Modeler for practice/gigging

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Additionally, there are some quality profiles available for purchase. The key there is finding something you vibe with and that is in accordance to what/how you play and so forth. Once you find that you have additional options aside from all the free ones that come with it and that are on the rig exchange. The key is finding tones you like and playing them. I see a lot of people getting caught up on having to have a specific amp profiled. If you like X sound on the Kemper, who cares if it is a different amp than you may normally use? If that sound works, use it and be done with it. There are a ton of sounds available and most likely everything you would/could ever want is already on the machine for free. I would explore the Kemper with all it comes with before buying any others. You may be fine and never need to buy more. If you do need to buy more, you will be better able to find what you like.
Good call Brother Rocky.

Yeah, I mentioned only the free stuff 'cause the implication was that, given the extraordinary range and number of freebies, one should never have to pay.

To focus your suggestion I'd add that the free Rig Packs, which you'd know and that I told Paul about, are a fantastic place to start once you've auditioned and backed up the factory set in the machine. Not only are they generally a cut above most user-generated Profiles, but one can get an idea as to which sellers one might be tempted to purchase from in future. That said, many of the Rig Packs cover the various sellers very-well and as I also mentioned to Paul, the Rigs therein are hand-picked by Kemper.
I got a Kemper a few years ago and couldn't send it back fast enough. Out of the box it sounded horrible to me. I'm sure configured it sounds good but not out of the box to me. My FM3 can't sound bad at all.. plus they are always updating it. The FM3 is less money too. The Kemper head is big and ugly.
For high gain ( this is Rig Talk ) do yourself a favour, AxeFx or QC.
IMO QC has slightly better tone for my personal tastes , AxeFx the better effects.
I had and used a kemper with 100s of commercial and personal profiles for nearly a decade..
For high gain ( this is Rig Talk ) do yourself a favour, AxeFx or QC.
IMO QC has slightly better tone for my personal tastes , AxeFx the better effects.
I had and used a kemper with 100s of commercial and personal profiles for nearly a decade..
The Kemper seems to be doing high gain pretty well on this:

The Kemper seems to be doing high gain pretty well on this:

Not saying the kemper is a piece of garbage for high gain, it’s ok. Better choice than anything L6.
Just offering my opinion to the OP - having owned them side by side.
I really enjoy my FM3. It's easy to get even more confused by thinking about it too much. You kind of have to just dive in and remember you don't have to use all of the features and editing tools to get great sounds out of a modeler. Adjust what you would on any amp and just start having fun with that first. List the units in your budget, watch a few videos to edify yourself on workflow, and make an educated guess buying from a retailer with a generous return policy. I have to say that I enjoyed the experience/feel a lot more after I stopped chasing the elusive "amp in the room" tone and aimed for great balanced recorded guitar tone.
wolf is the reason i bought one and ever took them serious, being digital and all. i saw them live 2012 and he had one in his rack. i had no idea what it was, but i had one within a year of that. His tone has always been some of my favorite. His live tone on Staying A Life is bad ass.

You sent me down a rabbit hole with this. I love Hoffman's tone and it is great on this newest album. Your post made me research it and I found out he used the Kemper for every guitar track on that album. It sounds monster on there. Not monster for a modeler but monster, period.
Probably worth mentioning that the guy in the video in post #23 was wrong about the gain captured.

The Kemper actually measures input gain from zero up to and including the current setting on the amp being Profiled.

IOW, anything including and below that level behaves the way the amp would, but cranking the gain knob on the Kemper beyond that point forces it to extrapolate what it might sound like; it has no way of knowing.
Additionally, the new updates on the Kemper catapult it even higher in my opinion. I still find it to be superior to everything else in is class.
This was with a Kemper. The best I could come up with amidst many bad compressed profiles purchased and it was still not amazing

This is live with my FM 9 in the mox no one knew -but me.

And again live with the FM9 last sat pm

If Metallica and Def leppard are using Fractal what does that tell you? All I know is I am looking forward to using my 3P Kitchen sink tube head and a 4x12 this weekend!!
If Metallica and Def leppard are using Fractal what does that tell you?
It tells me two bands are trying to save on touring costs. Neither band has sounded worth a shit for a long time. Maybe said company got to them first? Maybe their tech knows the product better? If I had to pick off of this thread alone I would take the Accept sound all day but that is just my opinion. For every band using one thing, another band is using another and probably just as happy. There could be all kinds of business reasons why artists use certain products so I don't put too much stock on what artist uses what. We all know that game is and has been played since the beginning of time.
It tells me two bands are trying to save on touring costs. Neither band has sounded worth a shit for a long time. Maybe said company got to them first? Maybe their tech knows the product better? If I had to pick off of this thread alone I would take the Accept sound all day but that is just my opinion. For every band using one thing, another band is using another and probably just as happy. There could be all kinds of business reasons why artists use certain products so I don't put too much stock on what artist uses what. We all know that game is and has been played since the beginning of time.
Could be or they are better?? They have $$ beyond our comprehension so they can use what ever they want. Ultimately use what works for you and the masses will never know. Us tone cork sniffers will scoff and say. 'thats so thin and compressed'.....:ROFLMAO:

Having said that you can do a High pass filter to take the top end shrill aspect that can be present with a modelor. Not too much tho -trade secret!
The Kemper seems to be doing high gain pretty well on this:

How it sounds post production is not the same as in the room, don't be fooled. Kind of like the JCM 800's in 80's you heard on the records had a lot of post production EQ ing to make them sound like the finished product. Easy to forget, just saying :cheers:
I've owned a Kemper, hx stomps, and most recently a QC. I love the QC for the amp tones. I don't need a ton of effects so that was never an issue. It was just an easy tool to have with my computer or through a power amp. The thing I like about the Kemper is that thing has had a hell of a shelf life. If the QC follows the Kemper product model I would get another one without hesitation. My issue with Fractal is you can buy the latest and greatest of the product line and it will be replaced in a year with a newer latest greatest version.
I've owned a Kemper, hx stomps, and most recently a QC. I love the QC for the amp tones. I don't need a ton of effects so that was never an issue. It was just an easy tool to have with my computer or through a power amp. The thing I like about the Kemper is that thing has had a hell of a shelf life. If the QC follows the Kemper product model I would get another one without hesitation. My issue with Fractal is you can buy the latest and greatest of the product line and it will be replaced in a year with a newer latest greatest version.
Any live tone clips?
How it sounds post production is not the same as in the room, don't be fooled. Kind of like the JCM 800's in 80's you heard on the records had a lot of post production EQ ing to make them sound like the finished product. Easy to forget, just saying :cheers:

Of course. What I am linking to is an album using all Kempers for every guitar part that to my ear sounds better than any album using all Fractals I have ever heard. Also, Wolf Hoffman is a guy that was kind of known for monster tones much of his career and for him to be a full on convert in studio and live says a lot to me.

Me on the other hand have had my friends FM3 in my home studio and it was good but I didn't reach for my credit card. I have also sold 4 Kempers, 4 different times because I just could not get them to sound in your face no matter what I did. Then I find out that Accept album is all Kempers and I know the "problem" with my 4 different Kempers was me.