On the making of DVD, they mention Phil did most of the rhythm tracking, and they show him tracking guitars with a stock LP Standard. Or at least, that's what it looks like. Nickel covers and all. You can see pics of him playing live with that guitar as well with the nickel-covered passives too which he later swapped out for the EMG 85's that he was using in An Ocean Between Us.
I like the tone on An Ocean Between Us as well, and overall, I like Colin's drum tones better, but the tone on Shadows Are Security certainly doesn't sound like actives to me. It sounds raw, edgy, and unpolished (at least compared to the contemporary The End of Heartache tone), but that could very well be the Krank they got reamped through doing its thing. The thing I love about that tone (and that record in particular) is you can really hear the Gothenburg-y influence to the aesthetics of both the music and the production. IMO, of course. The tone reminds me a bit of Colony and the riffs remind me of a less edgy Slaughter of the Soul at times.
I used to be a big fan of that band before Tim went nuts, LOL. And up to this day, I obsess about the tone on that record. I feel kinda nerdy discussing those kind of details like people do about Van Halen or other like way more iconic tones, LOL, but that's just what I like.