Low volume bedroom rig

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What would be your choice in a low volume bedroom rig?
From guitars, amps, and pedals to modelers etc....
I use a Dual Rectifier and 4x12.

It has a master volume and I turn it down at night. Can't even hear it in my kids room.

Beyond that, Les Paul, McCarty, Telecaster, univibe, wah, phase, chorus, POG and OD.
I use a Tone King Falcon. It has an an inbuilt attenuator
Yeah, a 4x12 will help fill out the tone of many amps at low volumes.

But these days I've been using a modeler into a Matrix Q12A. I use Positive Grid Bias off my phone, and it sounds great to me. I haven't fired up an amp in a while, which is kinda sad but Bias sounds great.
Never had a modeler so I'll stick with traditional gear...

Bogner atma, cab to your liking.
Mahogany tele or jazzmaster with a maple neck and rosewood fretboard. Two humbuckers with coil taps.
Modulation Pedals to your liking but i recommend a wah, fuzz, od, clean boost, delay and reverb as must haves.

This covers pretty much every tone I like and does bedroom at 1 watt to small live stuff at 18. That being said, I no longer have an atma cus the master volume on an ecstasy is pretty amazing...
Low volume, high volume, pretty much any volume. :yes:
This is my bedroom/TV rig (more or less).

Maxon od808 -> iSP Decimator -> AMT P2 -> MXR Carbon Copy -> AMT TC1 --> Diesel 112 ported w/V30

Can get as quiet as you need it to be or as loud as loud radio volume and anywhere in between. If I need to get louder I plug into my main rig and let her rip. It's a good practice setup for metal and if you change out the AMT P2 for some other preamp you can use it for lots of different styles, obviously the speaker can also be swapped out to compliment whatever sound you're going for.
I guess it depends on your budget. Use whatever guitars you own. If if I was looking for a true quiet solution I'd seriously check out the Kemper, then you can get profiles of your own amps and your favorite amps you never owned and play at any volume level you choose...bedroom, stage, headphones ;)

You also can look at attenuating your existing amps. I really like the looks of Fryette Power station
http://www.fryette.com/power-station-in ... amplifier/

I use 50 and 100 watt amps and 4x12's for bedroom use. With power reduction on some amps 1/2, 1/4 power modes) you can get there. The 101B and VHT 50 CL work our fairly well at low volume levels for me.
For me, the best TV watching rig I've ever had is my Kemper into the Atomic CLR wedge. Sounds friggin' amazing at low to moderate volume.

My W/D/W rig with my Cherry Bomb or Bottle Rockets sounds awesome at low volume or arena volume, but it's in my studio, so I can't watch TV while playing that rig. I'd prefer playing that rig, but obviously I'm not moving it into the TV room. So, the Kemper rig is in the TV room and works great. Plus with the Kemper you get all kinds of other benefits like incredible recorded tones and profiling your real amps!

My low volume amp is a Marshall JVM1H, one of those 50th Anniversary 1 watt heads. I run it with the same pedals and cab as my main amp (Bogner Shiva), a Mesa 2x12 cab with their version of V30's and TC pedals (dreamscape, hof reverb mini, alter ego delay) in the loop.

The JVM1H has a low power switch that cuts it down to .1 watt, which I can run full volume at 3 am without waking the family upstairs. If I could choose anything, I'd still go with this amp, it works great for me. :thumbsup:
Love the EVH 5153 50 watter because unlike many amps it sounds great low or loud.
I play it at TV volumes and it sounds incredible :thumbsup:
Vox AC4 is a good bedroom amp. I think you can knock it down to 1/4th of a watt.
My life changed and so did my wife's when i purchased a torpedo live. I'm cranking the shit out of my Friedman through a pair of middle of the road senheisers with a bit of delay or verb and it sounds amazing! To me that's the ultimate bedroom rig. Also since the arcade firmware came out its very very easy to get amazing ir sounds.
mniel8195":27192rsc said:
My life changed and so did my wife's when i purchased a torpedo live. I'm cranking the shit out of my Friedman through a pair of middle of the road senheisers with a bit of delay or verb and it sounds amazing! To me that's the ultimate bedroom rig. Also since the arcade firmware came out its very very easy to get amazing ir sounds.

That sounds awesome! I'm gonna look into that.
For the past 3+ decades, my bedroom rigs have been my live gigging tools, w/ no low volume issues. ;)






It now resides at my shop

cardinal":3kfjuiom said:
Yeah, a 4x12 will help fill out the tone of many amps at low volumes.

Yeah, so this... I used to try finding a good 112 thinking that would help get decent tones at low volumes. I found it does the opposite.

My 50-watt SLO clone turns down quite nicely for the tones I enjoy. As it is, I get most of the tone I want from the preamp which I think allows it to turn down well. I had the opposite experience with my Marshall DSL and Laney AORs. Their preamps sound kinda crappy at high gain, and shine best when the EL34/84s are cooking. They are certainly poor performers in the bedroom rig.

I've also found that while I prefer playing my EVH GBs when I turn up, I prefer the V30s at low volumes. GBs are a lot like EL34s to my ears in that they shine at high volume. At low volume they sound kinda cold. V30s still sound mostly the same at low volumes as high, probably because at 60-watts apiece power handling a 50-watt amp isn't getting a quad close to anything stressful.

So to generalize, I would say an amp that gets most of its tone from the preamp, which I suspect correlates highly with amps powered by 6L6 tubes. Then a 412 loaded with your favorite high-power handling speakers.
Only on Rig-Talk would a guy asking for a good low volume bedroom rig turn into "show off your entire amp and guitar collection". Some of you guys would make great car salesmen.

"I am looking for a new 4 door sedan around $18000".
"Oh yes sir, I have the perfect car for you, a used Lamborghini Diablo!"