Jake E Lee's tone was ahead of it's time on The Ultimate Sin

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Lurker necro bump!

Crunchy gnarly raw rhythm tomes and some dark demented chords/notes/tones!

Songwriting is awesome! Definitely a one of a kind Ozzy album! Thank you Jake!!!
Ultimate Sin is the Ultimate display of great songs let down by production. Some of my favorite Ozzy songs and Jake’s playing for rhythm and lead, is some of the best rock playing of the whole decade. But kind of of a fizzy tone with no meat and those drums….WTF Ron Nevison..lol
I never thought it was anything really unique; love his playing on that album though
Same here. Always thought the production was flat yet polished sounding as well.

Alot of Nevison's productions sounded like that at the time i.e. Heart, Kiss etc... I actually liked BATM's production better even though frankly that could have been better as well.

But to each their own.
Badlands rehearsal before the 1989 tour. You can hear how loud Jake's stage volume is. Amazing he is not fully deaf by now. Dave Friedman says Jake likes to play loud. I see him in 2019 and he was loud, his Friedman Smallbox was on 10...:p

The JCM800 starting having issues so he switched to this JMP.

That's insane because the small box hits you hard and fast at 2.2 your drowning out a weak singer. Honestly amps like only clean up getting into power amp/tube cleaner ish gain past noon.

Who the heck shot these videos? Love the limited material by Badlands. We were so into Metallica Testament and Anthrax during that period I fully missed em till about 10 years ago when all the 80's stuff started to resurface -thanks the Steel Panther

For me the train left the station for Oz stuff once RR passed. Just was not on the same caliber as those 1st two records.
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Has Jake ever been seen with a friedman JEL? Any footage of him playing one? Any record of him talking about it? I am usually out of the loop, but I don’t recall him hyping his sig amp at all.
Fantastic album although some people do not like the chorus and polished 80's sound of it. I think the tone was more or less the same as always, his old NMV plexis pushed with an OD-1 and JB (or JB2 possibly). Cabs who knows, could have been G1265's or even G12T75's at that point. but I think the JBL is also associated with him.

If it was JCM800's he would have run them the same way, cranked and then the OD-1 pushing it.
To me it’s way nastier on the gain level . I do like it
Yep, the Di'Anno era stuff sounds better and better with each passing new Maiden release. The best it ever got with Dickinson was Peace of Mind.
I laugh because I basically agree with you. There’s good stuff with Dickinson through the 80’s but the Maiden I listen to kind of ends at Powerslave
I laugh because I basically agree with you. There’s good stuff with Dickinson through the 80’s but the Maiden I listen to kind of ends at Powerslave
I started with Seventh Son of a Seventh Son as a kid and worked backwards. Once I hit the Di'Anno I couldn't care if I never heard that operatic harpy Dickinson again. He's a good singer but his voice grates on me. Di'Anno is raw, aggressive, in your face, like a good Plexi. So much better. The lyrics and thematics got too corny with Dickinson. Like some kind of kid's medieval fantasy novel stuff. Yuck.
I started with Seventh Son of a Seventh Son as a kid and worked backwards. Once I hit the Di'Anno I couldn't care if I never heard that operatic harpy Dickinson again. He's a good singer but his voice grates on me. Di'Anno is raw, aggressive, in your face, like a good Plexi. So much better. The lyrics and thematics got too corny with Dickinson. Like some kind of kid's medieval fantasy novel stuff. Yuck.
I have to disagree,
DiAnno has his place in the Maiden history books, but Dickinson took Maiden to a whole different level all the way through 7th Son. I don't mind the theatrical side of their live shows, Eddie was done kinda lame though, they should have him made a fully remote controlled head banging mummy robot and had him scare the shit out of people instead of having them nod and smile and think to themselves, "bless your heart". :LOL:
I saw them on every tour through 7th Son, some of them multiple times and venues. Dickinson had total command at that stretch, but Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, and the Powerslave tours stood out the most for different reasons.
Was not fond of the processed Gallien Kruger live tones, never heard them say why they decided to run those for a bit.
I laugh because I basically agree with you. There’s good stuff with Dickinson through the 80’s but the Maiden I listen to kind of ends at Powerslave

I can push it to Seventh Son. I think that album is badass. Moonchild, Evil that Men do, Infinite dreams. Some fantastic tunes on that one. I also think Somewhere in Time is no slouch either. Things start sliding at No Prayer.. sounds like they recorded it in a basement. (farmhouse by the looks of it in one of the videos) They've still put out some good and very respectable material since but everything I reach for is the earlier stuff. Love those first two albums though. What a diff vibe with Di'anno. Fantastic musicians all around. I'm also a huge Nicko fan but man, Clive could drum.. very unique and tight approach to adding the push to those songs. He's awesome on Number of the Beast as well.
I have to disagree,
DiAnno has his place in the Maiden history books, but Dickinson took Maiden to a whole different level all the way through 7th Son. I don't mind the theatrical side of their live shows, Eddie was done kinda lame though, they should have him made a fully remote controlled head banging mummy robot and had him scare the shit out of people instead of having them nod and smile and think to themselves, "bless your heart". :LOL:
I saw them on every tour through 7th Son, some of them multiple times and venues. Dickinson had total command at that stretch, but Number of the Beast, Piece of Mind, and the Powerslave tours stood out the most for different reasons.
Was not fond of the processed Gallien Kruger live tones, never heard them say why they decided to run those for a bit.
I just don't get into the theatrics, maybe that's it. Gimme the music and forget the on-stage fluff. The masks and pyrotechnics. It's like Floyd. The first thing out of everyone's mouth is "they have an AMAZING light show". Big deal. *shrugs

Di'Anno was raw. Street level. Like a dude I would've grown up with and gotten my ass kicked by at a bonfire party whereas Dickinson combed his chest hair. :LOL: When I was 12 and into medieval fantasy novels I could dig it. The Live After Death record...I really wanted that video but concert express vids were out of my junior pocket book price range. I grew out of it. Now when I watch it today free on youtube I'd rather just hear the record. It's high level musicianship, and a great set list, no doubting that, but I'm in it for the music not the extraneous stuff. And being mostly a blues and black music fan I like raw stuff you'd see at a local club, not at a sports arena. There is a disconnect there for me. Once it's more about the show than the music count me out, no matter who it is.

I still do like some of the Dickinson stuff, especially "Where Eagles Dare" "Two Minutes To Midnite", the war oriented stuff was cool but it seems it got more and more fantasy oriented and I ultimately gravitate towards raw stuff and grew to hate sci fi stuff as I got older. Freddie King. Albert King. Albert Collins. Pantera. Early Maiden. Death. Not a metal guy really (report post) but I do appreciate raw, intense music. Blow me away with the band, not the fog and lasers.
Badlands rehearsal before the 1989 tour. You can hear how loud Jake's stage volume is. Amazing he is not fully deaf by now. Dave Friedman says Jake likes to play loud. I see him in 2019 and he was loud, his Friedman Smallbox was on 10...:p

The JCM800 starting having issues so he switched to this JMP.

He did play loud! I saw him on the Badlands tour at Toads place - my ears rang for 3 days.
Caught him with Red Dragon Cartel a few years ago - he still likes it loud.
He was a huge influence on my early playing, but I was never a huge fan of his recorded tones