Marshall Silver Jubilee reissue

I have the small combo version on order. Looking forward to it. Always love the boosted Jubilee tone. Nice little grab and go setup.
Rezamatix":l4k6d81o said:
I played on at GC. It was just ok. Im sure some tube rolling and biasing expertise would bring it to life. Save your money and buy a used DSL100H and you will have the same shit.

The distortion is entirely solid state, that might be why you felt it was "just ok".

Posted by the guy from Carol Ann amps on the Bonamassa forum:
As you mentioned, the preamp OD in a Jube is most certainly created by a combination LED's and diodes. THere is a network of Two 3mm red LEDS's and 3 1N4007 silicon Diodes arranged to create asymetrical clipping (like in many OD pedals). This network is placed between gain stages 2 and 3 and essentially clips the peaks off the waveform. THere is a small capacitor across the whole network that rounds the edges of the waveform to better emulate tube clipping. THe reason the efffects loop in these amps works so well is because it is placed just after this part of the circuit and is dealing with low level signals as opposed to having to attenuate them first. The rhythm clip circuit is a pair of parallel 1N4007 diodes arranged to symetrically clip the waveform, but at a much lesser degree than the other network. Symetrical clipping leads to more odd order harmonics and gives the OD a more direct cutting tone. Assymetrical has much more even order harmonics which give overdrive much more 'width' and dimension. However too much even and it's lost in the mix, too much odd and it's too directional. Perfect overdrive is the correct balance of both. It's like a recipe.

Here's an interesting point, if you remove the clipping stage from a jubilee (I have done this) it's actually a clean amp with no preamp gain at all. The whole design is focussed around that network and all of it's preamp OD comes from those solid state devices. Still if you have a good one, it is a fantastic sounding and feeling amp.
cujo":fpgvptz9 said:
I bought one. Played it for couple hours. Two different locations. After the first time I played it that time was trapped in my head. Ya know you blow it off n then you get to try it again. I love it. I think my tastes have changed after touring and countless hours in the studio. Tone is different than just sitting in your room. You have to cut live. Some amps just cut better than others. Some Amps record better than others.

Anyway yes gotta hit it with a boost. I tried a whole bunch of them at the stores. The EVH overdrive sounded smoking good with it. The amp has a killer thrash tone to it. We play in D standard and Drop C. I love how the amp just rips like good thrash metal should.

If I want nastier I got a Rivera KR100
I think the Jubilee is the most boost friendly amp I've ever had. Want a darker tone? Bad monkey in front gets you that IMO. 80s? SD1, TS, OD1X..... and it'll take 2 no problem. Articulate and heavy as hell, just a great amp. Without the rhythm clip engaged you can have a usable clean as well.... :rock:
+1 on all the boost comments. Loves the boost and ain't picky about them either. I bumped mine up with a Cusak V2, Maxon 808, Bogner Wessex, Suhr Koko, they all sound great through this amp. One of my favorite things about the Jube is the tone stack. It has the most interactive set of bass, mid and treble knobs I've ever seen on a Marshall. Really helpful when you want to fine tune your boost with the amp. Great sounding cleans. Plug your strat in and hang on the neck pickup for days. Then switch channels, flip to the bridge PU and kick on your boost and you can blow off everyone's eyebrows in front of the stage.
godgrinder":1czi6665 said:
Rezamatix":1czi6665 said:
I played on at GC. It was just ok. Im sure some tube rolling and biasing expertise would bring it to life. Save your money and buy a used DSL100H and you will have the same shit.

The distortion is entirely solid state, that might be why you felt it was "just ok".

