James Tyler is a suppository of beautiful guitars

Every tyler i've seen has been beautiful, i've never played one though - i'm obviously a gibson guy in general

It's just that fucking headstock, man

If it was the perfect guitar otherwise, i'd still rock it if i got it for free. But i'm not paying those prices for a penis headstock

Yea the penis headstock is a massive massive stupid thing

While it did not suit my “Madison Square Bedroom Professional” ears…the build quality and the feel was impeccable

I hope you’ll at least get a chance to try one some day, if not find a good deal on one in the forums!
It's just that fucking headstock, man
One day you roll outta bed and realize he, THE James Tyler, somehow designed the ugliest headstock of all time that is simultaneously more beautiful and functional than any headstock ever created. This is my world now and you will be backed into a corner attempting to moderate my Jimmy love. :LOL:
I'm gonna need you to cover the drive to the guitar shop to boot. :LOL:

So you're saying those two guitars in Wyoming are still in tune?

I’ll have to find some old vids, or at least pics. Spooky good guitars when it came to feel and tuning stability!

That's Mr. Peterson to you.:LOL:

One day you roll outta bed and realize he, THE James Tyler, somehow designed the ugliest headstock of all time that is simultaneously more beautiful and functional than any headstock ever created. This is my world now and you will be backed into a corner attempting to moderate my Jimmy love. :LOL:

If I got a great deal on one and it was the best guitar ever, I may grow to tolerate it

But that is the most hideous, unaesthetic, low effort garbage headstock i've ever seen - even kit guitars and suhrs look like someone CARED what it looked like
You'll just be wishing you had kept them. You are not a good representative of what a James Tyler customer should be. :LOL:

Yea no fucking chance…massive weight off my shoulders once those butt ugly headstocks were out the house

And yea I cured my curiosity…luckily before they became $8k bolt ons lololol
If I got a great deal on one and it was the best guitar ever, I may grow to tolerate it

Nope…you’ll literally sit there rocking out on it, mistakenly look at the headstock and say…I could get way more money for this than I paid and god that headstock is fucking stupid 😅
But that is the most hideous, unaesthetic, low effort garbage headstock i've ever seen - even kit guitars and suhrs look like someone CARED what it looked like
Suhr's are revolting. Like someone tried to whittle the extra little back cut on an Ibanez headstock off. Accordingly thin tone.

Nope…you’ll literally sit there rocking out on it, mistakenly look at the headstock and say…I could get way more money for this than I paid and god that headstock is fucking stupid 😅
I'm gonna start going in to guitar and pawn shops and saying "Lemme see your JImmy's" to the guy at the counter when he asks how he can help me. :LOL:
And yet, no bolts. Not one. Why the bolt on? Always screws. Never understood this term.

The same reason we say "rice paddy" even though it's redundant - because of the inertia of decades of language

Good luck trying to get everyone in the world to stop saying it, one person at a time :hys:

I respect the hustle though
Suhr's are revolting. Like someone tried to whittle the extra little back cut on an Ibanez headstock off. Accordingly thin tone.

I'm gonna start going in to guitar and pawn shops and saying "Lemme see your JImmy's" to the guy at the counter when he asks how he can help me. :LOL:

Yeah good luck finding an 8k guitar at a pawn shop :hys: