James Tyler is a suppository of beautiful guitars

The Tyler's I've played were really nice guitars. Some of the better superstrats I've tried, but for that price range you can get a Marchione (2 of which I compared side by side with good Tyler's) and they smoke the Tyler's. I admit, even as a huge Marchione fan, they're also generally very overpriced, but still to me on another level and some of my favorite all time guitars I've played (even among all the vintage Gibson's and Fender's I've played)

I tried so many Suhr's and Anderson's and only a few I thought were pretty good, but not amazing. Most of them just sounded like typical sterile, choked poly guitars that lacked character and feel/inspiration for me
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It reminds me of modern art like "piss christ" or Andy Warhol

Which sucks because some of those super strats look amazing otherwise
The piss Christ was funded by taxpayers, the James Tyler is a purely capitalistic design. You will not find a more cutting edge nor distinctive design on another super strat.
The Tyler's I've played were really nice guitars. Some of the better superstrats I've tried, but for that price range you can get a Marchione (2 of which I compared side by side with good Tyler's) and they smoke the Tyler's. I admit, even as a huge Marchione fan, they're also generally very overpriced, but still to me on another level and some of my favorite all time guitars I've played (even among all the vintage Gibson's and Fender's I've played)
Well they have a nicer headstock than a Suhr but they make James Tyler's look affordable.

I think you guys live in an alternate reality with these prices. Or maybe that's just a so-cal thing or something.