Let's Talk About Slayer

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  • Yay

    Votes: 37 88.1%
  • Nay

    Votes: 5 11.9%

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Was Danzig the opener on your South Of Heaven tour show?
Overkill and Motorhead were the openers for their stop here. I looked it up and these were the dates Danzig opened for them on that tour :

08/12/1988 Hollywood Palladium Hollywood, CA (opened for Slayer)
08/15/1988 Aragon Ballroom Chicago, IL (opened for Slayer)
08/20/1988 Harpo's Concert Theatre Detroit, MI (opened for Slayer)
08/31/1988 Felt Forum New York, NY (opened for Slayer)
I'm not making a statement about trailer parks, because who fuckin cares.

That being said, I love trailer park boys!🤘 Bubbles is my homie.
Same in Toronto. Overkill got booed pretty bad. When Motorhead came on, the crowd went absolutely insane, and stayed that way until the end. Lombardo chucked his sticks out and I caught one. Still have it.
I was there and vaguely recall Overkill getting a lukewarm reception at first but they won the crowd over by the end of their 6 song set lol. They had the best sound of the night.
Pfffft, Pantera > Slayer? That’s wild. “pussies”, predictable term
from a Pantera fan, indicating you equate performative “masculinity” as validation for your deep insecurities. Pantera is the metal band version of a gang of racist 20-something man baby bros yelling, “Come get some, faggot!”, from the back of a pick up truck (with truck nuts, ‘cause insecurity), while hurling empty beer cans at one scrawny defenseless 14 year old. Vulgar display of Mom & Dad didn’t love me so I’m entitled to take it out on the world.

This fucking forum is man baby central.
Hell yeah brother.

Jk I like both bands quite a bit. Vulgar display is pretty much what got me into guitar and Slayer overall is what opened the gate to more extreme metal for me.

Vulgar and Far Beyond Driven were great albums but the Great Southern Trendkill is criminally underrated.
Hell yeah brother.

Jk I like both bands quite a bit. Vulgar display is pretty much what got me into guitar and Slayer overall is what opened the gate to more extreme metal for me.

Vulgar and Far Beyond Driven were great albums but the Great Southern Trendkill is criminally underrated.
Great southern trendkill is their best . All 5 albums are masterpieces of who there were at that time
I have been doing a dive into Slayer recently.
I have been listening to mostly their earlier stuff. Not really focusing on the latter eras.

Back in the 80s, I wasn't really a fan. I was more of a Metallica, Megadeth, etc...kind of dude. Not limited to, just more into.

I have some beliefs and opinions of them that may not be popular, but this doesn't include lack of respect. I respect them and appreciate them, for what they are, and the times they emerged from. I enjoy them.

I just have a hard time accepting some of their musical decisions, writing and theory wise, but love how they force it to work. And that the listener has to accept it, period.

Sometimes when listening to their studio recordings, while also studying the tab....they are so hard for me to "feel" at times. When I play it, I just can't settle into it. I love it, just can't get comfortable, especially their transitions.
How Jeff and Kerry meshed would not work today, which has its own charm.

These are just a couple points I've been chewing on, what are yours?

Not trying to ruffle feathers, just trying to get inside the heads of these dudes, musically. I like analyzing stuff like this.

Please, tell me how you feel about Slayer!🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

I honestly don't know what you are going on about. Kerry's shit lead playing? Yeah that's a given. Chaotic madness and jarbled nonsense yet who always ended somewhere that fit and Hanneman more or less could stay in key. But the whole thing is chaotic. The rythm playing though? Insane. Kerry is tight and Jeff was too. They wrote some awesome riffage and they always found a pocket to groove in. Add Lombardo on the back end and you are golden. He's truly a unique drummer with a signature voice and he made a lot of that music what it was. Then you have Araya. Incredible voice and solid lyrics. The way he angrily spoke through those songs. So well done. There is no band that sounds like Slayer and that is what makes them as iconic and as good as Megadeth or Metallica...or even Pantera.
I saw Overkill open for King Diamond in the Fall. They were tight but I will be honest.. every song sounded the same. So theyve essentially written the same tune for 30+ years. They always go to the fuck this and fuck that and lean hard on it for lyrics song to song.
I didn't read through the whole thread, but here's my 2 pennies.

I really like me some Slayer. They have some awesome rhythms I really get into. The intro to Hell Awaits is a great example. The one thing I'm not fond of is the solos. On their own they shred, but I've always felt like in the context of the song it sound like someone noodling as fast as the can with no regard for the background rhythm. Though this "complaint" isn't limited to Slayer. I feel the majority of metal bands do this. I'm more into harmonies and the like as solos over the random speed noodling.
I honestly don't know what you are going on about. Kerry's shit lead playing? Yeah that's a given. Chaotic madness and jarbled nonsense yet who always ended somewhere that fit and Hanneman more or less could stay in key. But the whole thing is chaotic. The rythm playing though? Insane. Kerry is tight and Jeff was too. They wrote some awesome riffage and they always found a pocket to groove in. Add Lombardo on the back end and you are golden. He's truly a unique drummer with a signature voice and he made a lot of that music what it was. Then you have Araya. Incredible voice and solid lyrics. The way he angrily spoke through those songs. So well done. There is no band that sounds like Slayer and that is what makes them as iconic and as good as Megadeth or Metallica...or even Pantera.
Who's going on?🤣

Nothing I said was referred to at all. Dont put words in my mouth bud. It's called reading comprehension, and it is important.
In ‘94/95 got to have the best example of introducing Slayer live to a girl buddy of mine. The main floor was open (indoor show) and I asked her if she wants to hit the first row of surrounding seats, to the side, because it might get a little rowdy. She says no, let’s hit the floor.
So the rain starts coming through the P.A. and everyone knows what’s coming, except her and when they kicked in to Raining Blood, the pit was so instantaneous she went down faster than I’ve ever seen someone drop. Zero time to grab her or anything. Let’s just say after I picked her up in the swirling meat fest, she was down for taking one of those seats.
It was like seeing Helen Hunt’s dad, sucked away from the storm shelter door but faster.