Ironic coming from someone who insists on being correct on something he was being corrected multiple times but hey, have at it.
The "counterfeit" or "broken SM57" argument from 57 fanbois are always hilarious. Also nice addition with the Line6, because anyone who doesn't use or like SM57 on guitars such as Michael Wagener must record with a shitty Line 6 amp.
Also showing your divine intellect by accusing me pointing one dead center of the speaker while I mentioned already in this thread how you need to set it closer to the edge of the cone to get a better sound of it.
Is this the best you can come up with after being told off?
Regardless, you absolute studio wizards claimed to have worked in the industry or in studios, because I'm sure you guys have made something big happen yourselves. The only problem here is that I've never heard none of that. ?
Fucking megalomaniacs at it again.