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Mark IV or Triaxis

  • Mark IV

    Votes: 37 94.9%
  • Triaxis

    Votes: 2 5.1%

  • Total voters
Dude, I already replied to that. It's the post right above yours......
A Mark IV with a processor in the loop and that's all you need. The only Triaxis setup i heard i liked, well Petrucci was playing it.

MarkIV's kick ass, i just wish the middle channel could sound like the Orange channel of the VHTUL.
danyeo":4a0da said:
MarkIV's kick ass, i just wish the middle channel could sound like the Orange channel of the VHTUL.

That would be cool :)

The Mark IV's R2 channel is an extension of the clean channel IMO. Same voicing with some dirt added. Great for a pushed blues tone, but you can't get a Marshall type rock tone out of it.

If clean is important to you, you set R1 to your liking and then make the best of R2 that you can.
That Petrucci Video is sweet!

Actually I agree with Danyeo, Petrucci makes that preamp sound awesome. I think he and Metallica (black Album) are really the two prime suspects when it comes down to great Triaxis tone.

Otherwise, I think its a thin sounding preamp. Not in the the sense of a JCM 900 marshall sounding thin, but more that its overall sound is compressed like a cheap distortion pedal.

I own the Quad Preamp and in my opinion it comes much closer to actually replicating the classic Mark Series tones. It can easily get the tones you're looking for and it way cheaper on the SH market - I got mine for 360 quid.

Answer to your question then - Mark IV! :)
Robotechnology":6afd6 said:
oye ve :wink:

I'm saying if you want every boogie sound known to man (including Petrucci tones), get the TriAxis. If you want Petrucci tones and half the boogie tones known to man get the Mark IV. :) i get it. of course, my reply last night was fueled primarily by a good cigar and alcohol. maybe that's where the misunderstanding came from.

and i still think the mk fo' sounds better than the triaxis :P
Listen to this song:


It is my TriAxis into my 2:90 into my Avatar open back 2X12 (G12H30/VIN30) which was mic'ed on the VIN30 with an SM57.

No external EQ and very light EFX use in 50% of the song (my Rocktron Xpression).

EDIT: HTML is OFF for some reason :evil: Copy and paste this entire code into your browser...
I say the Triaxis/2:90. I was completely BLOWN AWAY, by the tone and versatility of it. AGGRESSIVE as Hell. I think the Mark IV would be a good choice as well, but if you have the cash to build the rack system, DO IT!. You definetely would NOT be disappointed with the Triaxis.

There are alot of people who downplay the Triaxis (for REAL deasons unknown) but it's a FANTASTIC tone monster.

Mark IV by a landslide.

The triaxis is a jack of all trades and master of none.

While some would say the same about the Mark IV, I disagree. The lead channel is STELLAR for everything from Santana type leads to all out metal, the R2 channel can do just about anything in the rock spectrum and if you boost it it can do an awsome 80's thrash thing. The clean channel is among the best on any high gainer I have ever played.

The Triaxis is a good piece of gear, but I think it is way overpriced for what it is.

But, hey... if you find YOUR tone in it, that is really all that matters! :la:
Chuggs….why you necrobumping this shit bwah? Thread is from 06….? it’s fine….just ?

It is the old curiosity combined with the current wisdom that really brings it full circle. How do we feel now compared to then?

I for one, I must say... I still vote mk-IV.
I like seeing the old members… blast from the past. And yup..mark 4 all the way. There’s a reason why they still cost so much used.
This old thread makes me miss my old crate keyboard amp. ?
Lots of memories there.
I'm just kidding that thing was a piece of junk.
Had both. All 3 Mark IV channels are in the Triaxis; the dull hyperclean, the R2 that nobody uses, and the Lead channel where the money is. Pair it with a Mesa 50/50 (the Mark series power amp). You won’t notice much difference between that and the head.

Either should do those tones out of the box, though.

Edit. Wow 2006. Hahaha
I loved the mark 4’s clean channel…
Agreed, my Mark IV has a great clean channel.

And yeah, having owned both, I would take the MkIV over a Triaxis all day long. I was stupid to sell the first MKIV I had, but the one I have now isn't going anywhere.
Both amps sound great . Both are awesome only until you learn how the knobs work . They can be frustrating . But the time is spent. Here’s my mark IV . I did sell it but because my I liked my 3 ++ Green better
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OP is long gone. Do you think he survived the pandemic?