Not as good as some modern amps at low volume. They need to be turned up a bit to sound less buzzy (master needs to be over 9:00 on Red). The taper is fast like a lot of amps of its day. 9:00 - 9:30 (2 - 2.5) gets pretty loud pretty fast, probably too much for most wives to tolerate if you’re playing at home. That’s where it starts sounding good though.H
How are the Master volume's on these?
The DSL's are hard to beat for the money.They sound pretty good and the price is not crazy yet.
JMP smallbox is my preference when it comes to those types of sounds.They are good enough for Beck, Iron Maiden and more to tour with and leave their vintage Marshalls at home…
But they still aren’t selling their vintage Marshalls.
They are good sounding amps but aren’t good enough to replace anything I own.
Marshall should make their 50th anniversary series of 1 watt amps a regular year round stock item . They would sell millions and millions year in year out . Classic cranked Marshall tones at bedroom practicing volume levels .
Lets face it , 5,10,15 and 20 watt amps are all still WAY TOO LOUD for late night bedroom jamming sessions and nobody wants the extra expense of an attenuator .
The current DSL 1 watt is not in the same category and doesn't even come close to the awesomeness of the 50th anniversary 1 watt monsters .
The anniversary series was released in 2012 and they came in both head and combo versions . JTM, JMP , JCM 800, JCM 2000, and JVM versions .
The below is just a sample of the 1 watt JMP and JCM 800 versions.
Yeah I didn't really know the diffI reckon this is a thread about the DSL?
Because the TSL is also a JCM 2000...
I actually think the points here sum up DSL’s well. On something like a Friedman, you have a more continuous range of gain. The DSL has quite a jump from green to red channel and the voicing changes a fair bit too.I don’t know, I had a DSL100H years ago and it was OK but I just found the “Ultra gain” channels to be overly gainy, hairy and mushy sounding. Ultra gain 2 is an absolute waste of circuitry.
The Clean/Crunch was good but the crunch didn’t go far enough to take the place of a good high gain channel. I felt like I would have liked it much better if the channels were clean, then crunch, then Gain and the gain channel actually picked up where the Crunch left off instead of 10 x gainier.
I hadn’t played a JCM 2000 in years and years so I couldn’t really judge how they stacked up against each other. Most people claim they sound “the same” but I recall the 2000’s as being brighter, maybe thinner and at least the Ultra gain 1 sounding less mushy.