Posted by the guy from Carol Ann amps on the Bonamassa forum:
As you mentioned, the preamp OD in a Jube is most certainly created by a combination LED's and diodes. THere is a network of Two 3mm red LEDS's and 3 1N4007 silicon Diodes arranged to create asymetrical clipping (like in many OD pedals). This network is placed between gain stages 2 and 3 and essentially clips the peaks off the waveform. THere is a small capacitor across the whole network that rounds the edges of the waveform to better emulate tube clipping. THe reason the efffects loop in these amps works so well is because it is placed just after this part of the circuit and is dealing with low level signals as opposed to having to attenuate them first. The rhythm clip circuit is a pair of parallel 1N4007 diodes arranged to symetrically clip the waveform, but at a much lesser degree than the other network. Symetrical clipping leads to more odd order harmonics and gives the OD a more direct cutting tone. Assymetrical has much more even order harmonics which give overdrive much more 'width' and dimension. However too much even and it's lost in the mix, too much odd and it's too directional. Perfect overdrive is the correct balance of both. It's like a recipe.

Here's an interesting point, if you remove the clipping stage from a jubilee (I have done this) it's actually a clean amp with no preamp gain at all. The whole design is focussed around that network and all of it's preamp OD comes from those solid state devices. Still if you have a good one, it is a fantastic sounding and feeling amp.
Somehow something gets lost in this way its ' entirely solid state'. Why then do higher gain Chinese 12ax7s affect the tone so much IMO compared to nos mullards that I've tried? If all the distortion comes solely from solid state components, there should be no change in the gain at low volumes. But there is a difference when switching preamp tubes. Its obvious to me. Something doesn't add up. Its got to be a combination of the led and pre tubes... :dunno:
Racerxrated":1p9ufus8 said:
Somehow something gets lost in this way its ' entirely solid state'. Why then do higher gain Chinese 12ax7s affect the tone so much IMO compared to nos mullards that I've tried? If all the distortion comes solely from solid state components, there should be no change in the gain at low volumes. But there is a difference when switching preamp tubes. Its obvious to me. Something doesn't add up. Its got to be a combination of the led and pre tubes... :dunno:

It has clean tube stages pushing the solid state clipping stages. There are several sources saying that removing the LEDs and diodes from the Jubilee leaves you basically no distortion (unlike the 4100 which you could remove the clipping diodes and still have enough gain left with just the tubes). If it sounds good to you that's all it matters, pretty sure most people here would take a 2555 over a 4100.

Let's think about it this way: changing the v1 tube in an all tube high gain amp can change the sound a lot, but in modern high gain amps like Engl there isn't much clipping going on in v1. Even changing the PI tube would change the sound.

MKibanez":1p9ufus8 said:
I would like to hear how sound a Jubiliee with high gain, lead and rythm. Someone have a clip? So many people talk about this amp and there isn't that much clip of it!

godgrinder":22ssswlj said:
Racerxrated":22ssswlj said:
Somehow something gets lost in this way its ' entirely solid state'. Why then do higher gain Chinese 12ax7s affect the tone so much IMO compared to nos mullards that I've tried? If all the distortion comes solely from solid state components, there should be no change in the gain at low volumes. But there is a difference when switching preamp tubes. Its obvious to me. Something doesn't add up. Its got to be a combination of the led and pre tubes... :dunno:

It has clean tube stages pushing the solid state clipping stages. There are several sources saying that removing the LEDs and diodes from the Jubilee leaves you basically no distortion (unlike the 4100 which you could remove the clipping diodes and still have enough gain left with just the tubes). If it sounds good to you that's all it matters, pretty sure most people here would take a 2555 over a 4100.

Let's think about it this way: changing the v1 tube in an all tube high gain amp can change the sound a lot, but in modern high gain amps like Engl there isn't much clipping going on in v1. Even changing the PI tube would change the sound.

MKibanez":22ssswlj said:
I would like to hear how sound a Jubiliee with high gain, lead and rythm. Someone have a clip? So many people talk about this amp and there isn't that much clip of it!

