Looking for a new 212 cabinet!!!!

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Density at 9 or 10 o'clock for me with the TM2X12 also. Bass on my Randall modules almost never gets above 11 o'clock with the bright switch on.
Wanted to open up this thread again to mention I still love the TM212. It continues to beat all cabs I compare it to in various studios in the are. I installed Celesiton G12K-100s. I was wondering the bump in power over the 80s might make them more stiff....but they are actually really nice. I was worried they would have too much low end but again, they work perfectly in the TM212! Nice and tight lows for classic rock to hard rock.

I actually still love the Elite 80s and who knows, they may go back in.

I was shocked to learn this cab is made from 13-ply birch. I wrongly assumed 7-ply. Killer cab for the price.

I agree with what Eric says about the larger 212 cabs!. However, my Randall is smaller although deeper than the TM212. It is 29.5x20x14 and has pretty big and tight lows. However, I plan on ordering a Fryette/VHT Deliverance cab for my VHT head.
Well I ended up with a Bogner 212 OS cab and LOVE it! Also have a used THD 212 cand LOVE it. Great cabs. Now I am in the process of getting a Marshall 412 with WGS Green Berets.

I tried Scumbacks(M75/H75) with my amps and preferred the WGS Vet30/ET65 set!!!!! Cheaper too!
No, in my Bogner 212.

I also no longer have an Egnater. I got rid of it and picked up a VHT ST and 20th Anniversary Bogner Shiva.
I use a Tourmaster 2 12 with both my Mesa DR and Renegade. I like it better than I did my Mesa Rectifier cab because of its ability to be an open back or closed back cab. It is also of Birch construction and is quite a bit bigger in dimension IMO projecting better lows.
I should also mention that I did tweak it a bit . I changed out one of the Elite 80's With a V30 and I am even more impressed.
Jim is a great guy and has great speakers but cost quit a bit. Try before you buy. I found I prefer my THD tweaked Celestions, Eminence and WGS.
Just picked up a used empty TM2x12 from a gentleman on this forum AEROIC. By the way he has a couple of other empty cabs for sale. Good guy to deal with.

First thing that got my attention was the construction. 13mm ply wood, dove tailed, center beam re-enforcements front to back at both top and bottom, plywood baffle not MDF. Way better construction then what I have seen from others. Things a tank. This is right up there with the Genz G-Flex. Mounting screws are 8-32, I would like to have seen 10-32.

Only had time to try a couple of different speakers, V30&Texas Heat, V30&70-80. Yet to try, Hellatone 60L, Super 65, G12T100, & Patriot. (BTW the Super 65 and G12T100 are on sale at Avatar cheap!)

I'm liking the V30 and already have a feeling I will end up with V30&Hellatone 60L combo as the 60L should round out the bottom end.
Yep after several swaps I have decided on the V30 with the Hellatone 60L in the TM2x12. Also played with removing each of the back panels. I like it with the bottom off.

Also tried my Reb-30 combo through this. Tried it running each speaker individually and together. Makes me wish I had bought the head instead of the combo. I find I really like it with the H60L much better then the E80.
