the best...just my favorite in terms of playing and stage performance.

Absolutely crazy timing with the official release of his new pedal and really lousy news.

Recover well JEL!
Well...he does live in the Ultimate Sin city...

In all seriousness, good vibes and mojo sent his way. Controversial take but he is my favorite Ozzy guitarist. I am not saying he's the best...just my favorite in terms of playing and stage performance.

My favorite too.
Something must have gone wrong with the first shipment of pedals. I always figured “two 12ax7’s” was some new hip lingo for half a key.