Looking for a Carry Hammer Fire Pistol.

AIWB is hard to beat with a 43x or p365. A good holster goes a long way. I'd suggest starting there (finding a holster that fits you perfectly) and then choosing a pistol based on what that holster model can be made for. Check out Tenicor.com if yr not familiar. THE most comfortable IMHO.
AIWB is hard to beat with a 43x or p365. A good holster goes a long way. I'd suggest starting there (finding a holster that fits you perfectly) and then choosing a pistol based on what that holster model can be made for. Check out Tenicor.com if yr not familiar. THE most comfortable IMHO.

IWI Masada S is the same size as the P365XL only a little bit thinner. I carry it AIWB in a Muddy River Tactical. It's very comfortable. Sometimes a VP9SK in a MRT as well, though it is a little fatter and a looser t-shirt is better with that one. The Masada I can conceal under pretty much any t-shirt.
I have the FN FNX9 and a Sig P226. I love both, but would rather carry the FNX. Lately I've been looking at the P365 though.
Nice. I had the chance to scoop up one of those FN's for real reasonable but I stupidly passed on it and my co-worker grabbed it. The grip frame on those is mighty comfortable.