This is the part of it all I don't quite get.
I've never read anything about their lifelong love for Eltons work before he decided to gush about how much he loves "Nothing Else Matters"
It sounded very disingenuous and a way to try to stay cool and relevant, kinda like Lou Reed did when he latched onto the Metallica coat tails, and Lady Gaga. I like Eltons work for what it is, but his voice is absolutely shit now and he's at the end of his career. He has seemed to have done a lot of collabs in the last few years with the hip new bands conveniently. Bulk up the retirement account and stay on the charts a bit longer.
I don't get why it meant so much that it made Hetfield cry either. I doubt he'd cry if Lemmy or Tommi made a similar statement. Much more influential and relevant figureheads in their style.
Crocodile (rock) tears.
Just all seems a bit fake and forced.