Marshall JCM 2000 thoughts?

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I actually think the points here sum up DSL’s well. On something like a Friedman, you have a more continuous range of gain. The DSL has quite a jump from green to red channel and the voicing changes a fair bit too.

Tbf, the green channel is quite comparable to a stock 2203 amount of gain - with a pedal you’re absolutely fine.

I think another thing with the DSL vs something like a Friedman, is that the master volume is a lot fussier. There is a sweet spot where it’s not too mushy or fizzy, but it’s a bit of a balancing act to get things in the right place. In the studio, it’s not an issue and I think it’s a big reason why DSL’s record so well. You just set it where it sounds and responds right and you’re good.

Live, you may be restricted because you either need to balance volumes between channels, or the sweet spot for your tone isn’t going to suit everything else going on.
I would agree the green crunch had a similar amount of gain to a 2203/2204. It also sounded more "refined" than an 800, but also lacked the balls of an 800. Still a very good channel on the amp.
I was once like you: I thought maybe a modern Marshall was what a sound missing from my amp collection. Plus they're cheap and now they have a little cult following. So I bought a 2000's made in UK JCM 2000 DSL. Honestly, it was awful. I tried to like it for a few weeks but it just sounded bad in almost every context. It was bright, thin, and over-gained. Channel 1 had some usable sounds but I couldn't find anything on Channel 2 that sounded even passable. I rolled preamp tubes around (even using medium gain tubes) but nothing worked. All my modded Marshalls and Friedmans sounded much better. Maybe the modern Marshall sound isn't for me. ?‍♂️

Clearly, there are some people in this thread who feel they can get good tones out of them. As for me, I'd strongly advise you to save your time and money.

Listen it's never going to compare to your real amps.

But a 2000 on channel one with a great boost is a completely usable gain sound for gigging.

Obviously it sounds like dogshit compared to my Larry.

But it is quite usable compared to some of the other amps people lavish praise on.
Listen it's never going to compare to your real amps.

But a 2000 on channel one with a great boost is a completely usable gain sound for gigging.

Obviously it sounds like dogshit compared to my Larry.

But it is quite usable compared to some of the other amps people lavish praise on.
This is true .My first tube amp . I can boost and eq it to get some cool tones . But it’s one of my better amps
I had a jcm2000 dsl 100 and it was an awesome amp. Never had any problems with it but I loved my jcm900 dual reverb better
I've had multiple DSL50's, and I honestly never had any issues with performance, problems, etc. It's honestly one of my favorite amps ever. Needed good tubes, and proper bias.. TSL? Different story. Had a 60, and it was awful, as were the footswitches. Went through 2 and gave up, (bought one new, but it was messed up and the footswitch was defective. Got a replacement, and that one's footswitch broke after a couple days, and I hated the amp. Back then when I worked on many other people's amps, the TSL100 was always the most popular broken one. And, I honestly thought they sounded like shit. The DSL was so much more Marshall-esque, and the TSL a hot mess.
I've had multiple DSL50's, and I honestly never had any issues with performance, problems, etc. It's honestly one of my favorite amps ever. Needed good tubes, and proper bias.. TSL? Different story. Had a 60, and it was awful, as were the footswitches. Went through 2 and gave up, (bought one new, but it was messed up and the footswitch was defective. Got a replacement, and that one's footswitch broke after a couple days, and I hated the amp. Back then when I worked on many other people's amps, the TSL100 was always the most popular broken one. And, I honestly thought they sounded like shit. The DSL was so much more Marshall-esque, and the TSL a hot mess.

Same. I had mine in the shop 4 times in 2 years. Traded up for a Bogner Shiva.

From what I’ve heard, the DSL cuts big time. Probably why so many pro’s use them.