phil b
Well-known member
You said source. Speaker and amp are source. Not mics....Get the best sound from your amp and speaker setup,,the source..! Then ideally a great mic to duplicate that back. So now are you saying that source is great but the 57 making it harsh? Your logic doesnt make sense. Have you ever worked with tape? Like done any real recording time with tape or are you just going by what you've heard and read? Never had I had to EQ the top end because my machine wasnt giving me back what I put into it. Lots of reasons to Eq but that wasnt one of them.But i'll rather piss on your face.
Speaker and mic matter way more than the amp in the signal chain. What i'm trying to say is that SM57 worked back in the day because tape mellowed highs a bit and helped to tame it down. The same is not the case with digital.