Just make reasonable offer

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"What's your lowest price?" is a coward's question asked by somebody who is so afraid of dealing with another human being that they'd rather insult them by asking them to fight with themselves for the buyer's benefit than risk having an offer they make get rejected.

These people are never worth dealing with.
I think that is it right there Doctor Green. The fear of being rejected and making it the seller's problem. :yes:
Worst thing that happened to me in recent times was engaging with one of those idiots after I said price fixed.

He started hollering and waiting about how he had to pay a large amount for shipping and taxes, and couldn’t I come down by another hundred bucks. There’s a lot of to and fro. I think about it, figure I can do the deal and let him know,

Then the next thing I know, the guy is waxing lyrical about how he had another high gain amp that covers the same ground and he’s sorry but he doesn’t want the amp anymore.

I just told him “No harm, no foul” and left it at that, but I was annoyed at the waste of my time.

Just goes to show there’s no point bargaining with time wasters and tyre kickers. They will always get you in the end, that’s how they get their kicks.
People requesting partial refunds is a huge red flag. As much as there may be times when that's justified, most of the time it's someone manufacturing a way to get an additional discount.
I've requested a couple partial refunds as of late when things were missing or for undisclosed condition issues. I would have been annoyed to have to return the items, even if they paid shipping — which would have sucked in the case of an amp head for example. If folks list stuff accurately there shouldn't be an issue. On the other hand, you're always free to decline a refund request or not accept a return if you disagree.
I can't stand sellers saying the price is "Net to me"

If I see this, I just move on. I don't want to have to figure out the exact price. The gear market is soft anyway, to me "net to me" just reduces your potential buyers.
A few years ago, I agreed to buy 3 Boss pedals off a guy. He gave me his address, and I drove 45 min to his house. I knocked on his door, no answer. Waited, waited. Called his phone a couple times. No answer. I said screw it and left. About 10 minutes later, my phone rings and he says "Yeah, I know you were at my house, but I decided not to sell the pedals, I am going to keep them". People are assholes.
You should have gifted him an old pedal you don't need anymore. Delivered via airmail right through his front window with a crudely scribbled note wrapped around it, "keep this one too".
I straight up do no respond to overly chatty "buyers" or people asking the lowest price. I have in the past and those types are almost always the ones who have silly issues, or back out at last minute. If someone wants the item, they will come at with you concrete questions at most, cash in hand at asking price, or know their number and throw that at you immediately.
I straight up do no respond to overly chatty "buyers" or people asking the lowest price. I have in the past and those types are almost always the ones who have silly issues, or back out at last minute. If someone wants the item, they will come at with you concrete questions at most, cash in hand at asking price, or know their number and throw that at you immediately.
Yeah this kinda puts me off. I'm OK with a couple questions but asking a million questions about the linage or chain of custody of an amp, etc etc. I'm like man I don't know
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