Joe Satriani and Steve Vai hire Pete Thorn, Marco Mendoza and Kenny Aronoff for new their new touring band

I have think a musical genius’ has the ability to both captivate and appeal to large groups of people regardless of class. A good song is a good song. Einsteins work changed everything for everybody as did Ed’s.
Perhaps but there will be plenty of people with a genius level understanding and output that would alienate most people too.
Perhaps but there will be plenty of people with a genius level understanding and output that would alienate most people too.
That’s the trick. If they’re not producing Jump, or Beat it, or Stairway they’re missing the mark. It’s part and parcel with the pedigree.

Gotta give it where its due this one gets me everytime.
I will say like in any sport or musical act playing with great people can really inspire you to do great things you wouldnt on your own.
I read an article about Vai his guitar tech threw away a neck pup from EVO his #1 at a gig cuz he felt it was bad.
They all left on the bus to the next show.
When Vai found out the tech threw the pup away some 200+ miles down the road he made the tech go all the way back and get the pup outta da trash.
Thats dedication to the craft.
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That’s the trick. If they’re not producing Jump, or Beat it, or Stairway they’re missing the mark. It’s part and parcel with the pedigree.
Or in other words, it’s so damn good that almost everybody loves it … like pizza, and E.T..
Relegated… say it with me.

Maybe Pete can teach Joe all the VH songs?
Been saying pretty much the same thing to friends and on other forums. Love Satriani's playing, ever since I was a teenager learning to play the Surfing With The Alien album - but - still say Sammy Hagar should have hired Pete Thorn instead of Joe for his Van Halen shows. Pete nails EVH so brilliantly. Unlike Joe who is simply superb at being Joe.
Good for PT. I don’t think of either Vai or Satch as having particularly difficult rhythm parts so I don’t see why Pete couldn’t pull it off.

I wonder if Keneally got asked and declined? He’s had the Vai gig and can cover keys too.
Have to agree with Captain TDS.
I think Pete will hang with those guys no problem. They wouldn’t have hired him if they didn’t think he would elevate the show. He can fire up 4 SL15’s and tear it up…and at a very sensible stage level too….🧐
I like all 3 of these guys honestly. Pete's VH swing, Via's work on DLR stuff, and Surfin with Joe in particular.

For the rest of you that can only poke fun and find weaknesses I have just one thing that comes to mind....

I like all 3 of these guys honestly. Pete's VH swing, Via's work on DLR stuff, and Surfin with Joe in particular.

For the rest of you that can only poke fun and find weaknesses I have just one thing that comes to mind....


Am I missing something I just see a pic of Vai and Satch?
This is true

yea dude, like he can learn all the Don Henley, etheridge and Cornell rhythm parts to kingdom come…

But thinking Vai/satch rhythms are on par with those…not to mention key/tempo shifts!

And finally people go to Henley/etheridge/cornell shows to sing along and generally have a good time.

Dudes go to Vai/satch shows to fold their arms and judge the dudes on the stage lol…there are no lyrics (until the final jam at least usually, unless satch or Vai want to play one of their weird songs) lol

Totally different ball game imo. I hope Pete succeeds but it’s a different mental arena altogether and I think he’ll be challenged :dunno:
As someone who was just so into Vai and Satch all of their teen years and developmental guitar playing - I don't get excited for whatever reason when these super groups come together.

I really have enjoyed seeing Vai with BEAT and the like but I don't get "excited" when I see any of their new projects.

When Vai did that guest solo on the Polyphia track, it just made me sad and kind of embarrassed for him.

Huge fan and have seen the guys multiple times but not into the super group stuff.

Also, I couldn't care any less about a VH cover band, no matter who is in it.