My ear tells me its not just a tonal change, its a clear increase in gain going from nos Mullard 12ax7s to 8th gen Chinese. Very obvious IMO. Personally, I boost everything so I don't care how an amp gets its gain....if it sounds good that's all that matters. :rock:
my bud has an original and I can say I've not been impressed. Weak distortion and no balls, no punch. This even after I gave him a pair of original mullard EL34's for it. It's just Heartbreaker destroys it.
Racerxrated":3h4iliox said:
My ear tells me its not just a tonal change, its a clear increase in gain going from nos Mullard 12ax7s to 8th gen Chinese. Very obvious IMO. Personally, I boost everything so I don't care how an amp gets its gain....if it sounds good that's all that matters. :rock:

Well if the tube has higher output, it would be pushing the LEDs and diodes harder, hence more gain.
I think the newer one sounds better more gain. I don't give a fuck if there's chipmunks inside producing gain. If it sounds good it good. Put it on a stage n crank it the fuck up !!!

Haha get out of your bedrooms guys
Theres a good reason Joe Bonamassa plays a jube live and not a carol anne.... and theres a reason mr carol anne wants to work on the tone snobs insecurities, create doubts, push the "diode narrative" because he knows how it affects the insecurities of the tone snob. You have heard bonamassa, you have heard the amp; now to convince you to forget about what you heard because the "truth" is what is behind the curtain (the pulleys and ropes) not the play going on out front!
cujo":3eupiiwh said:
I think the newer one sounds better more gain. I don't give a fuck if there's chipmunks inside producing gain. If it sounds good it good. Put it on a stage n crank it the fuck up !!!

Haha get out of your bedrooms guys
My feeling as well. I thought that from the first clip I heard of the reissue. Shit, I remember the first combo I had 6 years ago. Local player came up and said "that little Marshall is making that tone?? Wtf is it????" It was a 2554 through a fender v30 cab. Thought it was the best tone he'd ever heard. I'm telling ya, a boost or two and a Jubilee will hang with ANY modded Marshall style amp! :rock:
lespaul6":ldpm5lcd said:
Theres a good reason Joe Bonamassa plays a jube live and not a carol anne.... and theres a reason mr carol anne wants to work on the tone snobs insecurities, create doubts, push the "diode narrative" because he knows how it affects the insecurities of the tone snob. You have heard bonamassa, you have heard the amp; now to convince you to forget about what you heard because the "truth" is what is behind the curtain (the pulleys and ropes) not the play going on out front!

Considering that there are many people here buying $3000+ jose-type amps, a $1900 amp with pure solid state distortion shouldn't be much of an issue anyway. :LOL: :LOL:
godgrinder":1btuls63 said:
lespaul6":1btuls63 said:
Theres a good reason Joe Bonamassa plays a jube live and not a carol anne.... and theres a reason mr carol anne wants to work on the tone snobs insecurities, create doubts, push the "diode narrative" because he knows how it affects the insecurities of the tone snob. You have heard bonamassa, you have heard the amp; now to convince you to forget about what you heard because the "truth" is what is behind the curtain (the pulleys and ropes) not the play going on out front!

Considering that there are many people here buying $3000+ jose-type amps, a $1900 amp with pure solid state distortion shouldn't be much of an issue anyway. :LOL: :LOL:
Dude, seriously. There's no chance, I don't care who says what, that the only gain in the Jube is from LEDs. EL34s create TUBE distortion yes? When pushed? There ya go! :doh:
Racerxrated":3uxn7tye said:
Dude, seriously. There's no chance, I don't care who says what, that the only gain in the Jube is from LEDs. EL34s create TUBE distortion yes? When pushed? There ya go! :doh:

...and here comes the "insecurities". If you like the sound why does it matter to you?

If you smash the front end hard enough with a boost, the supposedly "clean" tube stages would clip as well.

And when you crank a twin reverb it distorts too.

But on the other hand, how often you get to push a 100w power section into overdrive? You probably don't get to do that in most venues nowadays...
Ha ha no insecurities here, I just don't agree with the clean amp only distortion from the LED thing. I get that a lot of the preamp gain is in the LEDs, but the amp has an output master vol and a lead master vol. I always ran the output maxed, and controlled the volume with the lead master. So I always had some power tube distortion as well. If I ran it half/half between both volumes, didn't sound as good to me. So there is also power tube distortion to be had as well. Then of course I boosted it more with a solid state pedal lol...