I just don't get into the theatrics, maybe that's it. Gimme the music and forget the on-stage fluff. The masks and pyrotechnics. It's like Floyd. The first thing out of everyone's mouth is "they have an AMAZING light show". Big deal. *shrugs
Di'Anno was raw. Street level. Like a dude I would've grown up with and gotten my ass kicked by at a bonfire party whereas Dickinson combed his chest hair.

When I was 12 and into medieval fantasy novels I could dig it. The Live After Death record...I really wanted that video but concert express vids were out of my junior pocket book price range. I grew out of it. Now when I watch it today free on youtube I'd rather just hear the record. It's high level musicianship, and a great set list, no doubting that, but I'm in it for the music not the extraneous stuff. And being mostly a blues and black music fan I like raw stuff you'd see at a local club, not at a sports arena. There is a disconnect there for me. Once it's more about the show than the music count me out, no matter who it is.
I still do like some of the Dickinson stuff, especially "Where Eagles Dare" "Two Minutes To Midnite", the war oriented stuff was cool but it seems it got more and more fantasy oriented and I ultimately gravitate towards raw stuff and grew to hate sci fi stuff as I got older. Freddie King. Albert King. Albert Collins. Pantera. Early Maiden. Death. Not a metal guy really (report post) but I do appreciate raw, intense music. Blow me away with the band, not the fog and lasers.