Low output pickups and high gain amps.

  • Thread starter Thread starter MadAsAHatter
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Now THAT is some bitchin' Les Paul crunch. Well done, sir. I always enjoy your demos. That tone is right in the ballpark that I shoot for when playing hard rock. I've got the Aldrich, too. It's in my '87 Kramer. The Aldrich kills in superstrats with maple bodies like my Kramer has. It's not tinny in a maple body, just very clear. The Aldrich rips in Alder bodies, too. Haven't tried it in basswood because I hate basswood.
Thanks bud!
3 pages of words, when we need more tone samples!! Agreed on the wood. Finally got my Jackson PC-1 back last night. Mohog/Maple top. Ripped the sustainer out and put new pups in including the Aldrich in the bridge. While it cannot match the LP's perfect tone, it will work well!
Thanks bud!
3 pages of words, when we need more tone samples!! Agreed on the wood. Finally got my Jackson PC-1 back last night. Mohog/Maple top. Ripped the sustainer out and put new pups in including the Aldrich in the bridge. While it cannot match the LP's perfect tone, it will work well!

That'll scream!
I think you can get great clarity with both low and high output pickups, you just have to lower the gain on the amp with higher output pickups, quite simple. Also ceramics magnets may lack a bit in character with lower gain but they seem to have better clarity to me in a high gain application, and they have a great attack to them, while alnico's seem to lack that metalllic attack a bit.
I don't disagree with Kyle's findings although to me gained up amps (via high OT pups, boosts or whatevs) through the same one cab and recording chain going through YT processing sound more similar than different despite the subjective comments of the YT'er listening in the room. There, I said it. And I have and enjoy multiple amps and find the same here at home bar small differences in the gain structure that rarely translate in a mix enough to warrant the added cost of a whole new amp.. same with trialing pups, boosts, woods etc. more gain makes differences more subtle.

Anyway, back to low OT pups.. In recordings it's not uncommon to lower the gain and even employ single coil layered parts to make the sound wider and bigger as opposed to using modern uber-gain, extend low end and bone crashing punch amps. just double track with a strat and layer that on double tracked HB parts..

Problem with low OT pups for me is that whilst they might work well for articulating punchy high gain rhythm parts (as long as the amp allows enough dynamic range and is not compressed as fuck), some players might find them less forgiving under the fingers for leads.

Another thing I've found is that some pups might push certain frequencies of an amp to unlikable levels. Subjectively of course. e.g. I never liked EMGs with an SLO.
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Although I like both passive and active pickups, I've never played any passive pickup that sounds as tight and aggressive as ceramic active pickups like the EMG 81 and Fishman Fluence Modern ceramic bridge pickup. It's not about saturation, as you can get that with passive pickups too. It's just about the attack, punch, evenness/consistency (compression), and clarity. Passive pickups always end up sounding softer... even the ceramic ones. They can still be very clear in terms of making out the notes, but they are less sharp sounding.
Although I like both passive and active pickups, I've never played any passive pickup that sounds as tight and aggressive as ceramic active pickups like the EMG 81 and Fishman Fluence Modern ceramic bridge pickup. It's not about saturation, as you can get that with passive pickups too. It's just about the attack, punch, evenness/consistency (compression), and clarity. Passive pickups always end up sounding softer... even the ceramic ones. They can still be very clear in terms of making out the notes, but they are less sharp sounding.
Yes, this is exactly the point I was making. Ceramic pups are better with high gain I find, and actives even more so (subjective) IMO because of the attack they have. They have this tight metallic attack to them, which some find cold sounding, but I love it. The EMG 81 is one of my all time favs. It's hard to find passives that are tight and have the right attack to them... The Duncan Distortion is the best one I've found so far, and the SH-5 custom is pretty good too for a more medium output pickup.
Yes, this is exactly the point I was making. Ceramic pups are better with high gain I find, and actives even more so (subjective) IMO because of the attack they have. They have this tight metallic attack to them, which some find cold sounding, but I love it. The EMG 81 is one of my all time favs. It's hard to find passives that are tight and have the right attack to them... The Duncan Distortion is the best one I've found so far, and the SH-5 custom is pretty good too for a more medium output pickup.
Yeah, it depends on the genre of music and what kind of OD pedal you're using. I find that if I'm playing anything along the lines of thrash or technical death metal, I want that EMG/Fishman active metallic crunch. However, for other styles of metal and other genres of music (rock, jazz fusion, etc.), passive pickups can be more appropriate. OD pedal matters a lot too though. You can make passive pickups sound more metallic with OD pedals that more aggressively cut bass. I find that I often like a more conservative, more warm (like a simple tubescreamer) OD pedal with active pickups, but might use something more "harsh"/aggressive with passive pickups if trying to get a really sharp metal tone out of them. Tuning matters a lot too, obviously. The lower the tuning, the sharper the tone you will want to keep things tight and mud-free. I use a lot less bass and low mids when playing 7 and 8 string guitars.
But yeah, the title alone seems to have hit a lot of people in the feels for this video. Unfortunately, there IS a game you have to play on youtube, and if I had just titled the video "I like PAF pickups on high gain amps" nobody would click on it. Everyone wants to blame the youtube algorithm
No Kyle. That is where you are wrong..we aren't blaming the youtube algorithm. We are blaming those that sell out to conform to it.

In my job, I help people. I could make more money by selling out and fucking people over or being disingenuous. But i stand up on two feet and am honest.

No one was hit in the feels, Betty. We just thought you were better than that.
No Kyle. That is where you are wrong..we aren't blaming the youtube algorithm. We are blaming those that sell out to conform to it.

In my job, I help people. I could make more money by selling out and fucking people over or being disingenuous. But i stand up on two feet and am honest.

No one was hit in the feels, Betty. We just thought you were better than that.
+1 Professional Bullshiller